Chapter Seven

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Click. It was later throughout the day, and me and Freddie just came back. After we were at the studio, we went to the café for lunch, then we all parted ways and me and Freddie just shopped and explored around town.

Basically, his way of giving me a tour of town in case I was left by myself.

I sat on my bed fidgeting with my hands and flopped backward. God. I'm so tired. I wanted to go to sleep but it was only 7! I had a few more hours of the day filled for fun and exploration!

Sitting up still not sure what to do, I decided to go play the piano for a bit.

Like I said earlier, I have a brief memory of what I learned when I played piano. Hopefully my hands remember aswell.
When I arrived at the piano, I noticed paper with writing on it! Curious I wanted to know what it was. But, I also didn't want to invade privacy.

I looked around listening for movements. Freddie must be in his room or something. He's oddly quiet.

I opened the case to reveal the keys. They were sleek and white and shining. Like it was quietly begging for someone to touch them. Make music out of them.

I gulped hesitating. What if I'm not as good as I used to be? What if I sound bad? Thoughts running through my head, it caused me to feel very anxious. Calm down! You came to the piano to play! Stop worrying and just play!

Taking a deep breath, I relaxed my hands and played one song that I loved more than anything.

Its called: Laputa: Castle In The Sky.

From a movie called Castle In The Sky. Which was the theme.

I smiled playing the C-minor chord letting my left hand run the intervals.

My stomach was jumping around which was an old feeling I used to get when I played the piano. I began rocking which was a habit I just couldn't quit. Feeling the music, I expressed it with the emotions I felt.

I was happy but also confused. Why am I here? Do I deserve to be here? Should I be here? I did my favorite parts and got a bit crazy banging on the keys a little bit then did the three intervals b-flat major key to a-major key then progressed to the c-minor chord progression. I smiled ending the piece satisfied with how it turned out. I definitely surprised myself.

I still have the talent. It didn't just break apart and die. It was only resting.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Freddie standing there shocked.

I blushed said, " Hi," He smiled said, " That's sounded really pretty. What's its called?" I stood said, " Castle In The Sky. " He strode over to me and asked, " Teach me?" I sat next to him said, " It's not arranged for four hands but let's try anyway." He smiled placing his hands on the keys in ready position. I played the bass line then played the treble line. Hopefully he was paying attention.

Obviously he is.

He asked, " Where's the sheet music?"

I said, " One second," I took out my phone and looked it up. Luckily I found it in the arrangement I learned.

I place my phone on the music stand said, " There you go darling," Freddie smiled happily and started learning it said, " Thank you," While he was learning the piece, I studied his hands.

When I was back home, I always loved watching Freddie's hands when he played the piano. It always looked so pretty. He always played and made it look effortless. Along with extreme amounts of grace and beauty. Like when he played Bohemian Rhapsody or Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy.

His hands were also arched a bit. Along with it somewhat hung off the keys. But still looked pretty. I loved how his hands looked. I know, that sounds really weird though. I stared from up his hands to his face. He had a concentrated expression which made me go absolutely feral.

I blushed redder and stared at the keys. Freddie nudged me asked, " Aren't you going to join me or just sit there?" I chuckled said, " Alright. What measure you at?" He said, " ...20." I joined in doing the minor and major intervals until our hands collided at the little trills. I smiled hesitating to rest my head but smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

Hearing his breathing move faster, I smiled continued to play. When we finished the piece, I leant up and looked into his eyes. Its only been two days and I'm already in love with him.

After an hour at the piano and dinner, we both walked upstairs to our rooms. I stood by my door next to his room he smiled staring at my pajamas. Which was all pink.

He wore a pink robe with cats all over. I smiled. We're a bit opposite.

I smiled opened my door said, " G'night Freddie,"

He smiled back said, " Night Roxy, sleep well," I stepped in said, " You too." He winked and disappeared in his room.

Once I closed the door, I slid to the floor contemplating my feelings.

Am I really falling in love? Or is it just confusion? As much as my feelings toward were obvious, I was determined to protect him, nothing else.

But my feelings said otherwise.

I looked at the ceiling, staring at the fan. I wasn't tired anymore. But I really wanted to fall asleep.

It feels like hours since I've been lying on my bed totally restless.


I saw my door creak open. Expecting it to be one of the cats, it was Freddie.

I blinked gulping.

"Roxy? What are you doing awake?"

My restless mind turned into anxiety. I said, " C-Can't sleep..."

He said, " Oh dear," As he walked toward me sitting on the end of my bed. I gulped he asked, " What's wrong?" I said, " Uhmm... well. About you and I." He blushed said, " Oh, what about you and I?"

I said, " Are you and I together? We've been a bit affectionate towards eachother. So what's all this about?"

He chuckled said, " I'll be with you if you want me too, " I realized that one answer, answered all my questions.

I sighed still feeling anxious.

Freddie grabbed my hands said, " Chillax! How can I help you fall asleep?"

I timidly asked, " Sing to me?" He smiled positioned himself, and was quiet for a little while until I heard, " Love Of My Life, you've hurt me, you've broken my heart, and now you leave me love of my life can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back don't take it away from me because, you don't know what it means to me," I slid out of bed to grab money and grabbed ten dollars handed it to him. He asked, " What's this for?" I said, " You. You sang. I pay you," Freddie said, " Oh my go sweetie!" He placed his arms around me hugging me gently.

I blushed looked up to him. Why is he hugging me? I hugged him back and he let go said, " Sorry, but that was just really sweet of you, you don't have to pay me," I said, " O-Oh!"

He brushed my hair back said, " Its fine chillax Roxy!" I smiled said, " That song is really famous in my time." He smiled said, " Hm."

I climbed into my bed pulling my cover up and sighed looking up to the ceiling. Freddie stood next to my bed stared down at me leant closer and kissed my forehead.

I smiled said, " Good night Freddie,"

He smiled said, " Good night Roxy."

I drifted off to sleep peacefully after those words escaped his lips.

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