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For you Its_Shanaya_here happy birthday dear 😘

Warning: Slang words have will be used in this ff; don't read it if you are uncomfortable.

A young boy is shown entering a big mansion..

"Hey oldies" said the boy with a chuckle for which he received a glare from a women sitting straight in front of him.

"Don't call us that" stated the women with a cute pout. "Do we look like oldies?" Asked the man sitting beside her. "We are still young" said the man answering his own question.

"Yaa yaa ik, you guys are the youngsters in ur late forties, aren't you"

"yes we are" both the oldies replied at the same time causing the boy to roll his eyes...

"Helloooo people" said a girl entering the mansion.

"Hello pari" the three said at once

"Dadd I missed you" said pari hugging the same old man

"I am here too, if you can't see me" said the women sitting next to him..

"I am here for you mama" said the boy going towards her...

"My boy" she said kissing his head...

"Mama, papa I wanna ask something to you.." pari said being straight

"Sure angel, go on"

"I wanna hear ur love storyyy daddd, plzzzz" she stated standing up squealing... "I wanna know how The Siddharth Nigam met Avneet kaur" she continued

"I wanna know that too" said the boy getting up

"U really want to hear that children" conformed avneet

"Yess...oldies" said the boy

"I said don't call us that Krish" clarified Siddharth that he wasn't an oldie yet..

"Fine just tell us ur story" said krish irritated

"Wait  let me get some snack" avneet got up from the comfy couch to grab some snacks

Meanwhile.. .

"Uk, ur mom was so madly in love with me that she said she would suicide if I don't marry her... Thet too in front of the whole collage" said Siddharth in a whisper so that avi won't hear it...

"She stood on the terrace of the collage and threat people that she would jump if I wouldn't accept her proposal" Siddharth continued bit this time avneet was right behind him.

"Ohh dad I know u r my dad, so, you must have been the star of the collage like me" said pari still not noticing avneet.

"Yes... he was a star" avneet said as she sat on the couch again..

"Everyone in the whole damn collage was scared of him. I was the only one who could stop him if he starts once" She continued as she settled on the couch
"I wonder how his frds stoped him before I came" she completed looking at their children..

"Whoo that's cool dad" stated krish spinning around...

"I know, I was a really cool guy, and still I am cool" Siddharth smirked

"Dad pari has a boy friend" krish said being serious. Pari chocked the water she was drinking, Siddharth flinched and about avneet she was sitting like nothing happened.... She knew her son pretty well in that manner.

"What the hell" shouted the duo of dad and daughter

"Why are you shouting" asked Siddharth looking at pari

"Dad I don't have a boy friend" pari almost yelled

"Don't lie if you have one pari" Siddharth became serious.
But the serious environment was soon replaced by the laughter from Krish 

"And you say you are cool" he said in between his laughs and avneet stated laughing too. Pari threw a pillow at Krish and the pillow fight began. Siddharth took a chance and slipped his hand inside avneet's t-shirt. She was shocked

"What are you doing" she whisper shouted

"Just trying to romance with my dear wife, is there any problem?" He replied being innocent..

"Urgg don't try being innocent cause I know you are not" avneet got irritated

"Ohh really, so should I go horny" Siddharth started moving towards avneet after saying that. Until they heard some fake coughs

They turned back to find

Complete the sentence in the comments

That's it  for now

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Hope you liked it and Its_Shanaya_here happy birthday once again

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