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Marcus POV
8/27 3:45pm

"What you mean she pregnant!?" I yelled at the doctor who instantly jumped. Bruh must know who I am because that was the first thing I said in this bitch.

"She is 2 weeks, its to early to determine the gender of the baby, and it may be more than likely that your having twins... considering your family tree." he said writing things down on his clipboard. "And from what we saw on the ultrasound" he said in a hushed tone. "But you might also risk loosing the embryo too. Your body is weak Zarmonia. Whatever happened to you is starting to take its tool on you, and the injuries might make it complicated with a pregnancy" the doctor said looking directly at Zari. It made everyones heart drop in the room. Although I don't like any part of my daughter getting pregnant at fucking 17 almost 18 years old, I still cant help but to think how she's feeling right now. It's probably gonna be like it was 3 years ago.

"Zari why don't you come out here with your pops and dance. You never dance anymore!" I yell out. And once again I'm given nothing but silence. I give it a minute before finally getting up from my seat on the couch and walking towards her room in the back.
"Zari?" I knocked on the door quietly but enough that she could be able to hear me. Im still met with silence. A new overwhelming fear embodies me as I slam the door open with a loud thud. There she laid on the floor crying in a pool of-

"Pops?!" I heard Zari call out snapping me from my thoughts. I quickly ran a hand over my face contemplating on what to do next. I need to find that bastard and make him pay for hurting her...

"What do we need to do to help her during this process?"

I woke up to the sound of screams filling the room. I instantly reach for my waist band only to come up empty at the realization that this is a hospital. Zari laid on the doctors bed crying and screaming out just like she did 3 years ago. It broke my heart to see my little girl like this.

I got up from my uncomfortable seat on the hospital chair and slid into bed with her. Her cries didnt stop even when I wrapped her in my arms. "Im so sorry Zari. I should have never brought you back here" I whispered to her holding her tighter.

After a while of her clutching to my abdomen like theres no tomorrow she finally calms down and goes back to a peaceful sleep. Her night terrors of the crash lasted a whole year. Sometimes she'll even call out to the twins or Amari. (Am-ah-ree)

It breaks my heart a little just remembering the times when we was all a family. All happy and shit. A chuckle escapes me without my noticing and I quickly cover it up with a cough. I leaned down and kissed Zari on the temple saying "I wont ever leave you again princess". It didnt take me long before I finally drifted back to sleep with the little family I have left.

Ik im so sorry its short but I wanted to give you guys a POV from Zari's Dad (Marcus). And thank you all for the votes and everything it means a lot to me. <3

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