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Ben's POV
"Benny! Are you ready to go?"
She knows I don't like that name.

"One second, Mom!" I reply. I stare at the empty room that was mine just last month and sigh.

Moving is never an easy thing. At least that's what I hear. I've never moved before. Born and raised here in Austin, Texas! Now, starting next week, I will be going to Dreher High. In. South. Carolina. I'm leaving all of my friends, my theater company, and most importantly, Devan.

Devan is my older brother. He's staying down here because of college. Sure, I'll see him on holidays and maybe a weekend every two months, but it won't be the same. Devan is my best friend. As the broadway obsessed theater boy, I wasn't necessarily popular. I was constantly called a "loser" oh and "gay" was a common one.

My point is, Devan was always there. He never called me those things. He was always the one sitting in the front row at my performances.

Oh where are my manners? My name is Benjamin Johnson but I go by "Ben" or "Benji." I'm 17 years old, and a senior in high school. My parent's just sold my childhood home because my dad's job is moving to South Carolina. Therefore, so are we. So that's me, nice to meet you!

"Benji, come on son!" Says Dad, a bit louder than Mom.

"Coming!" I walk out and close my door. Or at least what used to be my door.

"We can't miss our flight, hon!" She says putting on her coat.

"The moving van along with our cars are already at the house" Dad states reading off of a text message.

I grab my jacket and start looking around frantically.

"Hon, Devan is meeting us at the airport. We wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to him." I let out a relieved sigh.

It's crazy how she knows.

My mom and dad get into the car as I turn around to look at the house one last time. I smile thinking of all of the memories that come to mind and walk to the car.

Once we're all settled in, we head out.

"South Carolina, here we come!" My mom says, pumping her fists in the air. Dad chuckles at her comment while trying to fix the gps and drive at the same time.

I'm just sitting, looking through photos on my phone. Hey, don't judge me! I might be dramatic, but on the stage, that's a plus.

All of a sudden, I feel eyes on me.

I look up to see my dad looking at me through the rear view mirror. "It'll be alright son, you'll make new friends and new memories."

I give him a polite smile and he turns his attention back to the road.

"Yeah, and I heard there's an amazing MT company in Columbia!" Mom adds. 

"Thanks guys. I'm sure it'll be it'll be great!" I smile at them and look back down.

Just great.

45 minutes later and we make it to the airport and sure enough, there's Devan standing there.

He sees us and walks towards us.

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