It's me, (Name). I just wanted to see how you guys are, I'm writing this after my first day. it's wow. It's big and beautiful but it's not home. I met a boy too, he took me in like some stray, but I'm grateful for not having to be alone. Even if he is a prick. He took my scarf guys. . . like an admission to his group. And guess what his name was? Draco Malfoy! Yeah, yeah, you guys get a good laugh at that. . . Hey, in these letters, when I speak of him I'm just going to call him Dragon Boy. K? 

     I really miss you guys, a lot. I want to be back at home doing all that stupid crap we always plan the year before, like the 'glasses' prank we wanted to pull on Professor James? But we weren't going to have him till' third year? I hope you guys pulled through with that, old guy's as blind as a bat without those specks. I wish I could've seen his face. . . 
Just take care for me,alright? I can't wait to see you guys this summer. We can make this friendship work right?

Love you guys,
(Name) (L.Name)


    You scribbled down just whatever you felt like they needed to know. You didn't tell them about Potter, Eve or Pansy. Anything else that wasn't important, like the dream, you just wanted to forget that retched thing was conjured up by your stressed mind and move on with your life. You folded up the paper and slipped it into a yellowing envelope, sealing it shut with your saliva. Flipping the envelope on it's back again, you penned both of your friend's name's on to the front and stood up. Now all you needed was an owl, psh, you were the only one without a

    The door knob turned at that exact moment, to which Eve entered. "Hey!" She said, waving her hand at you. "You're a quick one. Don't like people?" She asked in that joking tone, but you could tell she wanted to know why you confided yourself in the room so early.

    "Eve, can I ask a favor?" You ignored her question and waited for her reply,

    "Sure, Shoot," She called as she plopped down on her bed, making two fake 'guns' out of her fingers. 

    "Can I borrow your owl? I kind've need to send this," You sat beside her and showed her the envelope.    
    "A letter to your folks?" She sprung up at that, eyes flitting over the flimsy paper waving in your hand.

    "My best friends actually,"

    "Oh, the ones with goofy grins on their faces?" She nosily pointed out, her head jerking towards the picture frames on your side of the room. 
    "Yes, those idiots," You grinned despite how what you said could have been taken the wrong way, 

    "Sure you can," Eve simply told you, hopping up and going to the window, where she proceeded to call her bird. Which apparently she had named Pyoter. You both waited a bit before a pitch black streak crossed your vision and before you knew it there was a weight on your shoulder, which apparently was a big owl. It's head was turned so it stared directly at you, big saucer sized golden eyes staring you down.

    "There ya' go, be a good boy now, Pyo,"

    "What's with the name?" Your eyes squinted to 

    "My sister's Romanian, that's actually her bird. Tis' why I don't have a cage,"

    "Oh, must be nice, having a sibling," You muttered absentmindedly, hesitantly starting to stroke the greasy feather's attached to the bird sinking its talons into your shoulder.

    "Not really, she's a pain in my arse," Eve chuckled, "You wouldn't understand how it works. You're a special one,"

    "Am not!" You spat at her, trying to rotate to face to show the contortion of anger she had put on it, but the bird refused to let you look in the direction of it's half master. You didn't want to be a special one, being the 'special one' usually meant something bad in one aspect or another.

    "No- I didn't mean it like that- I just meant that you're an only kiddo. So you're not competing with anyone for affection or whatever. A lot of purebloods don't have any siblings, cause' of- well you know,"

    "Psh, whatever," You grumbled, giving up on winning the small argument. With heavy steps you made it over to the window where Pyoter hopped off willingly and looked at the letter in your hand and then back up at you,

    "Can you take this to Waverly, dorm room 52, delivering it to Robyn, Okay?" You commanded softly holding the letter out towards the fowl, who took the letter in its talons. You could have sworn it gave a little wink before hopping out into the open window and gliding away, flapping occasionally. You stood at the window, watching the bird melt into the scenery.

    "Darn thing was molting," Eve complained as you pulled the window shut with a soft bang. You saw her on her knees picking up the quill-like feathers from the ground.

    "Could I have one?"

    "Why do you want one?" Eve asked in reply, carefully picking one-off of your head and holding it out to you.

    "I just- sometimes- collect these things," You shrugged plucking it from your hand and waltzing over to your bed, but not before glancing at the clock hanging above the door frame. "It's late again. . . should probably sleep," You said twirling the feather about by its base. 

    "Sure, Sure, I hope you hear from your friends. It's hard- getting used to this place, ini'it?" 

    "I guess it's just all so- new. I can't wrap my head around it," You were already snuggled beneath the covers with the sweater pulled out slightly from its hiding place beneath your pillow.

