Afterwards, she had him dress into a fancy pant suit. It was a lilac purple, with flared pants and a form fitting blazer. The shirt was a silk slip cami top, that was tucked into the blazers. He had to get 1 piercing in each ear. He had to get the primary lobe piercings which would be pierced with not the training earrings, but with the Shin Family Crest. That was to show that So Mun was now property of the Shins. 

"Would you like any other piercing aside from the required ones?"

"Huh? I'm allowed to have more?"

"Yes. However, that is only if you'd like any more right now."

"Umm, no no. I'm fine, this is ok."

Krista nodded, bowed and left. It is most likely the last time I'd ever see her. She beckoned for me to follow after her and so I did.

I followed Krista all the way to the bottom where Mr. Cho was waiting for us. He had this disgusting smile on his face that I so badly wished to punch off. He stepped closer and grabbed my chin, moving my face around roughly, inspecting nodding approvingly once he was done. By now I had learned to keep my head down.


I looked up confused at the red veil he handed me. Am I getting married? He seemed to catch up on my confusion and chuckled. I didn't like it. It made me seem as if I was a dumb, clueless person.

"This is for you to wear. They at all costs are not to see your face until you are fully under the Shin's care. Am I understood?"

"Yes Alpha Cho. Understood."

"Mn. Krista, fasten it to his hair. I'll be waiting in the car."

Krista helps fasten it onto my face. I could see out, but it seemed like Krista couldn't see my face. Oh well. I hugged Krista good bye and stepped into the car, next to Cho, but making sure there was space between us. I then fastened my seat belt and kept my hands clasped in my lap. Nervous was an understatement, I was ready to puke.

"Calm down omega."

As if to try to calm me down, he let out his pheromones, they didn't have the intended effect of calming me down. Instead it was like I was in a state of bliss and my body went lax, as if I had been drugged. He kept pumping out his pheromones and time passed by in a blur. Suddenly, he stops producing those pheromones, and I come back to a right state of mind, that I realize we're at the restaurant. Gaon, we're at Gaon*. Why are we here? Whatever, it doesn't matter.

"Come. Reservation for Shin."

"Right this way sir."

I just follow the server and Alpha Cho to a private room. Figures, they are public figures. No one should know of the dirty things they do behind closed doors. We arrive and I keep my head down. I'm positive only my lips are seen so I try to keep a small smile on them, bowing to the Alphas present in the room as Alpha Cho leads me to my seat.

"Ah, hahaha, Tae-Sin-ah, I didn't know we were having an audience tonight? Hello Omega, I am Alpha Shin, these two others are Alpha Noh and Alpha Baek. The Beta is Chief Choi"

"Alpha Shin, an honor to meet you. Alpha Noh, Alpha Baek, Chief Choi, pleased to meet you. I'm Omega So."

"Yes yes, Alpha Cho, you've brought a nice one. Yours?"

"Oh no, no. A present actually."



I hear the door open and slam shut. Through the veil I can see that it's Hyeok-U. He looks angry. I just stand up and bow in his direction, his signature sneer stays on his face. He bows to show respect to the elder alphas as I sit down and keep my head down.

"Ah, Hyeok-U-ah, congratulations on making us proud and presenting as an Alpha. When's you rut, I have a present for you."

"I thank you Alpha Choi, I'm happy to have presented as an Alpha as well. Actually, it's why I'm so aggressive, my rut is to come in two days."

Ah shit. It's time.

"Well Hyeok-U, I got you a present to help you through it all. I know how painful first ruts are and with out an omega at that. So, this omega next to me is a present from me. He's 17 and freshly presented, hasn't had his first heat yet as well."

"Well then. Omega, I'm Young-Alpha Shin."

"Young-Alpha Shin, an honor to meet you as well. I'm Omega So."

I was so sure he knew who I was, just by the way he looked at me. I'm scared now, if I wasn't before.

"Omega So? Raise your veil."

The dominance in his voice had me shivering, but I raised shaky hands to lift it off to reveal my face. Once it was off, he smirked, but didn't look mad. Why? He hates me.

"Hmm, thought so. So Mun-ah. Alpha Cho he's perfect, I thank you."

He bowed and left me in confusion yet again. He hates me!

"Ah, Hyeok-U-ah, I think the two of you should leave. It seems as though your rut is starting earlier than it should."

"Yes father. Until we meet again Alpha Cho, Alpha Baek, Alpha Noh, and Chief Choi. Omega, let's go."

I bowed to the alphas and followed after Hyeok-U.

"W-why? Don't you hate me Alpha?"

I don't know what possessed me to ask such a question, but I couldn't control myself.

"I do not hate you Omega. Come, I will explain in the car."

So I followed him out to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and occupied the Driver's side.

"As I was saying, I don't hate you, that was all an act, simply so that you wouldn't get involved in all this. In actuality, I like you. I think you're an ideal wife, mother, and mate."

I was left stunned and speechless, only being able to watch as he drove the car at a high speed. One hand gripping the wheel, and the other resting on the arm rest.

"I, A-Alpha. I didn't know you felt that way towards me. I always thought you hated me, but I-I also feel the same way towards Alpha. I-I, also... like... Alpha."

As I said the last few words, my voice slowly lowered to a low whisper, but I knew he heard me, he smiled and put his hand on my covered thigh. I couldn't help but blush and look away, outside to see the view. I was so tired as the day caught up, that I didn't realize I fell asleep, missing the soft smile.

Yo, yo yo. Chapter 3 which is 1,900 words, and just three days after! Now thats a milestone. How are you my Hani Bees? I hope you all enjoyed and please give me feedback!

Also, his thigh was not meant to be exposed, in the last paragraph, so I fixed that. Also, Gaon is what I decided to name the place where they meet, if you know what I mean.

If you enjoyed and would like more, please press that star button! Love you all so much!

-Queen Bee Hani

All My LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora