"Sir, you hate water, how do you expect to retrieve it?"

Feathry stopped. He hadn't thought of that. Ever since he was a kid he had an irrational fear of water. Only he and Bradford knew why. And, of course, those who had been present during the incident that caused it.

He shook it off. "Eh, I'm sure those kids could help out somehow. Plus, there's always Launchpad. I mean, come on, how hard can it be?" he said, waving his hand.

Bradford folded his hands. "Yes, about Launchpad. Are you sure it's safe to let those kids roam around? If Launchpad saw them..."

Feathry raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"He tends to be a little... rough with children. He already doesn't treat mistress Webby too well," Bradford explained.

Feathry tilted his head. "What? Since when?"

"Sir, you don't see the way he acts when you're not around," Bradford said.

"Nonsense! Launchpad is great! Anyways, I want you to get some supplies ready for a trip to Atlantis," Feathry said, shaking his head.

Bradford sighed. "As you wish sir."


Webby showed the boys into the garage.

"Check it out!" Huey said, rushing to see all the random things. There were artifacts and portraits. Paintings and weapons.

Huey tried to touch everything he could find, but Louie reprimanded him. This wasn't just some garage. It was owned by a man who got priceless things for just being him. Who knew what kind of cursed oddities there were in there.

"Ooh! Can I touch this!" Huey smiled pointing to a gauntlet. A paper tag hung from it.

Webby read the tag. "Medusa gauntlet. Turns objects to stone. Maybe don't touch it," she said.

Huey sighed, letting his arms sag. He started to walk away from the object when he stopped and gasped. "What. Is. That." he said pointing.

Webby tilted her head, following his gaze. "A... toaster...?" she said, confused.

Huey picked up the unfamiliar contraption. "What is a toaster?" he wondered. Growing up, they had never had enough money for such a luxury.

"It toasts bread," she said.

"How? You just tell it to do it and it does it?"

"I guess...?"

"Haha! Brilliant! This is the coolest thing since sliced bread!" he beamed. He stared at Webby dead in the eyes. "May I have it?"

Webby rocked on her heals. "Sure, I guess, go ahead."

He jumped up. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" He squeezed the toaster tight. "I will name it Bready and it will be my best friend and we will never part!" This was the happiest Huey had been in a long time.

Dewey and Louie explored the garage together. Louie put his hands in his hoodie pocket, even though it was tied around his waist. "So, do you think all these magic things are real?" he asked, reading the tags.

Dewey frowned. "I hope not. It's sort of creepy. I don't like any of it." He spotted a painting. "Hey, check out this," he said. Louie followed him to a torn portrait. The portrait held an image of Feathry, Donald, and a third person they couldn't see because of the tear. They looked happy.

"What do you think happened to them?" Dewey asked, pulling his sleeves over his hands.

Louie rolled his eyes at the portrait. "I don't know. They probably realized they had to be adults but didn't like that so they completely gave up," he said bitterly.



"Quit being negative," Dewey said.

"Not my fault they're all selfish, worthless, inconsiderate, abusive, annoying-"

"Louie!" Dewey interrupted.

Louie sighed. "You know what, it doesn't even matter," he said, pulling his hands out of his pockets. "Why should I waste my mental energy on them when they didn't try to take care of us?" he said. Though he was clearly still annoyed.

They walked away from the painting. They came across a large gong. Louie held up the tag. "The gong of Pichu. Hit 3 times to awaken a curse." He shrugged. He doubted that would be a problem anytime soon.

They met back up with Huey and Webby. "Did you guys find the armor?" Louie wondered.

Webby shook her head. "Us neither," he said.

"But I did find this toaster! I named her Bready!" Huey shouted, shoving it in his eldest brother's face.

Louie and Dewey wouldn't ask questions. They just learned to roll with whatever was going on in Huey's head.

"Oh, and also this sword," Huey added. He pulled a glowing blue sword out of nowhere and showed them.

Louie's eyes widened and his protective instincts kicked in. "Um, I'm not so sure that's safe," he said. He read the sword tag. "The Dues Excalibur. Targets opponent and does rest until target is dead. Yeah, Huey this thing is not safe at all."

Huey shrugged, waving around the sword. "Oh come on, it's not that dangerous. I just have to be careful where I point it." At that moment he dropped the sword and it landed pointing at the blue triplet.

Dewey gulped as the sword began to levitate. "Dewey run," Louie said. Dewey didn't wait to hear it a second time. He took off, the sword chasing him. He dodged boxes and random objects around the garage. He even started crying.

"LOUIE HELP MEEEEEEEE!" he wailed, running as fast as his little ducky legs would take him. In the process of chasing after him, the sword hit the gong.

Huey turned a bright pink from embarrassment. "Oops." Louie glared at him.

Dewey saw a chest and ran for it, hoping he could hid inside. He slid to a stop, heart pounding he opened the box, but before he could hide inside, a sheet rose up from it. The sheet fell, revealing a pirate ghost. He bellowed loudly, causing Dewey to stumble backwards with a scream.

He fell over onto a saddle. The saddle magically grew into a horse, except the head was missing. The horse bucked with Dewey still on it, holding on for dear life.


Now both Louie and Webby glared at Huey. He let out and awkward laugh and held up his hands defensively.

"Why doesn't this horse have a head! This is like every nightmare I've ever had!" Dewey wailed. As the horse flailed about, its back hoof kicked the gong, causing it to ring a second time.

"Don't let anything else hit that gong!" Louie said wide eyed.

There was now a flying sword, a angry ghost, and a headless horse. It couldn't get much more chaotic.

"Dewey, hang on, I'll save you!" Louie shouted, running into the fray. He slid under the ghost only to be stopped by the sword.

The ghost swept up and grabbed Huey and Webby by their feet, dangling them upside.

And Dewey was screaming as loud as he possibly could.

Louie's heart pounded from all the excitement. This couldn't get much worse.

"Hey, little Donalds, I was wondering if- What the heck is going on in here!" Feathry appeared in the garage doorway. Louie thought too soon. Now it got worse.

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