(I made the skin and Ik it isn't perfect lol)

"Follow me." He spoke gently towards her. With a nod she followed Clay's character out of the flower field. He led her over to a giant building made out of dark oak and birch wood, her favorites.

He led her inside the large building. She looked around with widened eyes. There was a big grouping of tables in the middle of the room while a river of water flowed around it. A row of flowers also had wrapped around the tables. It was absolutely stunning.

 It was absolutely stunning

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"This is.. wow." Hadlee was absolutely speechless. It wasn't an over the top build but to her it was perfect. It was the thought that counted anyway.

Clay lead Hadlee over to one the tables where he did /sit which made him sit on the stair. Hadlee followed him and did the same.

Wilbur appeared out of no where and went in front of the two.

"Hello! Welcome to resultant de la Wilbur Soot. What can I get you all tonight?" Wilbur asked, his accent stuck out to Hadlee as he spoke.

"I would like your finest cooked beef." Clay spoke with a small chuckle.

"I'll have some rabbit please." Hadlee said giggling softly. With a nod Wilbur turned and sprinted away from the two.

"So Hadlee I just wanted to sa-" Clay started but was interrupted by someone joining the discord server.

"Hadlee leave this date with Dream and go on a date with me instead!" Quackity yelled joining the world. He ran over to the two and started throwing flowers at Hadlee.

"Hadlee we were meant to be! Not you and Dream! I can treat you so much better!" Quackity exclaimed shifting towards her. Hadlee let out a small giggle while trying to contain her laughter.

"Fuck off Quackity . She's mine." Clay grumbled. I'm his. Hadlee thought.

"Fuck you Dream! Hadlee loves me! She just doesn't know it yet!" Quackity said turning towards Clay and hitting him. Hadlee had to cover her mouth to hold in her laughter.

"As if." Clay scoffed.

"Let's fight this out like real men!" Quackity exclaimed pulling out a netherite sword. Hadlee's eyes widened. She quickly muted her mic and turned to her stream although they couldn't see her.

   "Chat this is getting intense." She mumbled before unmuting and going back to the game. Now Clay held an iron sword and the two slowly circled around each other in the middle of the room. Hadlee had just noticed that most of the tables were destroyed and were no longer there.

   Quackity did the first hit. Which Clay instantly responded to and hit him back.

   "Hey! No fighting in my restaurant!" Wilbur yelled running back into the room. Quackity quickly turned to Wilbur and began hitting him.

  WilburSoot was slain by Quackity

   "Oh my." Hadlee mumbled as the two went back to fighting.

   "Dream you just have to open your eyes and realize she loves me!" Quackity yelled. Dream just scoffed before the call went silent.

Quackity was slain by Dream

   "That should be a lesson to everyone if they try to steal my girl." He spoke lowly. His girl. Quackity wailed in the call and fake cried. Clay quickly kicked Quackity from the call before sitting back at our table.

   "Sorry about that." He said with a chuckle. Hadlee giggled at the two's interaction.

   "That wasn't how I planned this to go." He mumbled. He almost sounded nervous, it was cute.

   "It's okay. This is the best Minecraft date I've ever been on. Well it's the only one I've been on but that doesn't matter." She rambled. Clay chuckled.

   The two simply said goodbye to their streams before switching over to FaceTime on their phones and just talked about anything random that had come up in their heads.

   Hadlee had fallen asleep on the phone. Clay had a full view of how she was cuddling a stuffed animal and her blanket pulled tightly around her. He used this to his advantage and took a few FaceTime screenshots.

   "I'm in love with you Hadlee." Clay spoke softly and the girl snores quietly. With a smile he propped his phone against his bedside, making sure it was plugged in. He laid down on his bed and pulled the comforters around him. That night the two of them both fell asleep with a smile on their face.

Precious Moments ~DreamwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now