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{Chapter Four: Dear King} 

Dear King Philza of the Sleeping Kingdom,

I wish to Invite you and one of your sons to a conference I shall be held in a week. Your son has informed me of some of the troubles your kingdom has gone through. We are willing to help with something in return. We shall discuss that on the date of. 

Come through your town's portal in weeks' time and hand the guards this letter. They will then safely transport you and your son.

Signed Azura of Central Nether


"Yes, Phil?" The boy pecked out behind Wilbur.

"What did you tell them." He glared down at the boy. The others shifted looking at him.

"That we were having troubles." He avoided eye contact.

"Techno prepare for the Nether. You and I shall be heading there in weeks' time. They are holding a conference." He turned around looking at his son.

"Huh?" His face morphed into a confused look.

"Wilbur you will be in charge when we depart." He turned facing him again. "We will talk more about this later." He sighed walking over to him and Tommy. "Come here you little shit." He pulled Tommy into a huge but letting go right away. "Why are you wet?

"She ate me." He mumbled. Raising an eyebrow he looks at Tubbo.

"She's the one that ate Tommy I swear."

~~In the Nether~~

"I have invited King Philza to our next meeting." Azura sat in the middle of the table hands folded looking around it.

Bones were slammed on the table and eyes went to Peros. Standing up they looked upset. "What were you thinking! His sons just attacked the Kingdom and your inviting back?" their bones rattled out of anger waiting for an answer. Azura sighed waiting for them to sit down. When the skeleton sat Azura started.

"We got some information out of the Prince, and I think it would be beneficial if we made an arrangement with them. Yn has mentioned the color in their town looks nothing like the humans that have been attacking." Looking over to the Queen she nodded.

"Red and gold seem to be their Kingdoms colors. From my knowledge, the ones that have been attacking have been Green and blue." She shrugged looking at the Pigman King. "When I dropped off the Kid they seemed pretty chill other than one of them. 

"Did they hurt you?" Voxis glares at her waiting for an answer. 

"Nah just trying to be threatening. No need to worry Voxie." She smiled at him calming him down.

"Does Virgos know? What about the Western area? Do either of them know of this?" Peros looked at the King. 

"I have sent a letter to Vigos, and the Western area is still pending due to the lack of a ruler at the moment." They sighed falling back onto the set. "Is there anything else you would like to discuss?"

"I may be away from this coming meeting. The hoard of endermites may be born soon. Not to mention the chorus fruit is just about ready and there are still last-minute preparations I need to do before I depart for the 3 months so I don't burn down my own Kingdom." The king sighed. "If you don't mind Brooker could intend of my place?" He rolled his eyes looking at the girl. "I may have time to check in here and there."

"Okay but notify me when you get back." He looked at the other two rulers. "Make sure your Kingdoms are in good shape. If King Philza decides to visit I wish to show him and his son around.

"It's already in good shape old man." Peros cracked their bones with a sigh. "Is that the ending of the meeting then?" Azura nodded and everyone got up. 

"Safe travels home," Azura spoke as the two Nether rulers left. Voxis waved to the Queen but soon disappeared as well. "When are you heading back?"

"As soon as I get a hug bye." The piglin snorted out a laugh as he opened his arms. She smiled bending down to hug him. A few minutes passed and the King soon let go with a smile.

"Have a safe trip, and send some updates. I worry." She laughed and smiled at him. 

"Will do." She paused ready to leave but stopped. "Be careful while I'm gone. I also worry. Not to mention the visitors." He chuckled at the worry. 

"Don't worry I'll be fine. Peros is going to be with me during their stay not to mention you'll probably be back before they leave." She nodded.

"Okay. I'll see you soon." poker popped up next to her. "Bye." She gave a wave before she was teleported away.

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