Chapter 3

8 2 1

(Sorry for this one.)

A brief knock sounded at the door as it swung open by itself.

“Sapdaddy’s here!” The two other boys groaned in unison as Sapnap strode inside and shut the door behind him.

“Noo not this shit again.” The couple rolled their eyes as Sapnap embraced them in a hug.

“Oh shut up, you guys love me.”

“Whatever let’s just go,” Dream chuckled. “Gogy said he’ll be our designated driver.” (I FORGOT GEORGE CAN'T DRIVE BUT HE CAN IN THIS FANFIC) Dream dragged out the last word as he wiggled his eyebrows. They grabbed their things and headed out the door, hopping in George’s car. As they drove to the club they were blasting music. Sapnap started to join in, singing along. The other boys grinned ear to ear as they heard the lyrics.

I wanna see some ass! 
I wanna see some-

Dream had joined in and soon George did too. 

“Let’s go! We’re popping off!” George said as the music faded out into another song. They all shared a laugh as the club came into view. “Ok so when should I come get you guys?”

“Uhh it’s 8 now so maybe at like 10:30?” Dream said, looking to Sapnap to make sure this was a good time. Sapnap nodded.

“Ok sounds good. I’ll wait for you outside but if you don’t come out i will come in and drag you guys to the car.”

“Psht ok mom,” Sapnap said, causing Dream to giggle. George pulled up to the entrance of the club and stopped.

“Ok now get out of my car.” Dream looked out the window of the car at the colorful lights coming from the entrance. The night was cloudy and dark as storm clouds floated over the city. It looked like it was going to rain later.

“Bye! Thanks for driving. Love you!” Dream pulled George into a small kiss before opening the door.

“Ewww,” Sapnap mocked, though a smile played on his face. “Jk you guys are cute hehe.” They rolled his eyes as Sapnap hopped out and bounced over to the entrance, pulling out his ID. Dream waved bye to George as he followed Sap into the club. He sighed, watching his friend immediately beeline for the bar. Tonight was gonna be a long night. 


Six shots in each and Sapnap and Dream were fairly tipsy. Dream hit Sapnap on the arm as he motioned to a pretty girl staring at him from across the bar.

“Talk to her Sappy she’s been staring at you foreverrr!”

“Omg should i?” The boys giggled as Sapnap slumped out of his seat and steadied himself before making his way over to her. She smiled as Sapnap sat next to her and bought her a drink. They started off a steady conversation as Dream turned his attention back to the bartender, ordering a long island iced tea and taking it to the dance floor. 

The drink sounds innocent enough, but Dream was already drunk and long islands are just a mix of alcohols that go down like butter. One of those has at least three shots of alcohol in them, enough to cause Dream to get utterly fucked up on. Rain just barely started to hit the windows of the club, and Dream was already in his own storm.

He stumbled his way along in the middle of the dance floor, moving along with the other drunks of the club. He got tripped up by his own feet, stumbling into a large man behind him.

“Oh shit in sorry man.” Dream’s words slurred as he spoke. The man he bumped into was much larger than Dream and looked very threatening. His expression turned from anger to concern as he saw the wrecked man in front of him. 

He’s hot. Dream mentally slapped himself. You have a fucking boyfriend pull your shit together Dream, he told himself. Just as the man was about to speak, Dream turned back around and slipped into the crowd. It was 10:00 now. He downed the rest of his long island as he sat at a small table to the side of the room. What the fuck is wrong with me?  

Dream scoured the table for anything, his gaze falling on a single flower on the table. It was a chrysanthemum. A gorgeous bright yellow color, turned into a pale tan hue from the club lighting. Dream liked it. He reached his hand out to grab it, his hand completely missing it by a few inches due to his lack of normal perception. A large hand reached around Dream and grabbed the flower.

“Hey! That’s mine,” he pouted. The man chuckled and handed Dream the flower. It was the same man that Dream had bumped into. Dream huffed as the man sat in the seat across from him at the little table. 

“Geez,” the man laughed, “Who died?”

“What?” Dream was obviously confused.

“Chrysanthemum.” The man stated it like it was something incredibly obvious. Dream was still undeniably confused. The mystery man chuckled at his expression. “These flowers are like the funeral flowers, or flowers that represent bad shit, if that makes any sense.” He laughed again. This made a smile wash over Dream’s face. The man’s laugh was infectious.

“Hm. And your name was…?” Dream inquired.

“John. And you?” 

“Dream.” He yawned as he slid further into his seat. He was so far gone he could barely think straight. 

“So Dream, what are you doing at the club alone?”

“I’m actually with a friend but he’s with a girl,” Dream dragged out his words as his eyebrows wiggled, causing John to laugh. 

“And why isn’t a hot guy like you with a girl? I mean there’s at least three that keep shooting you glances.” Dream felt his face flush red as he laughed. Ooo he thinks I’m hot?

“I don’t swing that way.” Dream giggled. He didn’t notice the man’s eyebrows slide together as he smirked. 

“You know, I kinda figured.” John scooted his chair closer to Dream. “You kinda have that vibe.” He reached out his hand and caressed the side of Dream’s face. Dream flinched at the contact and stood up. 

“I’m gonna go check on my friend.” Dream stumbled away and found Sapnap, who was making out with the girl from earlier. Dream smiled. He decided to go to the bathroom. He bumped into countless people on his way to the bathroom, shoving open the door and going into the stall, locking it. He closed the lid and sat down to slow his breathing. He was overwhelmed with the loud music and the dizziness he was experiencing. He heard the main bathroom door creak open and shut as someone else entered. Dream got up and opened his stall. He came face to face with no one other than John, of course.

“So what? Are you just going to stalk me now?” Dream shoved past him to the sink, where he turned back around to face the other man. He looked up and realized that John was tall. And I mean tall. Dream was about 6’3 and this man towered over him like nobody’s business. He had to be easily 6’6 or 6’7, but who knows. Dream was too fucked up to tell.

“Maybe I am.” John replied. The two were standing oddly close, Dream backed into the sink counter. Before he could throw out a snarky response, lips were on his. He was confused but way too drunk to process what was happening fully. That’s when he heard voices approaching the bathroom. John’s lips were still moving on his, his hands on Dream’s face. John didn’t hear the voices Dream did. They sounded awfully familiar. They got closer. Louder. Dream moved his hand down to his jacket pocket where he felt the crushed chrysanthemum he hastily shoved there earlier. Represents bad shit. Bad shit. Bad shit. It repeated in his head as the door to the bathroom opened to reveal two laughing men. John didn’t care. The men’s laughs stopped very suddenly. Dream knew who it was already. He wasn’t strong enough to push John off of him. It was too late. He fucked up. Bad. 

Their lips finally disconnected and Dream slowly turned his head to the door. Everything moved in slow motion. A single tear rolled down his face. He couldn’t hear the blaring music anymore. His vision blurred. George stood in the open doorway, Sapnap a pace behind him. George’s mouth was open slightly as tears rolled down his cheeks, the look of shock and betrayal never leaving. He tried to speak, his words barely able to be heard.


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