Chapter 1: Beach Trips

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"He isn't breathing. Dude, what do I do?" 

This voice was closer than Kars had been used to.

"Make sure his spine isn't broken!" A voice yelled from a safer distance.

The godlike being lay on his side, he felt a soft hand run up his back. Where was he? On a beach? He could hear the sound of crashing waves, and the warmth from the sand around him.

The sun.

The fucking Sun. 

He almost couldn't believe he pulled it off. Although, he did not complete the task alone. 

"Please don't kill me." The voice whispered.

He let the person struggle with slowly turning him onto his back. A soft 'oof' when they fell on top of him. Kars saw red, and for once, it wasn't because of anger. He reveled in the feeling of UV against his eye lids. Against him!

Kars decisively stayed 'dead', curious of what the tiny being would do next.

"Y/N! The hell are you doing?!" The same distant voice yelled.

'Y/N' covered Kars' ears, and said they would try CPR. He nearly frowned. They were quite considerate, for a whatever these are. They had not known what Kars was, yet they were already taking his presence into consideration.

Did he land back on Earth? If he did, JoJo would die a very very painful death. If not... Kars was, too, a considerate person. If the inhabitants of this planet were like these two. He could over throw whatever semblance of power this planet had, and conquer it on his own. 

"Please don't eat me." You said.

You pinched his nose, blowing in two lungfuls of breath into him. He let you do compressions, listened to you flip-flop between counting audibly and mentally. 

He wasn't surprised that you were doing everything wrong, it could have been the different anatomies. Or he gave you more credit than you were due.

Kars heard the other person slide down the side of the crater. He decided to let his heart beat, he could hear you tire.

"I revived an alien." You rubbed your thumb on his cheek. "Please wake up."

"You don't think he's in a coma, do you?" The deeper voice asked in worry.

"What of he wakes up and doesn't know our language?" You asked. He felt you place a hand on his large chest to feel his beating heart. "I can barely stand talking to the people in our class, but I might have to speak with an alien. What if it's like in Teen Titans? Remember when Starfire comes to earth? She can learn languages by kissing people. Aggggh, I should move back."

He heard you shuffled away, staying knelt nearby.

"Stop laughing, Iida." Kars could feel you pout. "I don't want my first kiss to be with an alien. No matter how beautiful he is. Actually..."

He felt you shuffle back to his side. Soft, yet embarrassed puffs of laughter came from you and your companion. 

"This guy is so hot," You snickered. "He turned the sand into glass."

"Well, he did have a strong impact with quite a huge amount of fire from the atmosphere."


Kars blinked, studied your face as you hovered over him. You clearly were unsure of what to do. So you smiled. Kars blinked once more for good measure.

You and your companion helped him sit up.

"Hello, welcome to Earth. My name is Tenya Iida."

"We... we saw you fall."

Your posture seemed timid now. Your tone. Your gaze. Everything about had turned... submissive. Kars felt better.

"Can you understand us? My name is Y/N L/N."

"Should we be giving him our full names?"

"I'm just following what you said. Shit."

Kars looked down at the both of you. Then around him. The three of you sat at the base of a very deep crater. Thick clumps of glass were scattered, largest shards sat in a pile aside from the group. Kars frowned. You must have moved them before turning him onto his back. 

But that didn't excuse your terrible attempt at reviving him.  

Kars examined the pair of you again. He really looked this time to de-code your builds. 


"Ah, so you speak Japanese?" The man adjusted his glasses. "Yes. Our species is called 'Human'. Where are you from?"

"Iida." You whispered. "I don't have a subtitle option in real life."

"He can speak Japanese. And he knows were human."

"Ah. Is that bad? I think that's bad."

Kars moved to stand. His joints still very rigid. You and Iida helped him keep balance, despite his grumbling.

A god-like being helped by humans. He wanted to kill you both, but both of your genuine worries took him aback. Could you two be new... assistants? He could use the both of you to monologue to. He just needed to trap you, and brainwash you. That was Esidisi's job.

"We didn't think this through." You muttered. You placed your hands on your hips, and squinted at the crater rim. "We're gonna die of starvation. How are we suppose to get back up? I got a lecture at two."

"Me too." Iida rubbed his chin. "Maybe if..."

He ran. You laughed, watching the Human male slide down on perfectly plank-like.

"You alright, man?" You held out your hand for him.

Iida nodded, then coughed, an embarrassed blush lightly dusting his cheeks.

"We aren't making a very good impression on our new friend, are we?" 

Kars snorted at your comment, but you didn't hear it. The three of you stood in a circle, avoiding eye contact.

Then you ran.

The sides became almost vertical near the top. Your momentum slowed, making you slide down. Unlike your companion, you managed to stay on your feet.

They stared at you.

"We're gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiie!" You whined to the sky.

Kars openly laughed. You two were definitely more entertaining JoJo.

You pouted, rocking on your heels.

"Now the underground secret world government is going to turn up." You continued to grumble. "Men in Black undercover stuff's gonna happen. Our new friend is going to be dissected."

"Yeah. No." Iida observed Kars. "He looks like he could kill a person by patting them on the head."

He wasn't wrong.

"You think he can super jump?"

"Y/N, this isn't GTA. We can't activate cheat codes... but his bone structure may be different."

"Ask him in Japanese. Hopefully he can. Class is in half an hour, and I can't really call our friends to help us. This is our E.T. mission, so we rather not put them in danger."

"Could you help us get out of this crater?"

Kars shrugged.

"Please tell me he can super jump."

He understood every single word you said. Kars wanted to see how long this could continue. You seemed more comfortable that he couldn't understand you.

He wrapped an arm around your waists, wings bursting out of his back. He didn't want to admit that he liked how your eyes sparkled.

"Holy Moly!" You burst.

{Sun Conquerors} - Kars x Reader Where stories live. Discover now