Cliff Burton - Pt 2

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I didn't think about Evie much for the rest of the weekend. The guys and I were trying to get our album together, as well as using the weekend to drink without consequence. So by the time Monday had rolled around I admit I had largely forgotten about the girl in the black trench coat.

It didn't help I was nursing a hangover that day, my head pounding all through english class.

It was lunch when I headed out to the smoke pit, our name for the spot under the bleachers where seniors would chill and smoke weed and cigarettes.

As I approached I saw a dark shape sitting on the highest point of the bleachers, above the few stoners that sat underneath. She held a lighter to her cigarette at the same moment she caught my eye. She smiled slyly and beckoned me closer with her finger.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"They wouldn't let me sit with them" She said as I climbed up the seats.

"Pit's only for the seniors, sorry" I said and sat down, pulling a cigarette from the pack in my pocket and held it between my teeth. She lit it with her lighter

"Yeah I'm sure that's why" She muttered

"Not a good first day then?" I inquired, examining her. Her hair was down this time, in two braids on either side of her. I could see now how ridiculously long it was, the ends resting on the seat next to her.

"Something like that" She said amusingly. We watched the cheerleader emerge from the gym doors and walk past us onto the football field to practice. One eyed Evie up and down harshly

"Freak" She said snidely. Evie made a peace sign with her fingers and licked between them, making mockingly raunchy eyes at the cheerleader. The blonde looked visibly flustered and turned away. Evie laughed and took a drag off her smoke.

My eyes widened. She saw my shocked expression and laughed again.

"Sorry, I've found fun ways to deal with the preppies over the years"

"I can imagine you would have had to" I said. She shrugged, looking off into the field. I thought about what Connie said, and I felt my hands start to twitch with nervousness. I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"So I guess that means you aren't going to the afterparty tonight?"

"No I am" She said casually.

"Oh, I wouldn't have pegged you for the type" She looked at me again, amused

"What would you have pegged me for then?"

"You just didn't seem like the kind for 'preppy' parties" I stuttered, flustered. I thought I had offended her.

"Relax Burton I'm messing with you" She thumped her fist against the front pocket of my denim jacket.

"I go to parties for the same reason everyone else does: the free booze. It doesn't mean I have to like the people there"

"So are you going with like... your boyfriend..?" She narrowed her eyes at me as she took another drag and lifted her chin to exhale.

"No, I'm waiting for you to ask me" She said bluntly. I stared at her in disbelief for a moment. She laughed at my obvious shock.

"You were about to ask me right?"

"Well, I mean... yeah. Yeah I was"

"Good. I didn't want to have to go with your short european friend"

I chuckled and for a moment there was an odd feeling of warmth between us, my heart was pounding and colour was flushing in her cheeks.

"So, I'll meet you there? Around 10?" She said, smiling embarrassingly. I just nodded like an idiot.

80's Band Oneshots/ ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt