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Topic: Sabrina Tonkin





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Sabrina p.o.v

"Babe, why don't we move to the bedroom?" Clay said standing by the edge of the couch.

"But love, they are cuddling," I pouted. I laid across the couch with Patches on my stomach and Boob laying his head on her stomach. "I. can't. move" Then I began to scratch my newest baby head.

"I knew this was going to happen," He said then we talked over and picked up Patches who hiss slightly and rest her on the ground. Lastly, he came me started to pull me off the couch by my legs. "I didn't even get a kiss. You went straight for the puppy".

"Aw my lover," I teased get up by myself and started making grabby hands at him, puckering my lips. " Come lemme kiss the baby". He laughed and swatted at my arms as I came near him.

"Stopp, I don't want it anymore" He began to move away from me trying to make the distance between us larger.

"Noo, come get you kisses," and with that, I began to chase him around the living room. Trying to make a quick escape, Clay made a dash for the stairs and I was right on his tail.

" Come to me babe," I made my voice deeper, and he began his Febreze spray laugh.

"Getaway," He shouted entering our bedroom. Taking a leap of faith, I waited until he was in front of the bed before launching myself at him, and with a shriek, we both landed on the bed, me on top of him laughing.

Clay cackling.

Slowly our laughs faded, and it was silence. Resting my hands to his side, I had my head on his chest, I listened to his rapid heartbeat. He cuddled me closer and buried his face in my neck.

"I miss this," Clay muttered.

"I miss you too,"

Clay carried his gaze to the ceiling fan and let out a sigh. " Last week when I had invited Nick down and he found one of your shirts. I had to tell him it was my sisters'."

"How did that happen? Don't you use the Airbnb near your parents' house?"

" I did but I missed and slipped your shirt in my bag," He groaned turning to his head, looking at me. His arms behind his head.

Groaning, I rolled off Clay and laid beside him, copying with him by looking at the fan.

"He made jokes that whole week about how of course it was my sisters and how he isn't expected anything else" he rolled his eyes.

Silence surrounded us once more and I focused on the noise outside. Two years ago, we decided to invest in this five-bedroom, four-bathroom house in this exclusive private community that only the rich, and famous live. 

The main reason we decided on this, is because this community is filled with celebs and whoever you are seen with and everything you do in the neighborhood could not be disclosed to the public. Like how I saw Betty Price, a retired supermodel, cheating on her husband with her next-door neighbor, Sam, a producer, or Chris Cratt, an American actor, who throws swinger parties every month. If anyone were to breach this agreement, they would be removed and blacklisted.

"I saw your friends spamming my insta on the flight." 

Clay sighed and rolled his eyes. " I tried telling them to fuck off but Nick commented, and then he dares me to do the same and the community blew up."

"I want to meet them. They keep your identity a secret, what one more?"

Clay was quiet for a moment before answering, " I don't want it to seem as though I don't trust them. I just can not trust that they won't mistakenly blunt it out on the stream or anywhere else." I looked at him for a moment.

"That can't be all you are worried about," I realized noticing that he holding back.

He smiled, "Youn know me so well,"


"Fineeee. It's obvious that we are complete opposites. You're every boy and some girl's dream girl. Rich and Famous. Whereas, I am a Minecraft Youtuber that just happens to make it to the level I am at. If people find out we are together,  the hate I already receive would turn ridiculous."

"Babe, listen to me and listen to me good. Before you, I only had my sisters and Joey. I use to work, sleep and work again. My childhood was complete trash and I had people shitting on me 24/7. With you, I still have all those thing-"

" Is this suppose to make me feel better?"

"Shhh," I put a finger to his lips. "Let me finish." 

 Clay playfully rolled his eyes before nodding his head.

"Thank you," I removed my finger and lightly grabbed his chin to make sure he was looking me in my eye. " With you, I am finally able to live and be myself. I don't hide from you and I don't want to. You are my safe place, love, and no preteen is going to change that cause Joey isn't afraid to kick ass." 

Clay let out a wheeze before removing my hand and placing a kiss in my palm.

"I love you, Babe"

I love you too,"


vOtE aNd CoMmEnT tO bLiNk

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