Restraints... I'm being restrained?

"He was seen near the villain known as the prince, he is a sus-"

Suspect? Why would they...

"Don't you dare finish that sentence-"

"Sir im going to need you to calm down or get out."

"Calm down? Calm down!? My oldest son died and you're accusing my other of being a suspect of why! I have a husband who is trying to calm down our youngest as he himself grieves so no! I will not calm down as you restrain my injured and scared son and place the blame of his brother's death onto him when the real person at blame is the one being praised!"


"What's going on here?" Aunty, it sounds like she's been crying too...

"Nothing to worry about ma'am, do you need directions to somewhere?"

"Yes actually, but im sure Shouta can show me the way."

"They won't let us see him, they have him restrained." I could hear the anger in his voice, and not long after those words came the infamous Bakugou temper.

"Look, you caught me in a bad mood, the boy I see as a second son and the mate of my actual son is in that room currently, the only tie I have to my best friend and the only thing keeping me from blowing your head off so if you don't move ill be making a call to your supervisor- someone I am on very good terms with- to tell them not only are you refusing a minor the comfort of his family but that he also owes me that favour from when his police force were to incompetent to retrieve me from my kidnapper despite having all the information, or how an arrest has yet to be made. Im sure I could make use of that favour by firing you, as he seemed deeply sorry, would you like to test this theory?"

I laugh at the face of the officer, curling up when the laugh turns into a cough. The reminder of the kidnapping had me wanting to curl in further, another thing I had to deal with.

"N-No ma'am... my apologies."

"Back to new! They healed fully yesterday," flashing them a smile as their hearts calm down I dry my hands, pausing on the way out of the kitchen at a picture.

He was so happy...


"Hey bun-" jumping into the unsuspecting arms of one of my mates I burry my face in his neck, my eyes burning from my lack of sleep and head pounding from what I assume to be stress.


"Cuddles?" looking away from the heart monitor with wide eyes and a smile I jump up, ignoring the sharp pain that shot through my body.

"Kacchan! Shoto!" I try to move off the bed, however they're by my side in seconds, stopping me from moving anymore then I already have. I struggle for a second before frowning and pulling them both down onto the small bed with me, drawing small laughs out of them.

Its silent for a moment, the both of them adjusting so no medical equipment was compromised and so we were all in semi comfortable positions.

"Where are the rest?" Its Shoto who asks, Kacchan to busy wrapping his arms around my body with a carefulness only those close to him know he posses.

"I sent them to get some food, I don't think Aizawa and Yamada have eaten since..."

The arms around me tighten slightly, still careful not to hurt me, and I don't have to look to know Shoto has dropped any mask he would hold around others.

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now