Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

When they came out they were all in short dresses that had a sweetheart neckline and where black to just underneath the boobs and then there was a piece of black lace to the waist before falling down in a plain colour. El's was a purple colour, Dani's was turquoise and Perrie's was blue. They each looked different but amazing in their dresses. "You look perfect. Each of you look perfect." I beamed.

We all went and got changed and then headed up to the counter to pay. I just got out my card to pay for my dress when Niall handed the cashier his card. I glared at him but he shrugged. "I'm not letting you buy your prom dress." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me out of the shop. "I hate you right now." I glared at him. "No, you obviously love me babe." He winked, pulling me closer into his side, tightly wrapping an arm around my waist. "You're right there I guess." I smiled, although he couldn't see me because he was focused on the path ahead of us.

Niall lead me into a shoe shop and pulled me over to a section of really fancy shoes, soon everyone else joined us. "Girls, look at these." I called over the girls. They all came over to me and looked at shoes I'd fell in love with. "They're perfect." Danielle gasped. "I was thinking maybe we could all have a pair to wear?" I suggested. "That's a good idea, gosh we have such good ideas today girls." Perrie laughed. All the girls laughed and picked out their shoe size in the heels. We took them to the counter to pay but once again Niall managed to pay. I don't even know how. "How dare you think you could pay for them." He tutted. "You know, I'm going to pay for anything you need for this prom." He smiled. "Oh really now, Horan?" I questioned him. "Yes really." He said seriously. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking.

After a while of aimlessly walking around the shopping centre, us girls decided to part from the boys and go looks for accessories and makeup that we might need, we were also going to book ourselves an appointment in the salon spa for a mani pedi each and our hair done.

After our appointments for Saturday were booked we went into Claire's and looked for accessories. Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie ended up buying matching flower crowns. After our or should I say the girls' accessories were bought we went into the bag store next door and looked for a clutch to use. I ended up buying a sliver glittery clutch, Dani bought a turquoise clutch, El bought the same one as me and Perrie bought a large black patent envelope clutch. Finally, we'd bought everything we needed to so we went down to the food court and looked for the boys.

Unsurprisingly, we saw then through the window of Nandos so we headed inside. We went and sat with them at the table and Niall instantly draped an arm over my shoulders. "Buy anything nice, babe?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess so." I smiled. "Well good." He beamed. I nodded and took a sip of his drink. "After we've finished up here we need to go and get your guy's tuxes and your ties and shoes." Dani proposed. "Why can't we choose them on our own?" Louis whined. "Because, Louis, we're not as stupid as you think. We know you'd choose something ridiculous and you need to look good." El said, pinching Louis' cheeks.

Luckily, the boys were being amazing that day and decided to order us food so we finished up quickly and then went into a suit store called 'Greenwoods'. Once we were inside Dani went up to a worker and asked to show us were the prom tuxedos were. She showed us to a selection of tuxedos and us girls immediately started browsing. "Girls, come over here." Liam said. Us girls went over and we all smiles at each other when we saw the tux Liam had picked out. It was a simple black tux with a white shirt, black dress trousers and a black suit jacket. "It's perfect." I smiled. "You should go get it fitted to each of your sizes and then you can just wear a different colour tie each." I said. "That's a brilliant idea, princess." Niall kissed my cheek and then took the tuxedo over to a worker to get it fitted for each of them.

They went into a dressing room each and us girls waited for them return so we could see what they looked like. When they came out I couldn't tear my eyes away from Niall. "Oh my gosh." I gasped. "Do I look okay, Di?" He asked me. I barely nodded, my eyes wide. "Great! We'll take one in each of our sizes!" Liam said to a worker. He nodded and went to place the price. Each of the boys went and paid for their tuxes and then we went to find a tie shop to buy their ties.

Eventually, we found one and started rummaging through shelves to find a tie for each boy. Niall ended up buying a pink one to match my dress, Liam a turquoise one to match Dani's dress, Louis a purple one to match El's dress, Zayn a blue one to math Perrie's dress and then Harry bought a black one since he didn't have a date and it was just simple for him. The boys already had some shoes to wear and like us girls the shoes were the same so they boys would also have matching shoes.

After a long and tiring day of shopping we went home and just watched some films, obviously after putting away all our purchases. I couldn't wait for the day of prom. Thanks to Sarah, I wasn't going to be missing out on the biggest part of high school.

A/N: I know that this chapter is boring, the last few have been but that's because I'm just not myself at the minute. I'm trying really hard but it is a task so please respect the chapters. This chapter is just a filler so that's the main reason it's not all that interesting.

I love you

-Li xox

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