Chapter Twelve

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Dawson P.O.V.

Once I drop Cat off I head home. The house is completely dark, not very surprising considering mom is getting all the sleep she can while on break and dad has been working a lot. Then either Dallas is at Brooklyn's or she's here. I get out of the car and make my way inside. It's quiet but I tiptoe my way to my room and put my keys and such down before taking off my shoes. That's when the realization sets in. I just went on a date with possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And for the first time in a while, I let myself feel genuinely happy. After a quick shower, and changing into a crew neck and joggers I lay in bed when my phone dings.

Cat :)

"I had fun tonight. And thank you, for carrying me." - 8:47pm

"I'm glad, and you're welcome, Princess."- 8:47pm

She had fun. I put my phone on my chest and smile up at the ceiling. Maybe I should let myself be happy with Cat.

Cat P.O.V

Dawson called me Princess, again. I can't help the smile that comes across my face as I fall back onto my bed. My mum was luckily already asleep when Dawson dropped me off so I headed straight to my room. In all my years in England, the only dates I went on were with Jackson but I refuse to think about him and let it bring down my mood. Though, I'm not sure even Jackson could bring down my mood. Once I change into leggings and a black hoodie I lay in bed, letting my brain run through the night. I brought the flowers Dawson got me up into my room and set them on the dresser. I finally put my phone to charge and close my eyes.

By the time I wake up the next morning, I know my mum is already at work so I take my time getting up but when I finally do someone knocks on my front door and I walk down to see who it is. All that's at the door is a big box. Hell yeah, my frame is here. I go to lift it but quickly realize I truly am as weak as I look. Now, what to do? Mum's at work, River is who knows where. Dawson is strong right? Right? He'd surely be able to help, I'm totally not just using this as an excuse to ask him to come over. I run back upstairs and grab my phone to find Dawson's number then hit the call button.

He picks up after a couple of rings, "Hello," "Hey, Dawson, I'm so sorry to do this but can I ask for a favor," I say nervously. And I hear talking in the background, "Yeah of course what- Dallas shut the fuck up," "Why should I? I live here too," a different voice says faintly. "Both of you quit it," a female voice rings out and I hear both of them sigh. "Yes ma'am," "And Dawson, watch your mouth," she says. I sit there quietly laughing at the scene I've listened to unfold. "I am so sorry Cat what can I do," he says after a moment. "Oh, I got my new frame for my bed but I have a slight problem," I say. "Which is," "I can't carry it," I say sheepishly. "Would you mind maybe coming over. If you could help me get it to my room that's all I need," I say quickly and I hear Dawson chuckle, "Yeah, of course, I'll try to get Dallas to come along to help," he says, "See you soon. Princess," he whispers then ends the call.

Dawson P.O.V.

After I end the call I turn to face Dallas who has a smirk on his face, "Princess," he asks and I narrow my eyes at him but he just laughs. "I'm not mocking you man," he says raising his hands in mock defense. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Can you help me," I ask and he shrugs, "Depends, what is it," "Cat needs some help carrying up her new bed frame to her room," I explain and he nods with a smirk, "So, your princess, I dare say, needs saving," he asks trying to hold back laughter. I grab one of the pillows off the couch and throw it at him but he catches it, "Ask nicely," he says and I roll my eyes again, "If you're lucky maybe she'll help you pick out which necklace to get Brook," I say and he stands up quickly, "True, let's go," I laugh before poking my head into the kitchen. "Hey, Dallas and I are going to help a friend move something," I say looking at my mom as she mixes something in a bowl. "I'm assuming this is for the same friend that you went out with last night," she says and looks at me. "Maybe," I say and she nods, "Okay and why don't you invite her over some time," she says and I run a hand through my hair, "Mom we haven't known each other long," I say and she shrugs. "Just think about it," she says and I nod while walking to the door to put my shoes on. As Dallas and I walk out the door we both shout, "Love you mom," "Love you too," she shouts in reply and we shut the door. I get in the car and begin to drive to Cat's house, it's about a fifteen or so minute drive. "So, you never told me about your date," Dallas says and I shrug, "You were at Brooks," "So tell me now," he says rolling his eyes. "It was great, I took her to the riverfront, we had dinner, and walked around a bit," "And," he asks, drawing out the word.

