they don't hate us

Start from the beginning

" Okay, so I was thinking... " Mollie smiled with her friends when Hailey had started talking about their plans. Maybe everything can go back to normal now.

After a few days Mollie and Trevor had completely gotten used to their friends being supernatural, they even asked them tons of questions on how they got it and what happens on full moons. The group gladly answered any questions they had, finally happy that they were all okay. Halloween fell on a Thursday night this year, right after school had ended Everyone headed over to Josh's house to get ready. Much to Mollie's dismay of dressing up, Hailey made all three girls match. Hailey was a devil, Lizzie was an angel, and Mollie was a dark angel. They all dressed in Short skirts and crop-tops with devil horns or an angel halo. Ashton dressed as a lifeguard, only so he could show off his abs, Josh was a vampire, he just wore black jeans and a black sweatshirt and added some fake blood dripping down his face. Zach was the grim reaper he just wore black jeans and a zip-up black sweatshirt that he made sure was unzipped. The guys didn't really go full out, Hailey insisted the girls did though.

" We look so cute! " Hailey squealed while looking at the three of them in the mirror. Mollie groaned, she really didn't wanna dress up. Mollie wished she was with Trevor instead, he went with a few of his older friends to a college party.

The six teens made their way to separate cars, Lizzie and Hailey joined Josh and Ashton in a car while Mollie drove with Zach. Zach glanced at Mollie several times, while she wasn't paying attention. " You look really good. " Mollie looked at Zach and tried to hide the smile that was forming on her face, Zach saw it but didn't say anything.

" You do too. " They all arrived at the party fairly quickly, it was at some old beat up born on the edge of town. as the six exited their cars they could hear the loud music blaring through the barn. They made their way up to the barn from the hill they had parked on.

" Okay, we meet at our cars at twelve. If anyone wants to leave sooner text the group chat so we know. Deal? " Everyone nodded their heads to what josh had announced. When they got to the barn they all split up almost immediately, Mollie decided she'd be safer and feel more comfortable if she stayed with someone, she ended up staying with Zach. He had no problem with that.

Mollie and Zach made their way to the Middle of the barn to dance. Mollie spotted Josh and Hailey dancing together getting pretty close, she nodded her head towards them for Zach to look and when he did he laughed a little, out of everyone they knew josh was the least expected to get with Hailey. Josh was the type of person who's really shy and mellowed out, somehow Hailey brings out the fun side of him and everyone could see it.

The two were dancing closer and closer by the minute, Mollie had been pushed right up against Zach's chest laughing and dancing to the music. She looked up at him and until that point, she hadn't realized how close they actually were. Zach slowly started to lean in while Mollie did the same until all the lights and music suddenly shut off. " That's not normal. " Mollie pulled away from Zach while she grabbed her phone and called Lizzie, she made her way over to where she saw Hailey and Josh an hour before the lights shutting off. They all met and continued to call Lizzie and Ashton until they finally picked up and made their way over.

" We've had parties here a thousand times and nothing has gone wrong, why now? "

" I don't know but something feels off. " Hailey looked around trying to hear or see anything unusual. Out of nowhere, a huge wolf ran through the doors scaring all the teenagers inside, they all tried to run but were blocked by more wolves joining in.

Zach pushed Mollie behind him while the group backed up. All you could hear were the screams of scared and confused teenagers. The wolves started closing in trying to block off anyone from coming in or going out. " Wait, there's a back door. " Mollie pointed to the back of the barn where some teenagers were running out, the group made a run for it. They were behind almost everyone and right as they almost made it out the Alpha blocked them from running out. The wolves disregarded the other teen escaping and walked closer to the group of six trying to corner them.

" There's too many of them. " You could hear the panic in Lizzie's voice as she looked around the room.

" What are we gonna do? " Mollie started to panic as they all got cornered and pushed together.

The five teens soon had glowing yellow eyes and sharp white nails, they were walking around in a circle watching all the werewolves. Mollie now had tears in her eyes, she was texting her dad frantically hoping he'd answer soon. You could hear all the werewolves growling at each other. Mollie noticed the different eye colors they all had, her friends had bright yellow eyes but the other back had bright blue ones. She knew she heard somewhere about their eyes but she couldn't put her finger on it. Suddenly all her friends were fighting the werewolves, Mollie had started walking backward trying to get away from the fight but she ended up getting slammed into a wall.

The alpha had picked up Mollie and threw her against the wall, her friends saw the alpha walk closer to mollie and they tried to attack him from the back but the other wolves got to them first. Mollie slowly opened her eyes to see the alpha just barely inches away from her, she tried desperately to back up more but it was no use she just pressed herself up against the wall tighter. She could clearly see his deep red eyes boring into her soul, she glanced down at his sharp teeth they were dripping with saliva as he inched closer and closer to her face.

The next thing that was heard was Mollies deafening screams of pain. The group looked back to see Mollie's leg covered in blood, but she was alone Josh turned around to look at the pack of wolves attacking them but they were gone too.

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