29 | big miss steak

Start from the beginning

"Shit— I have to go." I say.

Clay chuckles. "Yeah, yeah. Run away before I can get you back."

"Big man... I have to go to work." I say back, almost hesitant. I know I have to go but... I love talking to him so much.

"Alright. Alright. Bye then. Love you." Clay says, absolutely no hesitation.

God, it makes my heart skip.

"Y-yeah." I pause, hating that I'm always the one choking on the words. "L-love you too." I say, and immediately hang up before Clay can roast me for the stutter.

I finally see the time: 11:41 am, and nearly scream. I need to go.


It's Thursday and I feel like I've lost my sanity. I stare at my homework, nearly vibrating, refusing to touch it. I close the page, open Minecraft, and text Clay.

'👉👈' 7:54 pm

Daddy Dream
2 New Messages
'is there something u need?' 7:57 pm

I have to bite my lip, already smiling like a maniac. Do I have three papers due in two days? Yes.

Would I rather bother Clay and make him do something with me instead of focus on that at all? Also yes.

'pway game? 🥺' 7:57 pm

'im really sorry'
'we bout to record sumn'
'maybe in a couple hrs baby' 7:58 pm

It doesn't matter that much, but still, I frown.

'ok 😞' 7:58 pm

Is all I send back. I sigh, pocketing my phone and lifting to my feet to stretch. Figure I'll go for a walk, waste time like that.

It's not cold, but I slip on a hoodie so I can look a bit more shapeless, then swing out my room. I go straight for Ellie's doorway, leaning against it like a dog wanting attention.

"Hi." I say.

Ellie startles, looking up from her homework as well. I guess it's just that time of the semester.

"Yeah?" She asks, removing a single AirPod.

"I'm gonna walk to 7/11 and get a snacky. You wanna come?" I ask.

Ellie lifts her brows. "Why don't you just drive?"

I purse my lips. "I want it to take a long ass time, so I'm walking. No, I don't have three papers."

She quirks into a smile for that, huffing a laugh and shaking her head. "No. I shouldn't. But can you bring me back peach rings?"

I pout. I guess no one wants to hang out with me. "Fine... if you really hate me and aren't coming..."

Ellie lifts her brows, looking to the side. "Wah, wah, wah." She mocks.

For that, I finally walk into her room, and smack the back of her head.

"Shut the fuck up, Waluigi." I say as I hit.

Ellie immediately spins. "HEY!" She yelps, and I'm out.

I run, giggling, while Ellie shouts after me. Barely remembering to swipe my wallet and headphones along the way. I start my walk leisurely, already not wanting it to be done, having gone this route a million and one times for the same purpose.

I put on Gorillaz and suddenly I'm walking a lot faster, hyped by the music, swaying my hips, nearly bouncing with the beat of the music.

Ten minutes into a fifteen minute walk, it goes south.

Ruin The Friendship [ dreamwastaken x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now