"And I carried her to the car and took her home," Dallas glances at me with a smirk, "You carried her," he asks and I nod, "Did you kiss her," he asks and I shake my head. Dallas's mouth falls open, "You didn't kiss her," he asks and I nod, "You didn't kiss Brooklyn on your date," I say and side glance at him. "Yeah well, I didn't have time. I was too busy being arrested," he says rolling his eyes. "Anyway, did you at least hold hands," he asks with a raised brow. "Yes, we held hands," Dallas is almost a gossip I swear. I pull up into the driveway and see a big box on the porch, "I'm guessing that's what we have to carry?" Dallas asks and I shrug but then see Cat walk out of the door. She's wearing grey leggings and a black hoodie with her hair up in a ponytail. I don't think she's wearing any makeup either, not that she needs it because her face is beautiful without it. "If you're done staring," Dallas says and I get out, as does he. "Hey," she says standing on the porch, "Hey," I reply and smile at her, "This is Dallas, my brother, I thi-," "Twin," he corrects with a smirk and I roll my eyes. "Excuse me, my twin but I think you two have met before," I say as we walk up the steps. Cat laughs and nods, "Yes we've met before," she says and Dallas nods towards the box, "I'm assuming this is what you need moved," "Yes, please, thank you so much for coming," she says and we both nod. "My room is just up the stairs, first door on the right," she says while I move to one end of the box and Dallas is at the other. We both grab onto the bottom, "Ready," Dallas asks, "Yeah," I reply and we both lift.

After moving the box up into the room Dallas looks at Cat, "Need any help putting it together," he asks. "I can probably get it," she says and I look at her, "We don't mind," I say softly ignoring the look Dallas is giving me as if he wouldn't build an entire house if Brook asked him to. "I mean if you don't mind," she says looking at me and I nod. "We need a knife to open this," "I can go get one from the kitchen," Cat says and walks out of the room. "Your princess is shy, isn't she," Dallas observes and I look at him. "Yeah she is," I reply and he nods. Dallas and I have always been good at paying attention to details, from watching too much Psych most likely. "She seems comfortable around you though," he says with a shrug. "Yeah she does," I say with a slight smile as Cat walks back into the room and hands me the razor blade knife. I stare at it for a second before taking it and slicing open the box. Dallas glances at me with a worried look but I shake my head and put the knife on the bed then Dallas and I begin opening it and setting all the parts up. I take the instructions and hand them to Cat, "You can boss us around," I say with a smirk and she smiles shyly. I turn and continue to get things out of the box then move it into the hallway. "What first," I ask and look at Cat.

It only takes Dallas and me half an hour to get it all to put together then another half an hour to get the box spring and mattress moved then we moved it into the corner of her room, after helping her put the sheets and whatnot back on. "Thank you so much," Cat says looking at Dallas and me as we pick up the trash on the floor from the bags of bolts and whatever. "Of course," Dallas says and flashes a smile at her that she returns. I've noticed she's stayed near me the entire time we've been here, not that I mind. After all the trash is dealt with Cat offers to order us some food and we agree but as she goes to get her phone Dallas and I offer her ours. She declines but neither of us back down. Reluctantly, she agrees and I end up getting us Chick-fil-a delivered. While we wait, Cat leads us to her living room and I sit next to her as Dallas sits in a chair on the other side of her. Cat turns on the tv and looks at us, "Is there anything you two like to watch," both of us shake our heads, "You pick we don't care," Dallas says and she nods before opening up Hulu and putting on some show called "Shadow hunters" Dallas has been obviously on and off texting Brook and as I'm scrolling on my phone with my left hand I feel Cat slowly move my right, the one closest to her, to have my palm up. I side glance at her and she is looking at my hand as she begins to trace the lines on my palm. Dallas is looking at his phone and I set my down on the table next to me. Cat goes to move her hand but I look at her and shake my head before leaning down to whisper in her ear, "You can continue it's okay," I say and she nods before continuing and beginning to draw shapes on my palm. Dallas glances at us, his eyes going to my hand then back to the show. I already know he's going to ask me about it when we get home. 

FallingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora