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To my surprise, it wasn't Mom or Charlie who had come to pick us up from school, rather Jacob in my Truck. "Get in loca, We're going to the rez for your first driving lesson." He said, banging his hand on the exterior of the truck through the wide-open window. 

Dahlia had texted me the hour before that she was going out with Angela to get better rain-clothes. I thought it best to let her have her own friends. I was about to get into the truck when I spotted them, the Cullens. Next to a shiny new Volvo. Way too new and expensive for this town. I remembered that their dad was a Doctor. 

"Just a second..." I told Jacob, leaving him sitting in the driver's seat. I walked- as casually as I could muster- towards them. Towards Edward. 

"Hey." I chirped, and the little one, Alice, beamed at me.

 "Hi!" Alice said. I realized neither of us had introduced ourselves, but our reputations proceeded us.

 "Uhm..." I foundered. What had I come over here for? "Edward-" I called just as he said my name. "Go ahead," I told him, ah, yes. No thinking, only giving him the responsibility of carrying the conversation. Served him right, being so fucking rude earlier. 

"We should... go to port Angeles... this weekend. " He suggested. I gaped. No fucking way. I kept my composure.

 "Uh, yeah, that sounds like fun." My truck's horn honked, and I remembered that I left Jacob in the car. "That's my ride.. uh..." I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down my number. "Text me later." I nodded, turning on my heel and climbing back up into my truck.

"Why were you talking to the Cullens?" Jacob wondered aloud once my seatbelt was fastened, turning out of the parking lot. His tone was... angry. I'd never heard him be anything but jovial. Well, I guessed, I'd only spoken to him once... 

"Edward, uh, the red-head? He asked me out?" I stated this more like a question, I didn't believe it myself. Jacob's eyes widened. 

"What do you mean he asked you out?" Jacob questioned, turning down a dirt road I didn't recognize. Well shit, If I get murdered by a fourteen-year-old, at least he's handsome. 

"Like he asked me out, to go to port-Angeles, this weekend." I restated Edward's words, replaying the encounter in my head. 

"Alone... you'd be Alone in Port Angeles... With Edward?" Jacob questioned and I tilted my head.

 "Uh... yeah... I'm pretty sure that's how dates work, Jacob." I laughed, and he shook his head.

 "That's not a good idea. Edward is bad news bears." Jacob turned off the truck, jumping down and running to the other side to help me down.

 "What makes you say that?" I asked, hopping into the driver's seat.

 "Check your mirrors" He murmured, clicking my seatbelt for me.

It was after nine by the time we decided to call it a day, and I only cried twice. Jacob was really gentle and patient, which was the only reason the lesson lasted as long as it did. We pulled into the town's only diner, hopping out of the truck to get some dinner before heading home. We sat inside, grabbing a pair of menus before looking over them.

 "I want a steak, but I can't eat a whole one." I complained, and he chuckled. 

"I was going to order two, I guess I can do one and a half." he tilts his head, shrugging and grinning. I laughed. 

"Actually that might just work." We agreed that since he was teaching me to drive, I would buy dinner, and we'd do homework in the truck before lessons. Luckily, the diner was cheap. We ate, joked, and learned about each other. 

On the Eve of DuskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang