Act II: part 2

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(the scene changes to outside Tulia's mother, step-mother, and sisters house as Cayden is still grieving over tutlila's dead body as the set changes.) 

(as Cayden is grieving he realizes that he can't live in this society anymore as he carries her to her mother's house and buries her underground near the window where they first fell for one another. just as he finishes he realizes that she always carried of photo of her with her father and her step-mother.  he then goes to her room to try and find the photo before the other people get clear out her stuff. as he looks at the picture he realizes she left so much behind.)

 Cayden: (as he looks at the picture he tries not to tear up as he sees her with her family) oh tulila all i wanted was for you to be happy wherever life took us i wanted to be there for evry part of it. i had never met a girl like you before someone that I  could relate to, someone that i (tries not to cry but can't hold back the tears as he gets up from the bed and starts to head back towards the lake) someone that i may have even loved for once in my life (The girl i loved starts playing as Cayden starts to realize that if he wanted to be with tulila he would sacrifice everything to be with her even giving up his own alliance with the angels. As the song reaches it's climax Cayden starts to realize that he has to finish what Tulila had started and he then reflects on his own choices he made while being with the angels as the song comes to a close.) Don't worry Tulila i'll never let you down no matter what. what they did to you was the worst thing i've ever seen them do in my entire life and I've seen a lot of bad things here in my home. I'll make this promise to you that i will take your kingdom under my wing (As he goes down to her burial site and places the flower he gave her on their first date on her gravestone he then says his last words to her spirit before making the biggest change of his life.) i will be the one who will lead with kindness and to the best of my abilities i promise my love it is our kingdom to rule now, my queen. 

(the scene then cuts to black as the set changes to the woods near the outskirts of the angel world as the song wide awake starts to play as Cayden makes his way through the woods and reflects on the horrible things that the angel have done over the years. As the song reaches it's climax Cayden makes it to the outskirts and is about to cross over into the demon owrld for the last time as Cayden (7 years later) comes on up stage right as the present day Cayden enters downstage left) 

Cayden (7 years later): (as the light hits him he then picks up the narration for one of the last times of the story) as soon as get to the barrier i thought about what i was doing, but i also had to think about the promise i had made to my late wife Tulila and it was at that moment that i realized that i was torn between whether i should leave the angels or stay with them and suffer being looked as a traitor? However, i had to look back and remember all of the horrible things that my brother had put me through since our parents died, was leaving all of it behind to start a new life worth it, was it all worth losing my brother, my place in the realm, and losing my friends worth starting a new in a place i barely knew from the first time i visited.

(Older Cayden exits downstage right as Present day Cayden starts to contemplate whether or not leaving the life he's built behind is worth starting a new life as he then looks back and reflects on his choices as how to safe a life starts to play. As the Songs continues Johnathan enters up stage left as he finishes gettng ready for the day when he finds a note from Cayden saying that cayden is leaving their world to be apart of the demons. Johnathan then exits upstage right to find his brother as the song reaches it's climax. As the songs ends Cayden is about to cross over shen his brother Johnathan catches up to Cayden as he's about to leave the angel world one last time.)

Johnathan: (runs in center stage left and shouts for Cayden) CAYDEN WAIT!!!!

Cayden: (as he hears his brothers voice and tries not to get too angry) for what?!?!? What is it you want me to wait for you tell me (pause) it seems like whenever i find something or someone that makes me really happy you have to go and shoot it down fro your own petty reasons. 

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