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Bucky opened and closed his eyes multiple times, his view was dull due to losing his senses. He forrowed his eyebrows, what the hell happened? Why he was on the floor?

He touched his head but there wasn't any trace of blood, but when he stood up he saw in the window's reflection a red marks on his lips.

He clenched his fists till his knuckles became white, he gritted his teeth so hard that somebody could have said he was going to break them.

She poisoned him.

He saw how many people were still dancing to the same song, that meant he didn't lost his senses for too much, so there was a chance that she was still in the building.

He quickly left the room trying to find the way she went, when he remembered of the microchip he attached on her dress while they were dancing.
He pressed the button of his watch, a projection came out, it was the holographic map of the place, a red dot was in the office on the third level.

He ran through all the staircases, he felt the anger rushing through his body, he didn't expect her to knock him out like that. The adrenaline was pumping in his veins, he still had a possibility to stop her.

Bucky kicked the big brown door office, producing a big noise that he hoped nobody will heard it, hopefully they were all distracted by the loud music.

He sighed when he finally saw again The Red Spy, she was searching in the multiples drawers, she looked flustered like she didn't had any idea where the information were.

Astrid jumped when she heard the big noise coming from the door by now open, she narrowed her eyes, how the he was already there?

Yeah, he was a Supersoldier, so he was healing faster than a normal person.

"Well, well, well." Bucky calmly said walking very slowly in the room, he didn't want her to run again so he had to be very careful with his words and movements.

"I have to say I would't never expect something like that." He tried to speak in the most cool tone, she had to think that he wasn't a threat, for the moment.

The Red Spy didn't know what to do at this point, the plan she had already burned when he showed up. She had to buy some time while trying to find a way out of that place.

"What can I say?" Astrid smirked leaning forward on the desk, she placed her hands on it, watching intensely The Winter Soldier. "I am a woman full of resources." She licked her red lips for her temporary victory, she liked to see him angered, that meant she was winning.

Bucky on the other side had his jaw clenched while his eyes where burning with an intense hate, he wanted her locked in a cell without that stupid smirk off her face.

"But you're still here, so that means you didn't find what you wanted, did you doll?" Bucky asked arrogantly, two people can play this game.
He saw how her mood changed, her winning expressions left to a disgusted one, she felt sick only watching at him.

Bucky started to move closer to her slowly, and at the same time The Red Spy moved far away from him, they were basically circling around the massive mogany desk. The Soldier and the Spy were watching every move of the others, their eyes didn't left the others body for what it seems an eternity.

Suddenly Bucky jumped past the desk, he put his metal arm around Astrid's throat and with the other he placed her wrists on the wall.

The Red Spy had a flushed face, she wanted to knock him out again and leaving him on the floor like she did a few minutes before.

"I think you have something of mine." Bucky whispered watching her carefully, he had to expect the unexpecting from her.

"Technically it's not yours if was here, don't you think prick?" The Red Spy argued, she was trying to find a way out, but that man was huge, and this didn't help her.

But then she saw a big windows behind the curtains. Bingo!

"I need it. If you hand it to me, I can think of not kill you right now." Bucky declared, he already hated her but after she poisoned him, he wanted her to beg for her life.

The Red Spy bursted out in laughs, and this confused Bucky for a second until she kicked him in the gut, she also decided to slam his head on her knee making him groan from the pain.

Astrid quickly shoved him off her, she was running towards the only free way out of that place without being attacked from the whole team of the Avengers.

She looked behind trying to see if he was still on the ground, but she was already near the big windows.
The moonlight was shining on her body, a beautiful contrast of her clear skin against the red bloody dress.

She smirked at Bucky when he understood what she was going to do, he quickly stood up but the pain of his broken nose and his kicked balls made him a little bit dazed. Also even if the poison didn't make him stay on the pavement for others 10 minutes, it made him feel more weak than ever.

"That was quite simple, don't you think James?" Her white teeth were a bright contrast with her glossy red lips, that venomous mouth was too much for him.

The Red Spy put one of her legs out of the window. "Don't you even think about it." Bucky murmured, he couldn't believe she was going to jump like that, but before he could have take her, he heard the last word she said before jumping,

"If you want me, come and get me Soldier." She raised her eyebrow smirking, and like that she was gone.

Bucky groaned running towards the spot were she was like a second before.

"Fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this." He rolled his eyes while taking off his black jacket and rolling the edge of his button up shirt.

He jumped out of the window, he needed to catch her as soon as possible.

Bucky landed on the green grass, that fucking woman was getting on his nerves, how dared she jump out of the third floor.

Thanks to the Supersoldier serum it was nothing for him, but how she did that if she was human?

He raised his head trying to see her red dress flutter, but he soon realised that there wasn't a single trace of her, only the dark of the night surrounding him.

And again she was gone.

What do you think about this chapter? Also let me know my mistakes so I can correct them.

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