4. Rude Awakening

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All the girls were gathered in Momo's room (which was now the unofficial meeting room), when Uraraka barged in, out of breath. She dropped a large box on the floor and exclaimed, "Mo...mo.......I've brought the...... I've brought the... the bed I mentioned..." She gasped for air with her hands on her knees trying to balance herself. " Why didn't you just use your quirk to carry the box Uraraka?" Hagakure kindly mentioned. Uraraka gave her a look of confusion until she realized and collapsed on the floor in despair and defeat. The girls all laughed as Uraraka mimicked them in an annoyed, yet playful way. 

"Alright, down to business. We're are gonna need a timetable for when we are each going to watch him." Momo declared as the others got seated on the floor of her room. The mystery boy, who we know is Izuku, was currently lying on her bed, still unconscious. It has been 2 hours since they found him in the alley. " I'll be watching him most of the time as this is my room." Momo stated. "oh no, having a ton of people in your room at a time. Oh the horror." Jiro muttered sarcastically with no intent of people hearing but still earning a few chuckles and snorts. Momo coughed to clear the air " Who will watch him when I'm busy?" She questioned. "ooo, ooo. Me! Momo, I'll do it!" Mina said eagerly while continuously raising her hand higher and higher. " Anyone?"  Momo asked in an ignorant tone. "psst! Me! I'll be great! Promise! Momo! Hey! Me!" Mina said once again even more excitedly and desperate. Momo made a 'tcht' sound joking and looked at Mina, " Oh, Mina I didn't realize you wanted to. Sure." She said innocently. Mina did a punch with her fist in an excited manner.

Time skip cause I'm lazy

"Okay, so it's me, then Mina, then Uraraka, then Asui.... " Her eyes rolled down a list on a clip board. "..... and Jiro and Hagakure are only here for my 'fancy' tea" Jiro and Hagakure raised their cups and tilted their heads with a smirk.

Time skip to 23:00 

" Night Momo, Thanks for the tea."

"Yeah, thanks, see you tomorrow everyone!" 


Everyone yawned and bid farewell. Leaving Momo alone with the unconscious boy asleep on her bed. She sighs and grabs the futon Uraraka gave her. 'It's..... small' she thought to herself as she saw it all put together, she glanced back at her king sized bed and considered jumping in it but then shook her head no as there was a boy her age already in there. So, she crawled into the futon and slowly drifted of to sleep.


I can feel myself again..... I'm conscious.... finally....I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to be in an alley somewhere or lying in a park. Hence why I was a little shocked to wake up in a dark room, in a nice, warm bed. I activated my power and made an orb of light to float in the middle of the room. I was searching for any hint of where I was when I saw......... A BRA?! Just thrown on the side of a chair?! I instinctively rub my eyes but, it's still there. Why am I in a girls room? In a girls bed? I'm usually pretty calm but I'm internally freaking out right now, who wouldn't? One minute you're falling out of the sky; the next, you wake up in a girls bed! Come on? Considering I haven't seen a real girl since I was 4, I'm being pretty mature about this. No. Back to the matter at hand. Where was I? I activated my hearing and heard..... another heartbeat in the room! I immediately start searching with my limited light source while being as quiet as possible. I leaned over the bottom of the bed and saw, a girl curled up in a futon. In that split second, I got up and walked over to her. I'm no idiot, I know that the right thing to do in this situation is to pick her up bridle style and throw her on the bed..... WAIT! NO THAT SOUNDS WRONG- Argh... OK. I meant I was gonna swap beds with her because she obviously took me in and gave up her bed for me. So I tip-toed over to her, gently picked her up and slowly placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet. Then I crawled into the futon, shut of the light and went to sleep..


The next morning


I wake up once again, starting the morning in my b-..... Why am I in my bed?! I'm meant to be shivering in a futon right now. NOT lounging in a king sized bed! Where is he? Where'd he go? How'd I get up here? Stop. Breathe. Look around. I start frantically searching around the room, until I notice the boy, asleep in the futon. Did he- Did he swap beds with me?...

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