
Comincia dall'inizio

Many questions were nagging at my brain. But somehow I knew that just spitting out questions won't give me the answers I wanted. The two silhouettes  in front of me snapping me out of my trance.

,,Sorry did you say anything?" I ask bitting the inside of my cheek. I'm zooming out again, one of my bad habits.  This tend to happen a lot when I was little and I was with my head stuck in a book trying to figure out bloody riddles until my head started to hurt.  Don't get me wrong , I always found out the answer one way or another,  but I kept zooming out and looking further into the question , adding my own questions to it.

And I can't help but feel the need to find the answer to this Riddle.

Both of them blink at me before breaking into a small laughter making my cheeks turn scarlet red.  ,,You just looked like the whole future flashed before your eyes."

A small nervous chuckle escapes my mouth .  Where would be the first place to go if you needed answers about someone? Or more like the most evil wizard's son?

I stood up abruptly almost knocking the armchair behind me in the process, it's legs scraping against the marble stone floor.

A mumbled apology left my lips before I was walking out the infirmary doors going straight for the common room. For some reason I feel like I should be scared, terrified, of the raven-haired boy. But I didn't feel that. Not even remotly scared.
On my way there I was hoping to see even a glimpse of  that  boy and confront him.

For some reason I didn't,  and some part of me is really glad about it. I came face to face with the portrait of our common room, hissing the password and walking through the make shifted door sprinting up to my dorm not even stopping at the sound of my name coming somewhere from the green and black couches.

I opened my door and slammed it shut behind me locking it with  multiple locking charms. The last thing I wanted is someone interrupting me. I was going through my trunk trying to find a small green diary. I don't own a diary because I feel the need to write down my biggest secrets on paper for everyone and anyone to see. Even tho sometimes it feels good to let it all out and write it down when you don't have anyone to talk to. Especially when a Notice-Me-Not spell is easy to use.

A victorious smile tuged on my lips the moment my fingers found the tail of the diary.  I pulled it out and plopped on my perfectly made bed, stretching my hand out and using non verbal magic to accio a quill from my desk. I freeze in shock. Did I just? I've never tried using non verbal spells before and succeed so well. My mind went back to the raven-haired boy before I could think any further about the unexplainable act.

I was scrolling through the full written pages finally stopping at an empty page with one heading. Draco Malfoy. I crossed the name out ,his mental sketch could wait and wrote a new name above.

Mattheo Riddle

As dangerous as it sounds. I'm going to  solve this riddle.


The next couple of days passed by in a blur.  Draco woke up the following morning and with Mrs Pomfrey's help he was back on his feet in no time.

I was trying to have a normal eye to eye conversation with him , both of us sitting in the armchairs next to Pansy's  bed when she finally woke up  groaning while  trying to sit up only to be pushed back down by Mrs Pomfrey, who came out rushing in seconds  and having a potion  down her throat.

Her face formed into one of disgust before turning her head to her visitors.

,,Look who finally woke up." I sing.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 M.R.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora