chapter 6

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After they were done whit the check up the doctor sayd that they can take him tomorrow home they asked wy tomorrow "did you forget that his clothes are completely destroyed, right?" They both locked at echoter then noded and they staied ther until they had to leave ofcours befor they leaved Shorter hat to translate what Eiji said but he didtn minde after they hat to go they went home but relieved ther Eiji cold come home after month but they forgot onething "ehm Ash we forgot something..." "what did we

forget?" Shorter opened the door to the apartment "ohhh that...." ofcourse they didnt clean since Eiji was gone so they had to clean the holl house so they stardet after 6 houres they were finished it tock longer then they expected when they were done it was 1 am in the morning so they went to bed Shorter was the first won owake when he saw that Ash was still sleeping so he got up changed and tock Eijis clothes to get Eiji he put everything in his backpack and tock his key and helmet then he got to is motorcycle and drove to the hospital were Eiji was in the bed sleeping the doctor leaved them alone "Hey Eiji wake up" he slightly shaked him Eiji slowly opened his eyes then he sit up and smiled Shorter gave him his clothes then got out of the room when Eiji was finished he got out of the room and smiled "your ready to meat the house were you lived?" Eiji noded he still couldn't speak englisch. When they got to the front desk they said good bye then leaved "you gada hold on tight Eiji k?" Eiji noded and got on the motorcycle when they got to the apartments door they stopped infront Shorter hoped Eiji would remember it whil Eiji though '私はこの場所をどこか知っています'(I know this place some where) Eiji shock his head then

locked at Shorter who was still locking at him Eiji locked at him confused when Shorter saw that he snapped back to reality and they went in when he opened the door Eiji stardet locking around right at the end of the hall was the kitchen at the living room then the door on the left was there room and on the right was a nother hall were the bathroom and the laundry room was Eiji got to the sofa and sat down still locking at everything right ther Ash came out of the bath room whit only a Towel around the waist he locked up from his phone that was in his hand he saw Eiji and smiled whil Eiji was flushed red as a tomato he locked oway whil Shorter and Ash laught a little then Ash got to the bedroom and changed after that he got out he saw that Eiji was trying to do something he didn't know what but he locked like he was thinking "watcha thinking about?" Ash smirked while Eiji jumped oway bc Ash scared him then he opened his phone and beging texting something "Im trying to remember" the phone came out 'oh wy didn't I thing that just use Google' ash thought to himself

