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You want a shadow, you got to have light and something to get in its way

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You want a shadow, you got to have light and something to get in its way.

James S.A. Corey

My crow sat perched on the top of my book, head turned so his beady eye could focus on me.

I hummed with thought before throwing out, "Maro."

In response, he cawed loudly, hopping on his feet. I winced away from the sound, waving a hand to try and halt him, "Alright, alright! I get it."

He settled, watching me again as I sat in thought. I flickered my gaze down at my open book, of which I had been reading before being rudely interrupted.

"Piiko," I tried again, receiving a similar response as last time. He had toned it down a bit but still showed his distaste towards it. Still, I covered the ear closest to him and glared harshly. He seemed satisfied with my reaction.

I frowned, "Can't you just tell me?"

"He says it's 'Ocha'," A voice behind me spoke, making me glance over my shoulder as my crow fluttered his wings with delight. Tanjiro was stood in the doorway of the cabin, smiling down at my interaction with my crow. He closed the door behind him, reveling in the warm sun.

My brow furrowed as I cast the blackbird a weird look, "Like the tea?"

He opened his wingspan, cawing in my face before lifting off and into the sky. I glared after him, shifting the sit straight forward once again. Ocha was his name, then. Good to know.

"You can understand him?" I mumbled, watching as Tanjiro crossed his legs on the ground beside me. The bandage around his head had been replaced with a few strips over the wound itself. It was healing nicely, though.

He nodded, before revealing, "I think he was messing with you."

I sunk in on myself, staring hard at the pages of my book, "Of course he was."

I heard the boy huff in amusement, but we both reveled in the feeling of the warm sun. It had been less than a week since the Final Selection, and I had stayed with them since. This was primarily due to Tanjiro's insistence and Urokodaki proposing I wait until my sword arrived. He also shamelessly reminded me that I had nowhere else to go besides a local inn or just camping.

Nezuko only awoke in the dead of night - as expected of a demon - and I had been too busy resting my wounds at that time to truly interact with her. Tanjiro always slept in late, though, typically waking up with her. Still, the land up here was peaceful. A gentle mountain, with very few (if any) travelers. The perfect place to read, or meditate. If I meditated, I suppose.

"What are you reading?" Tanjiro questioned, warm aura showing nothing but curiosity and gentleness.

So, I placed the scrap piece of paper from my journal onto my page and shut it closed gently. Handing it to him, he took it with a careful grasp, making sure not to ruin it in any way. I doubt he would, but it still made me grateful nonetheless.

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