    "All I wanted to know. Night," Eve yawned as you heard her blow out the candle. 

    The week continued on and was gone before you had seconds to think about it in-depth, but you really were starting to fit in. You decided you didn't hate Draco as you thought you might grow to do since the events of the first day, he actually was abit- mellower- if you learned a thing or two about his moods but you had to admit you still didn't know a lot about him. You daresay it was less of a partnership now and more of a friendship. Draco and that Harry kid got into a spat where you just so happened to be able to back up the hot-headed blonde's- theory was it? He also complained to you about some show offMuggleborn known as Hermione Granger in potions class, and nearly made you drop a cauldron on the floor. Thank Merlin you didn't, you really weren't sure what the dark imposing teacher, Snape, would have done to you then. You also asked Eve ten times a day if her bird had come back yet, and she normally said no or 'You're not that lonely, are ya' (Name)?'. The nightmare from Monday night also hadn't shown its ugly face, so you were grateful for that, you really didn't think it meant anything other than just jitters.

    At least the Nightmares hadn't come back until Wednesday night two weeks after the second week, you hadn't even expected it, you'd gone without it for so long. More than willingly hopping into bed after classes and burrowing beneath the sheets, you didn't even take the time to drag the comfort object from where you stashed it. 

    You were standing in a foggy field, little tufts of emerald grass sprouting up at random intervals, otherwise there was just thick brown dirt beneath your sneaker clad feet. Looking up and down, and then turning around you realized you were wearing the same clothes you had to your father's graveyard, the ones you stashed behind the box of his old books in the back of your closet back home. You swore to only wear then you came here. . . but what was this? You were holding a black rose in between your intertwined fingers, the beautiful flower brought to your chest as you would do with a toy when you were younger. This had to be a dream again,

    You did another spin in the middle of this nothingness with the flower still clutched to your chest but to your surprise you found that a gravestone had appeared in front of you. With a hesitant gulp you stepped forward and read the words engraved on to the slab of cobalt stone. When you saw the words your mind felt compelled to read them out loud before you could fully understand them,

    "Here li-s, Charles Phillip (L.Name). A l-ving husba- and great father to (Name) (L.Name). He shall be missed by a- who knew him," Some of the words, or at least part of them looked to be clawed into just a bunch of strikes. You took several deep breaths to calm them as you turned around and went to walk away into the eerie void that was this endless fog. Before you could however you heard the ground shake and when you tried to break into a sprint, soggy- almost wooden feeling- fingers wrapped around your ankle and cause you to fall flat on your face. When you twisted around to see what had tripped you, finding the demon tree woman from your earlier nightmare crawling out of the grave, her claws slicing through the thickly packed dirt trying to get out of the shallow ditch. It hadn't started screaming yet but you had, already turning back towards the front and trying to scrabble out of the hold it had while you still could. Your foot accidentally smashed right into where you assumed its nose would go, but it did release you. At the same time it started screeching as both of its monstrous hands flew to its face. You stood up and started to run, but your eyes did catch the rose on the ground, shriveled and dead. 

    You charged into the thick gray almost whipping cream consistency puffs of water vapor, until you were utterly lost and couldn't see two inches in front of your face.

    "Help?" You meekly called out only to feel your throat constrict as you felt something sticky and wet fill your lungs. Then the scent of blood and the metallic taste hit you like a bus, and your eyes could only see blurry red plumes of color through the tears building up. Your hands flew to your throat just as everything went black.

    You jolted up from the dream, both hands constricting around your throat and the smell of blood still clinging to you as you panted like a dog. Looking around you saw that the room had not changed but Eve was getting up at the moment, slipping her uniform over her head.

    "Morning," she grumbled hearing your labored breathing and just assuming it was because you had awoke. 

    "Ahuh!" You wheezed in reply, rubbing your hands on your face as you bolted into the bathroom, throwing freezing water on your face and rinsing out your mouth thrice. After you finished your small panic attack you got dressed as usual, taming your wild bed head before grabbing your bag of divination supplies and slinging it over your shoulder while following Eve out.

    After breakfast you joined Draco and Blaise on the way to Trelawney's classroom, since Thursday's schedule called for it to be first period . Once arriving the four of you joined a lonesome Crabbe in the back of the room, upon your ask. He seemed happy that you three were there. Your eyes flitted over the sphere presented on a pedestal right in front of you, Divination felt like an odd class to you, telling the future and predicting one's past. It felt like you were tampering

    The teacher came stumbling in from behind a long tapestry like drape moments later, her dark green eyes, magnified several sizes by the thick rimmed glasses she wore, darted around the room.

    "Who?" She chirped like an owl, stumbling around until she reached the middle of the room. You and Eve cocked your heads simultaneously, giggling slightly at your stupidity moments after. 

