"Of course I have. I'm a hero."

We ate and had fun little conversations. I was really enjoying my time. After eating, he laid down in the grass with his hands behind his head. He was in this black and orange-red hero costume, baking himself in the sun. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying my lunch break. I'll just say I've been having a hard time finding a good place to eat, but you didn't do too bad. How'd you know about that one?"

I laid down beside him, looking at the clouds. "I've lived here for quite a while now."

"So you moved here?"

"Yeah, I'm from the mainland too."

"Why're you here? What about your parents and why become a doctor?"

I sighed, remembering. I shut my eyes closed tight as I thought about it. He sat up, noticing that I stopped talking. I knew he was looking at me, but I didn't care. He put a hand on my shoulder as I was locked in my memories. I instantly slammed him down, flipping myself on top of him. My vision cleared up and I saw the blond there. I panicked, seeing what I had just done. I jumped up, backing away from him with my hands in the air.

"I am so sorry!"

He put his hand to his throat, sitting up again. "Damn, that fucking hurt. What the hell was that for?"

"My time on the mainland wasn't exactly good. I should... I should be getting back to the store. I-I'm sorry..."

I grabbed my purse and ran. Getting back to the store, I wanted to cry. I could barely focus on anything that was going on. Once the last person was gone, I closed up the store early and just went home. I held my head as I got inside. I really needed some rest. What was even with that guy? Takes me out for lunch and asking me questions as if he cares. He's just another hero. If something happened to me, he wouldn't give a damn about rescuing me. He was so rude and then suddenly he just touches my shoulder while I'm deep in thought. It's stupid. Why did he even both following me up that mountain and watching over like that? It's the first time anyone on this damn island had asked me about my parents and my time before, other than when I first got here. I could have been arrested if it was anyone but him. I'm lucky I didn't do more than just wind him. I'm lucky he didn't use his quirk on me, other wise I might really be dead.

The next morning, I felt so out of it. After opening, he showed up again. He was holding my jacket over his shoulder, and smirked. "Phone batteries. The idiots have been calling so much that our phones are starting to die."

"I-I should have some in the back."

As I got back out, I rang up the batteries and put them in a bag for him. He was glaring at me, then all of a sudden shouted. "Hey!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Huh?"

He looked down. "About yesterday... don't worry about what happened. I shouldn't have been prying into your personal life. You moved here for a reason and you seem to be doing good for yourself, so I shouldn't have brought up your past. Though, taking down a hero without a quirk is pretty impressive. When you grabbed me, it almost felt like I couldn't move. You really caught me by surprise."

I nodded, giggling slightly. I pointed to my own neck. "If you push certain pressure points you can paralyze someone. I'll teach you how sometime, if you'd like."

"Sure. How about lunch? I'll come back around 2:00 again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. Also, I was stuck in a memory. I swear I wouldn't have done that if I knew what I was doing. I swear, I'm not a bad person. I just..."

"You don't need to explain. If I didn't know better, I might say you're a villain in disguise, but I don't think you'd hurt anyone without reason though. In my books, you're harmless."

"Thanks. It means a lot to me that you trust me so much."

He threw me my coat and phone. "I put my number in it. Last night, some kids pulled a prank on us saying there was a villain here destroying the island."

I looked down, sighing. "The island pranksters, Mahiru and Katsuma. Sorry about them. I swear, they mean well. I should have warned you sooner, I just forgot. Finally having someone to talk to distracted me and I didn't talk enough. Mahoro doesn't trust people very well and she's just trying to protect her family and home."

"I don't need their life story. I'll see you at lunch."

I was very excited for Bakugo to come back. When he did, we went to another restaurant that was hidden, and sat outside to watch the ocean. "I'm really sorry about those kids, Bakugo. I will be sure to talk to them later about these fake calls."

"It got me thinking... you're the most helpless on this whole damn island. You don't seem that scared though. I don't want you pretending your a hero, so if something happens, call me directly. At least I know you're not going to call unless there's a real emergency. And even if you just want to talk. It seems like you're holding in some things. Don't go around telling people this, but I guess I can sort of understand that. Some nights you just can't sleep. Based on how you reacted yesterday, I'm assuming you get a lot of those nights. I wouldn't want you to become a villain or anything. If you hurt anyone, I wouldn't be able to live that down. Creating a villain is a hero's worst nightmare."

"What? That wasn't your fault."

"Are you really that stupid?! It would be my fault cause I could have stopped it. Just... just don't call for stupid reasons, got it?"

"Understood, Mister Hero."

He looked at me, leaning back. "So, what's this place like? Tell me more about the history."

"I know a fun story you'll love. It's about the origins of this island. It's said that a long time ago, long before quirks existed, there was a samurai who washed ashore with his people. He claimed Nabu island as his own, and swore to protect it. As he was protecting it, he was struck with lightning. Bang, dead! Or so they thought. The spirit of the Samurai continued to exist, taking care of the island and it's people. To the Samurai, the island is the most important thing. He has to protect and preserve it. Every night, he watches the people of Nabu island. And any naughty children are punished. It's said that lightning cracks and storms brew when the Samurai is around, protecting it's people." I laughed. "But that's just a story people tell their children to get them in bed and act good."

He rolled his eyes. "Do you think someone might be going out acting as this so-called hero?"

"Possibly, but I've never seen a samurai on this island. Ive been here since I was ten, so about six years?"

"Ugh, another lighting quirk. We've already got an idiot with a lightning quirk."

"Lightning quirks are pretty common." I laughed at him. "Even if someone was dressing up as a Samurai and running around pretending to be a hero, what of it? If he wants to be an idiot and play in the fields, who cares. He's not hurting anyone."

He shook his head. "It doesn't feel right to me."

"Look, Mahoro told me she met this Samurai, and he beat her test. I'm sure you did too. Leave the guy alone. He's just some loser running around in a cape. You've got better things to deal with, right?"

He gave me a look. "Don't make fun of me."

"Sorry, sorry. Just poking some fun. Look, if you need anything yourself, let me know. You know where to find me it seems. If you're going to go out and look for this guy, try not to kill him. He's probably just a kid messing around."

"I've seen what lightning quirks can do. Our idiot has hurt himself and others multiple times. In the wrong hands, people will die. It's not some game to be a hero. I don't care if it's a kid or a grown ass man. He's going to get his ass kicked for illegal quirk usage. Though, I've got a feeling this guy is more than just some wannabe hero." He put some money down. "Thanks for letting me know, Doc."

"Uh, it's Mirai!" I followed him. "Bakugo! Where are you going?"

"To go get some rest for tonight!"

I sat back down in my chair, sighing. "My first real friend and he's going to come back to me with his ass zapped. I'm too tired for this shit."

The Samurai of Nabu IslandWhere stories live. Discover now