Chapter 62: Distress

Start from the beginning

"I have work to do. I'm... Yeah... I should go."

"Stay. Let me cook you something."

"Nate I can't."

"You won't. Maria, stop fighting this. You want me as badly as I want you."

Her warm hand caressed the side of my face. "I can't. I'm sorry but I have things to do."

On one of these days, I won't ask. I won't go slow. I'll claim her.

Nicko's POV

Finally, lunch. I'm starving and everything hurts. Uncle Pedro is ruthless! He spilled a whole barrel of wine and he made me scoop it up with a dustpan just to tell me to go drain it in the vineyard. I got wasted. He speaks in fluent rapid Italian and I miss so many words because I'm more fluent in Greek. He refuses to speak English. I hate that man.

"Hello prisoner. Are you enjoying your sentence?" I didn't respond to Lupe. She is baiting me so that she can get me punished some more. She really feigned a limp the whole day so that my parents do something about it. She even cried. I got two weeks added to my sentence for pushing a girl. I will give anything to go back to Switzerland. The boarding school was so much better! "So, if I were to dye my hair red, would you like me?"

She's teasing me, trying to get a rise out of me.

"Even if you were to look like Cleopatra I wouldn't like you. You're a pain!"

"Harsh. The thing is, red heads don't look on good on you. Have you tried brunettes? Something tells me you can't handle red heads."

"Do you mind? I'm trying to enjoy my lunch alone. I don't want company especially not yours! Should you not stand over there silent till you're needed?"

"Should you not satisfy your girlfriend so that she doesn't go around getting it from other men?" She laughed harshly.

She's mean!

"What do you mean by that?" I stood up.

"Sorry, did you say something? Did you apologize for pushing me?"

"I'm not apologizing to you! Now tell me what you mean!" I banged my fists on the table.

"Bite me." She flipped her hair. I grabbed the back of her neck driving her against the wall. "Nicko-!"

"Talk!" I demanded. "Talk now or I'll make sure you never do!"

"She's with the neighbors! Luigi Belucci's cousins! I saw her when I was coming from town this morning."

I released her.

Luigi has older cousins. Maybe dad was right. I'm just a pass time. She likes older guys. Why the hell am I not older? I really like that girl!

I left my food. Lunch does not matter anymore.

"Nick where are you going?" Lupe followed me.

"To see what she's doing."

"But you're grounded, remember?"

"Are you coming or are you telling on me?"

She followed me.

We didn't speak to each other the entire way to the river separating the two properties. She keeps looking back like she want to leave but she still follows me. We crossed the river into Luigi's side.

"Do you know the kind of trouble we will get into if we get caught?" She whispered.

The clouds are dark and heavy with rain. If we don't get back before it rains, the river will flood and we won't be able to go back. We can't exactly go through the front gate.

"More silence please." I urged her. We plastered ourselves against the window of the guest house. This is where Luigi and his cousins hang out. The last time I was here they brought girls over. It was fun. I even got to drink a little though I didn't smoke whatever they were passing around.
They are in the guest house laughing with the loud music drowning their words. I raised my head to peek through the window. She's in there. Lupe was right. She's in there.

"See?" She smiled like it's some sort of a victory.

What I saw after didn't please me.

All I know is that I ignored Lupe's pleas not to go in there. Full of rage without a second thought, I chose to confront the three boys and the girl I foolishly believed to be mine.

Marianna's POV

The sound of my son's name is all that is echoing through the vineyard. We have been looking for him for hours. He hasn't checked in with Nate since noon and no one knows where he is. The last time I felt like this was when Nate yanked him out of my arms.

Am I trembling from being rained on or is it fear? Just across the raging river is where I think he is. My gut tells me so. There is nowhere else that makes sense.

"Maria." Nathan gripped my arm. I think he's been trying to call me but I'm too engrossed on where my baby could be. "Let's get you out of the rain."

"Signora, he's not with Hayley." Julio informed me.

We thought it was that girl at first.

"One job..." I mattered quietly before I suddenly exploded. "One job Julio! Keep an eye on him! How did he leave this guarded compound without anyone seeing? Are you all blind? Is he invisible? Are you all so incompetent that a fourteen year old got past you?"

Everyone stilled looking at me like I'm crazy. They don't know what it feels like when a mother loses a child. That fear is the kind that paralyzes.

"Calm down. We will find him." Nate assured me. He's too calm. "He couldn't have gone far."

"We searched the river signora," one of the guards informed me. "There's no body."

We have gone through every possible ending. Did he drown since it's been raining all day and river has broken it's banks? No. It's not the ginger girl. Even Tony doesn't know. Is he being held hostage by Belucci? That is what I want to know. Or is Nicko just throwing a tantrum?

"I have to cross the river. He may be on the other side. I have to-"

"I'll go." My father informed me. "You stay here. But it looks like I'll take the long way there. Nathan take her back inside."

"I should come with you." He told my father.

"No offense but the guy doesn't like you. You took out five of his men. If he sees you, he will kill both you and Nicko."

"Put me in the room with him and I'll end him." Nate's rage is surfacing. He's not so calm after all.

"Not now. I'm going there alone. If I'm not back in twenty minutes, then go ahead and kill every being in site within that compound. That, i give my blessing."

"Come on Maria. Let's go back inside. You will catch a cold."

He took my hand leading me away.

"Not again Nate. I can't lose him."

"You won't lose him." He kissed the side of my head. "Come here." He led me to the guest house instead. He closed the door keeping the cold and the rain out. "Take off your clothes, wear this."

I took the shirt he offered.

I hope nothing bad has happened to him.

My hesitation moved Nate to undress me. After the first button without my protest, he carried on until I stood naked in front of him. He looked at me without restraint taking in every bit of me. I trembled slightly not because of the cold but the dark look in his eyes.

I expected him to take advantage of me but instead he helped me into his shirt. He buttoned it up. "Get into bed. I'll brew some tea."

If he would have touched me, I would not have had the strength to say no.

He made the tea and he joined me in the bed. He drew me close to him keeping me warm as we kept silent. I think we are both thinking it but as I'm waiting for him to make a move, he's waiting for ne to give the green light.

What will it be?

The Balotelli-Bale Series Book #3: The Italian BelleWhere stories live. Discover now