"you dont have to fors yourself to remember you will remember when the time comes" Ash smiled at Eiji whil Eiji locked a bit Shocked the he just noded "soo where is Shorter?" Ash asked Eiji pointed at the fridge Ash got up and opened it "so he went to buy food?" Eiji noded Ash sta back down on the couch then he layed his head on eijis lab Eiji flushed red agen Ash just laught then all of a suden Eiji stopped moving bc Eiji got a flash bake Ash was woried bc he spaced out for almost 10 minutes when Eiji finely blincked 1 or 2 times he finely locked at Ash who was locking at him woried Eiji locked at him and smiled "are you ok you spaced out a minute or so?" Eiji noded he got his phone agen so he can translate "im fine i just remember that this happened befor right?" Ash locked at him whit hope Ash smiled widely and noded then Shorter came in whit lots of food he sat it in the kitchen and then sat next to Eiji letting his sholder fall on him "ey Shorter?" "Ye?"Shorter asked locking at Ash "Eiji remember me first" he smirked bright whil Shorter dramatically gasped and locked at Eiji then at Ash "that so unfair" Shorter krosed his arms then locked oway like a little baby then they all 3 laughted Shorter and Ash mised Eiji laughter after that they begin a mishen on who can make im the most to laugh Ash got to go first he went to Eiji who was in the kitchen and locking trought the bags of food he grabed Eijis hips Eiji shoked up and turned whit his head to Ash then Ash smirked and started ticketing him Eiji begin to laugh really loud he fell to the ground and tryt to stop Ash but he couldn't "hahahahaha
やめる!"(stop!) But Ash didn't attempt to stop after some minutes he let Eiji kitchen breathe he was sweaty and red he gasped for air whil still laughing a little then he got a nother flash back '私が記憶を失った前にこれが起こったようなものですが、それでもそれは奇妙になります'(agen its like that this happened befor ye I lost my memory but still it fells weird) Eiji thoug this bin happening for 2 month straid Eiji could talk a little English agen and he remembered some thing but only smal little things but one day when Eiji was cleaning and Ash and Shorter wher playing games. It hit him his memorys hit him so hard that he collapsed whil sweeping the floor he fell to the floor whit a loud thumb Ash and Shorter got up immediately to check on him Eiji was on the flor sitting ther and locking in to the nothing Shorter and Ash tryt to talk to him but he didnt respond to them then he closed his eyes they got woried so they put Eiji on the sofa after almost 3h Eiji finely opened his eyes Ash imminently stod up and hug him "dont scare us like that Eiji!!" Eiji huged him bake then Shorter came in whit some drinks he gave it to Eiji "are you ok? you just fell then locked at something and the fainted" Shorter was woried to but it shock both Ash and Shorter when Eiji just smiled and dranke his glass of watter he den got up and went to the kitchen both boyes followed him "what are you doing your acting weird?" Eiji grabed his phone and texted agen "im gona kock for you" Ash and Shorter locked at echother surprised but then just noded "go back playing games im gona be fine" eijis phone sayd agen they just locked at him skeptical but then got to the TV and turned on ther PS3 whil Eiji had plans he maid the one food that the both boys didn't like and ye he got his memory back but he wanted to play a little along until the notice it after the food was done kocking he placed it on the tabel then got to the 2 boys tapt on der sholder to tell them that he was fone they got up and sat at the tabel then they saw the food it was Nato the one food that both hated Ash and Shorter locked at echoter scared "how did you know all of a suden how to make nato?" Shorter asked still locking at the fish disgusted then Ash shock up from his sead and huged Eiji Eiji smiled wide 'it didnt last long well ofcours its Ash lynx were talking about' Shorter was confused then it made klick in his head "you remember?" Eiji smiled "tock you long enought" Eiji chuckled then he fell to the ground cus Shorter speeded at them and pulled them down "for how long now?!" Ash asked when he sat next to Eiji on the floor "hmm idk maby after I woke up?" "And you didn't tell us?!" Shorter asked angry Eiji just smiled them Shorter kissed him god he missed that felling its bin almost 1 year since he could do that when he let go of Eiji it was Ash turn then Ash said "that was not funny Eiji!!" Shorter locked at them then he smirked brightly "the its punishment time~" Eiji went in shock whil Ash just stardet smirking they grabed eiji and put him offer ther sholder they all 3 when to the beed room and the rest you can thing off after they finely got rid off his other anymes they flew to Japan to see Eiji home town after they sah everything they disitet to go back to New York bc they wold miss the other also and still all Ashs anymes are gon but he is still the gang leader just like Shorter but they still hafe some problems but that doesn't matter to them the only thing matters is that they all 3 can life together after sometime they found out that Eiji hit pregnant they don't know how that was possible but it was they got a boy they named him Oliver they lived truly the life they wanted everything was ok ofcours everyone in Shorter gang and Ashes gang helped them whit the kid but after sometime they selected a new gang leader bc they didnt want to risc to pull Oliver in that same mess they were in Ash gang was the leader now Alex and in Shorters was Sing the new leader and that how all ends I hope you liked the story and credits at this person BrandNewWings

She was the won who stardet the story but the part wher they got to the hospital is mine but still she was the one that begin the story anyways if you like the story tell me in the comment and sorry if ther were maby some bad gramma

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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banana fish / car crash Englisch / ash x eiji x shorter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora