Year 1- Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

"Oh. Okay." I stated.

I stood there and one by one the Weasleys showed up, but no Harry.

"Where's my brother?" I asked, slightly panicking.

"Sorry, dear. We don't know. He said the location wrong. But no time to waste. I'm sure we'll run into him shortly." Molly said.

I was apprehensive about just leaving and going shopping when I didn't know where my brother was, but Molly assured me he'd turn up. With a weary sigh I followed the large family into Diagon Alley. The cobblestone street was busy and overflowing with people. Some in fancy outfits and some looking around in awe and wonder, like I was. It was clear they were first years and probably muggle born students.

"Wow... This place is huge. But I don't have money. Harry said he'd take me to Gringotts. Whatever that is." I stated.

"Gringotts is our bank. And here. Harry forgot his money pouch in my room. I brought it for him." Ron said, handing me a red drawstring pouch.

I take it with a small smile.

"Could... Could I shop with you, Ron? You have your list and Harry needs the same things."

"Sure. Harry can get his robes altered on his own when he shows up."

Ron and I went off on our own, so I could get mine and Harry's things. First stop, we went to the wand shop. We had followed the rest of the Weasley clan in. I waited for Ginny and Annie to get their wands, while I stood at the back near the door, before stepping towards the counter.

"Ah! Allyson Potter. I wondered when you would show up in my shop. Yet, you emanate an energy your brother does not. Curious. Anyways, let's get to your wand."

The old man soon walked off.

"That's stranger than normal. He usually says some lines about when our parents got their wands."

"Maybe, he also doesn't want to tell me my father is apparently a professor at Hogwarts?" I questioned.

Before I got an answer the man came back. He had a box in his hand that looked like a box a really expensive necklace would come in. He takes the top off and takes out a beautiful black ornate wand. He hands it to me, and I fit it comfortably in my right hand. I just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Just like your brother. Give it a wave."

I did as I was told, and a vase broke as well as a whole two shelves of boxes flew off the shelves. Horrified, I hurriedly placed the wand on the counter and took three steps back.

"Oh, no. It's perfectly fine. It's just, I've rarely seen that much power. stay here. I have to dig in the back."

He packs up the wand and scurries off. Ron is hardly containing his laughter. I was still horrified. I felt like a failure. I'm supposed to be a witch, and here I am destroying this shop on the first try.

"It's okay, Allyson. Lots of people break stuff and send stuff flying before they find the right wand. It's just the wand not 'clicking' with you." Ron said in fits of laughter.

The man came back with a longer box. It looked as if it had fifty years' worth of dust on it.

"Here, this is a specially made soulmate wand. Usually, soulmates that have children together have extremely powerful offspring. Soulmate wands have an additive that helps contain and direct the magic better."

He took the wand out of the box, and it was beautiful. He gives the specifics of the wand, but I barely heard him. I was in awe of the wand. It was gorgeous. It had a copper looking wire wrapping around it, but that just added to the beauty of the wand. The detailing on the end of the handle was amazing. Three gems stacked on top of each other. A garnet, an emerald, then a garnet. The way the lighting hit the gems, gave them a bit of a glittery look to them.

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