In the blink of an eye, a familiar face shows up in her peripheral vision on an auxiliary camera. The sim Pilot she and Alexa had met at base darts over, slowing to a stop as they take in the severity of the situation. Their gaze turns to the crumpled Pilot in front of Harpy, who is struggling to crawl away uselessly.

   Silo approaches the enemy Pilot smoothly, showing no emotion. Their Devotion is held in one hand, where their finger just barely rests on the trigger.

   "Fucking sim," the Pilot spits out. "Figures you'd show up to save the defective Titan. Not-a-real-Pilot comes to save the not-a-real-Titan."

   To the side, the sound of the Scorch fighting off its attacker rings out clearly. Trees are uprooted by their brute force, chunks of earth being torn up and thrown by Titan feet digging into the terrain.

   Calmly, silently, Silo levels the Devotion with the Pilot's head.

   "You'll never be one of us," the Pilot continues to hiss. "It's useless, anyways. That Titan's damaged beyond repair. What're you gonna do about it?"

   Metal screeches. Harpy diverts her gaze to the side.

   The quadruped Titan assigned to Silo is positively tearing into the Scorch. One of the Scorch's legs is mangled beyond use, while the Titan uses one giant hand to grab onto the enemy's optic to rip it out. The Scorch screeches, feebly charging its Thermal Shield once more, though it does nothing but spittle flames. The Shield arm is then addressed, rendered from the body with one firm yank, tossed to the side carelessly.

   Silo bleeps to it, something akin to a whistle. The Shire turns his head to look at his Pilot. Silo points to Harpy's discarded Railgun where it had been thrown aside and forgotten. He crushes the Scorch's remaining leg thoroughly to ensure it doesn't get away before trotting over to pick up the Northstar's weapon. He looks almost apologetic as he raises it, unfamiliar hands trying to figure out the lay of the weapon. Silo sends another blip of noise to him.

   "Understood." The Shire's voice rumbles out. His head turns back to Harpy. "Silo says this is for you," the hint of a smirk in his voice as he turns back to the enemy Titan. The Scorch tries to crawl away; Shire stamps one foreleg down on its ravaged chassis to pin it down and hold it still. She watches as the gun primes a shot, the tip glowing where it's aimed at the vulnerable underside of the Titan. The shot rings out resoundly, the Scorch falling limp. Shire huffs one last disdainful burst of air at it before turning away and leaving it to smolder.

   Meanwhile, the enemy Pilot writhes on the ground as the Link is broken. "You fuckers!" they bellow. "You're undeserving! You have not earned your victory!"

   Silo shifts their gaze back down, discretely pulling the Devotion's trigger and finishing them off.

   Shire gallops back over to Silo and Harpy, humming worriedly as he takes in Harpy's state. "Silo," he speaks. "Go find Alexa. Let her know Harpy is still functioning. Perhaps keep the fact that she is severely damaged quiet until we are ready to evacuate to keep her from panicking."

   Silo nods, chirping an affirmative, before turning to skitter away back into the fray to search out the other Pilot.

   "Do not heed anything that Pilot said to you," Shire rumbles to her, unholstering his arm cannon from his back. "They were spiteful. Likely, they were somewhat jealous of what you and Alexa have."

   Harpy tries to let out a curious blip, but nothing comes out. Shire seems to catch on anyways.

   "Other factions do not allow their Pilots and Titans to get so close as we do," he explains. "Their odds of losing each other in battle are much higher. They are far more reckless. Oftentimes, they are simply sent in as a distraction. Their death may have even been foreseen."

   He shuffles closer to Harpy, towering over her protectively. With his free arm, he helps to prop Harpy up against his legs. He also hands her the Plasma Railgun, silently apologizing for handling her weapon without asking.

   She feels far more safe with a solid object propping her up and her gun back in her hand.

   "Damage you have sustained is not fatal, though it is severe," Shire reports. "You will likely be out of commission for a while." He huffs. "Enjoy it while you can."

   By now, Alexa and Silo are in sight. Alexa tears across the scarred battlefield towards her Titan as Silo struggles to keep up on their nimble feet. Alexa is fearfully rambling as she approaches, though Harpy cannot tell what she is saying. Her Pilot clambers up onto her chassis with Shire's help, where she looks straight into Harpy's optic unwaveringly.

   "You're okay," she says shakily. "You're okay. You're alright. Help is here." Gently, she cradles the damaged optic in her gloved palms.

   Harpy does her best to show she acknowledges the words. The best she can manage is to narrow her optic shutters trustingly.

   Overhead, a dropship breaks into the atmosphere. Silo bweeps at them, waiting for Shire to translate.

   "Dropship en route," he informs. "We will be out of here shortly." Even though the threat has retreated, he still stands over her stoically.

   Eventually, the ship lands and the recovery crew rushes out.

   "Damn," one of them grimaces. "You sure it's--"

   Alexa whips her head to glare at them. Silo shrugs apologetically behind her.

   "Yes," Shire interjects. "It is severe, but fixable."

   "How are you getting her in?" Alexa frets.

   "Oh, uh," another one of the recovery crew stutters. "We brought straps; we were just going to carry her underneath back."

   "Absolutely not," Shire stomps a foot. "You brought a dropship meant to accommodate Titans. That is how we are going to use it."

   Silo whistles at Shire's sudden attitude, to which he huffs once more at.

   "But how...?"

   Wordlessly, Shire reholsters his weapon, then stoops over to address Harpy. "I apologize if this is uncomfortable," he murmurs before easily hefting her into the air. She squawks ungraciously, remaining arm scrabbling to grab on to something stable, which ends up being Shire's forearm. He smoothly walks into the spacious ship, settling her down with the utmost care. Alexa trots in after her, quick to assume her position at the damaged Titan's side. Harpy does her best to curl her arm around Alexa.

   Shire settles into a lying position across from her, legs tucked neatly underneath his bulk. Silo clambers up onto his broad back.

   The silence stretches as technicians rush to address the worst of Harpy's injuries. A new battery instantly perks her up. She nudges Alexa to get her attention.

   "What do we say, now?" Harpy's voice is full of mirth.

   "Thank you," Alexa says in a rush. "Honestly. Truthfully."

   Silo chirps and waves a hand dismissively.

   "Pilot Silo says 'it's no big deal'. I disagree, but to each their own."

   Silo squawks indignantly at their Titan. Shire sends a burst of binary right back at them, leaving Silo stunned at whatever he said. In one smooth movement, Shire shifts one hand to smother Silo.

   "Heed them no mind. Focus on recovering."

and thats the end of the first abomination
This one was made by my friend, we shall call them beat! They're really good at writing things between our titans/pilots
Harpy and Alex(grapple pilot) belong to me!
Shire and Silo(phase shifter) belong to beat!
Speaking of which
Harpy : Prime Northstar with a dark purple paint job with gold accents 
Shire : Quadrupedal Centaur like titan with a gray-blue color with silver accents

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