    "You there! New girl! (Name)!" She cried, throwing her hands into the air and running towards you. "(Name), come with me," She said, grabbing your shoulder and then transferring her smooth hand to your wrist when she yanked you up and finally behind the curtain into the darker space that she used her personal crystal ball.

    "Sit and look with me," She ordered, already seated and looking at the reflective surface. You said nothing but pulled the empty chair out and sat there for the strange professor. 

    "Put your hands on the table, flat," she took your smaller hands in her palms and placed them face down on the table. Before gazing into the nothingness again, this went on for several minutes before she gasped, covering her gaping mouth with a hand. You stared as well, but only saw the curls of whiteness forming within the clear glass.

    "Oh. . . oh . . ." She declared in a hoarse whisper, slightly muffled before her eyes focused on your own which had squinted moments earlier in hopes of viewing whatever it was she was seeing.

    "(Name), I am so sorry," She said, brushing her fingers over your cheek, you still weren't sure what she was talking about, "You- something is amiss with your pattern of events, a fuzzy figure obstructed it. . ." 

    "What's wrong?" You whispered, your eyes widening in fear. Even if the rumors around the school were saying that this teacher was a loony bucket of hogwash, you still couldn't help but believer her when she said something was wrong with you.
    "I can't see exactly- but I know that- It wasn't natural!" the professor was still stroking your cheek, her head lolling to the side a bit as if she were day dreaming. In all honestly it was starting to scare you to some degree,

    "What are you talking about?" You said just as the noise from outside the curtains started to dawn on you,

    "Oh. . . would you look at that, class has been started for some time," completely ignoring you, she stood up and walked out and into the light. You sighed, rubbing your eyes slightly before getting up yourself and rejoining the class. Who were all staring at you with wide eyes. Draco tapped your shoulder while Trelawney gave her daily introduction, and whispered in your ear,

    "What was that about?"

    "She was saying nonsense. . ."

    "Guess I could expect as much," Draco shrugged and leaned back in his chair, paying attention to the lesson which wasn't anything special.

    The rest of your classes went simply, with little to no screwy things happening, but you couldn't help but wonder whatTrelawney meant by 'It wasn't natural,'. Defense Against the Dark Arts class came around soon enough where you and the rest of the students were ushered into a larger room with a closet in the middle,

    "What's in there?" You whispered to Draco as the entire class was squished into a crowd, with a considerable amount of distance between the class and the cabinet.

    "Don't know, but we'll find out," Was his only reply as the Professor started to explain what they would be doing,

    "Today, class, we will be facing the Boggart, now who can tell me what that is? We've learned about it recently?" Some hands shot up in the air, particularly Hermione's, which caused you to sneer. Not because she was a muggle born student but because she was a huge show-off, who always thought she was right. To be fair, she normally was, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow when she played the martialed card. 

    "Yes, Hermione,"

    "A boggart is a non-being that takes the form of the viewer's worst fear," She stated in that familiar matter of fact tone. 

    "Very good, and how do we expel the boggart?" His chocolate-brown eyes skimmed over the crowd, catching Draco's hand he pointed his finger towards the boy to your right, "Yes, Draco,"

    "Riddikulus, it turns it into something funny,"

    "Good, Good," Lupis coughed into his elbow, "And now, who shall be the first to face their fear?" clapping his hands together he watched the hands go down one by one. 

    "Oh come on now," the professor mumbled angrily, before your hand shot up in the air. 

    "Ah! (Name)! Let's give a round of applause to this brave little solider," The room was filled with some applause and the mocking sound of half hearted echos. You just shrugged away the unease of your decision weaving your way to the front of the group and standing in the empty area, giving your entire attention to the cabinet.

    "Hardly, sir, I just want to get this over with," You smiled a bit, holding your wand in your dominant hand and preparing yourself. You knew what it was going to be, your mother of course. You'd always been slightly afraid of her authority, but not it was just ten times worse. She was really loud and said some horrible things when she was angry, and truth be told she scared you sometimes. Her eyes just got this look of murder in them . . .

    "Alright, (Name), ready?"

    "As I'll ever be," taking a deep breath to calm your beating heart, all you had to do was say the charm, it couldn't be that bad. It wasn't the real deal anyways, so it wasn't anything to be afraid of.

    The teacher nodded unlocking the doors and opening the it, light flickered across your face because of the mirror slabs on the front. The doors creaked open until it showed the dark interior of the enclosure, nothing else could be seen. 

