Start from the beginning

"i'm tired." she replied.

"then i hope you like what the muggles call," he thought for a minute "'coffee' is it?"


harlow sat in dumbledore's office, opposite to him with a coffee placed on the desk in front of her. on either side of him was professor mcgonagall and professor snape. if looks could kill, harlow would have been long gone.

"if one more person accuses me of unleashing whatever's in that chamber i'm gonna lose my shit." harlow fumed.

"language, miss potter." dumbledore scolded.

"sorry. i will lose my shit, respectfully sir."

"is that what you did to colin? you lost it on him?" he inquired.

"for the last time no. holy shit." she rolled her eyes.

"you're telling me me it is a coincidence that you were the first one at both of the scenes?" dumbledore said.

harlow shrugged her shoulders, "i don't know, maybe the universe just hates me."

snape chimed in, his acid tone still very present. he leaned over on dumbledore's desk and slammed his hand down on it, making harlow jump, "miss potter, i don't think you understand the severity of this issue."

cunt. she thought to herself, "here's an idea, maybe pull out a family tree, do some research on whose the actual heir of slytherin instead of accusing me of shit i didn't do." the lights in the room flickered with harlow's increasing anger.

"miss potter, i hope you understand if we have anymore circumstantial evidence we will have no choice to expel you."

"expel me?" she couldn't help but laugh out of pure anger, the lights were still flickering in the room. "what are you gonna do? send me home to my parents? oh wait you can't they're dead. probably because you weren't strong enough to defeat voldemort."

"you are just as entitled and arrogant as your ass of a father." snape spat.

"severus-" mcgonagall began. harlow would never know what she would've said because she was interrupted by the sudden shatter of all of the lightening bulbs in the room. glass was scattered all over the floor, the only light coming from the candles around the room.

the image of her father's caring, gentle eyes shot into her head, and then the image of his cold, dead, eyes glaring into her soul as the life was drained out of him.

she looked up at him, fire in her eyes. "don't you ever talk about my father." she turned to dumbledore, a tear rolled down her cheek. "are we done here?" she asked.

dumbledore was at a loss for words, "yes."

harlow ran out, she don't know why she snapped at them or why her anger towards dumbledore was so violent. all she knew is she hated professor snape and that she wanted to scream.

she walked through the corridor furiously, she approached the hallway with all of the awards on the walls and the trophies in cases. with tears rolling down her cheeks, let out a yell, with a motion of her hand the glass shattered on the outside of the trophy cases and all of the awards came crashing down from the walls.

harlow closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she opened them again and looked around at what she had done. she looked behind her and saw the shocked expressions of dumbledore, professor mcgonagall, and professor snape. her vision was blurred by tears. she turned around and ran out of their sight, leaving her professor's in horrified shock.

"i haven't seen power like that since-" professor mcgonagall was cut off.

"voldemort." dumbledore finished for her.

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²Where stories live. Discover now