Chapter 62: Distress

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Nathan's POV
"Were we hard on him?"

I glanced at my watch to check the time. It's almost noon and I can't see Nick in the horizon. He has adhered to the punishment. He is up everyday before six in the morning to receive his work from Pedro; a harsh ruthless foreman in charge of all the workers in the vineyard. I spoke to him and we agreed he won't go easy on Nickolas. I won't raise a brat. So far, so good. At least he's never late and he doesn't slack off. Tony often joins in but only until it's not fun anymore. He's always in his own company or lost in his own world, putting things together. Something tells me he will be a good fit at Bellingerre Consolidate, a tech company. He's a smart kid but he talks a lot. His English accent makes it interesting to listen to him.

Nick has reported every hour running through the vineyard to track me down. He has apologized to everyone except for Lupe. I don't know what is happening there but I expect my son to keep it in his pants. She's a pretty face. He's a horny teenager.

"I was merciful." I smiled at her.

She's even more beautiful when she smiles. I feel like I have accomplished something when I make her smile.

"I can't believe he is growing up. Why is he growing up?"

"Because that's how things work agapi mou."

"Did he tell you everything?"

When I was speaking to him, I remembered my talk with Castle. He took care of it. He didn't make it weird. He made it brief and clear. My intention isn't to pry into my son's sex life. What he does is his business. How he does it is his pleasure, not mine. What I need to know is that he's safe and he's not breaking hearts as he goes though it's something inevitable. Both people won't always feel the same way. He should learn to be clear about his intentions from the start.

"I didn't pry too much."

"Why not? It was an opportunity to get every detail."

"I don't know what mother's and daughters talk about but sons and fathers don't go into details just what is absolutely necessary. He will be safe. He will not be promiscuous and we will keep talking about random things pertaining to his sex life. Okay?"

"Fine." She sighed.

"There he is." I finally saw him.

It seems he's getting taller by the day. He's already taller than Maria. "And how he disrespects my authority?"

"I'll straighten him out, don't worry." I assured her. "12.02pm.  You're late."

He stopped trying to catch his breath. He pushed back the blond hair. "One... Two minutes dad. It's just two... Two minutes."


"Yes sir. Late. I was on the other... Other extreme end... I'm sorry." He held his hands at his waist and stood up straight. "Mom."

"Nick." She responded flatly.

"Go." I instructed him.

"Yes sir. Excuse me sir." He took off.

Maria and I burst out laughing. We laughed so hard we had to sit down. "We are so bad Nate! You are so bad!" She poked me playfully.

"He had it coming when he took your authority for granted." I rested my hand on her thigh. Our laughter subsided. All that was left was the mutual gaze of affection between us. "I'm alright with being the bad cop Maria. I'll do what has to be done even if he hates me."

"Why are you that sexy when you're being a dad?"

"Why are you always sexy?" I asked her. I pushed her hair away from her face. Maybe this is it. Maybe I can kiss her sweet lips. I leaned in but she didn't move. She stayed still even when my lips grazed hers, she stayed still. My heart is nearly exploding and she's calm. She deprived me of the chance when she turned away.

The Balotelli-Bale Series Book #3: The Italian BelleWhere stories live. Discover now