    Not for long though, a thick red ink started to drip out of the container and pool on the floor in a big messy red mess. You felt yourself stiffen and people gasp, you weren't sure why they were gasping now the worst was yet to come. This wasn't your mother. . . it was that beast from your dreams. The blood splatter shook, ripples forming in the crimson red liquid as a wooden hand materialized out of the depths of the crimson colored water, seemingly unstained. Soon it crawled its way out of the pits of hell while you just stood there watching it in horror and awe, you were pretty sure the color had completely dripped from your face as the tree creäture stood at full height in the disgusting gore. 

    If you would have been able to turn to your left you would have seen a very surprised look on the professors face, and even more so on the students behind you.

    It's eyeless sockets pin pointed on your figure, standing stiffly in front of it. It let out a terrible screech, like those of a mandrake and charged for you with its skinny, twig like, appendages reaching out to grab you.

    "Riddikulus!" You screeched with it, pointing your wand out, squeezing your eyes shut and waiting to be tackled to the ground and torn to shreds by the beast. When no such thing happened you peaked open on eye to see that the tree witch had withered away into a pile of sticks, with a little daisy growing out of it. Why? You would never ask why, it didn't matter. All that mattered was to get your breathing under control and not breaking down into tears, you felt so frazzled now and you didn't know why. 

    You heard the teacher clear his throat, "W-w-ell that was certainly a unique fear, but very good anyways," All the cheeriness from his voice had drained to a rather interesting level of confusion and fear, oops. You nodded slowly trying to force your legs to start back tracking into the crowd, but instead they did nothing, like you were shock still. You were getting ready for him to bark at you when you felt a gentle touch grab your shoulders and pull you back while the next person, a clumsy Gryffindor by the name of Neville, stepped up to take your place. Whoever it was brought you back to reality for sure, you blinked several times. 

    'That just happened didn't it?' You thought to yourself as someone led you backwards through the crowd. Not until you were safely concealed by several black robes did you realize it was Draco who about drug you away from the closet. When you went to say something like an apology, he put a thin finger to your lips.

    "Shut up," He grumbled under his breath, removing it only when he thought you'd be quiet. You just stared at him wide eyed, even more so when he smoothly wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Nobody else saw his smooth move because they were too interested in Snape wearing a dress, but then again, who wouldn't be interested in that? 

    You raised your eyebrow at the boy, surprised. Of course not nearly as surprised as when that demon crawled out of that blood spill, but you could say that nothing so far in your life has terrified you as much. 

    "Oh shut up (L.Name), you're shaking like a leaf in the storm, what did you expect from me?" He hissed, trying to be asdiscrete as possible about this little show of affection. Come on though, you were the first friend he'd ever made and kept despite his family's rank. This was how everyone acted when their friend had been scared out of their wits, right?

    'A lot of things but hugging isn't- or wasn't one of them,' you thought turning your head away and just letting it be, he was right, you body was betraying your inner mind workings.

    The class ended after what seemed like eternity, leaving you to grab your stuff and run from the classroom. You waited for Draco at the nearest corner, Pansy hanging over his arm while he smirked, like he was pleased with the accomplishment of getting a popular girl to drool over him. You were pretty sure if you waved a bone in front of her she'd chase it. . . that would be a good prank now that you thought about it. Charm or poison Pansy to think she was a dog and make her fetch a stick or something in front of everyone.

    "(Name)!" She screeched, tackle hugging you. "I heard your boggart scared the living daylights out of you! What was it anyways?" She squealed at you, pulling away from the hug and smiling sweetly at her. You glared at Draco, thinking he was the one who told her.

    "Something I would rather pretend didn't exist in any realm," You calmly stated, having already calmed down. You weren't sure if it was just because you knew you had someone to lean of if you needed it or if it was just natural to feel at ease as far away from that demon as possible. 

    "Ah, I see," She let go of your shoulders and continued to smile, "I've got to get to class," Pansy proclaimed, waddling over to Draco and pecking him on the cheek before she joined a group of her friends and headed off in the opposite direction.
    "What are ya' glaring at me for?" Draco glowered back at you, "It was me who comforted you in your time of need wasn't it?"

    "Yeah, but you also told Pansy. I really /didn't/ need her and everyone else to know I'm afraid of a tree," You complained, crossing your arms over your chest but you fell in step beside him like it was natural.

    "I didn't tell her, one of her friends did and besides they would've found out eventually. What're you afraid of?"

    "Hasn't it been made clear -"

    "No not that, I mean- with people?" He corrected with a harsh voice but if you would have paid attention to his eyes you would have seen them soften a bit.

    "Let's just go to class, Draco," You said, internally wincing when you realized you'd just blurted out your insecurities for the entire world to hear, but most of all Draco knew now. He was a smart kid, he'd figure it out. You heard him grunt with disapproval of dropping the subject but never the less he did, following you outside and towards Hagrid's classroom.

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