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Third Person POV

   "I have to make a quick stop before we head back to my house." Hadlee mumbled pulling into the parking lot of the book store. She got out of her car, Nick and Clay following behind her.

   "Oh Hadlee I picked out some new books for you!" The older man exclaimed as her, Clay, and Nick entered the book store. Hadlee had the books that she had gotten before in her hands, ready to return them. The man came back quickly with a small stack of books in his hands.

   "I do have to say this book was by far my favorite in this stack." Hadlee said pointing out the book Between the Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys. The old man chuckled taking the book from her and putting in the return pile. 

   Hadlee's eyes scanned over the new covers of books that she had not read yet. With a smile she swooped them up in her arms.

   "Have more books for me next week Harold." Hadlee said walking out. Harold let out a laugh as she exited the store. 

   "Don't get in the car yet boys. I want to take you somewhere." Hadlee mumbled to the boys who nodded at her. She walked over to her trunk and put the books in nicely, making sure none would tear or rip. When she was content with how they were sitting she closed the trunk and went back to the oddly silent boys.

   They walked down the side walk in a comfortable silence. Hadlee would randomly tell them facts about her small town before not talking any more. They walked further down the sidewalk until Hadlee saw a group of girls. They were talking and gossiping like normal teenage girls do.  

   The two boys instantly felt the mood in the air shift and they neared the group. The groups gossiping had stopped and they looked over at Hadlee who had hung her head low, trying not to gain their attention. It's just a tad too late for that.

   Clay could feel the nerves rolling off Hadlee and noticed how her pace seemed to quicken. Quickly he reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers before giving it a small squeeze. Her eyes left the ground as they met his. He gave her a smile which she had returned. 

   "Oh Hadlee! How lovely it is to see you. How long has it been? Since Junior year." A voice spoke. Hadlee froze and looked over at the girl who held her head higher than the rest of them. Her old best friend Callie. The girl who ditched her after the whole Kaden thing had went down. 

    "Callie." She spoke with a soft voice, trying to cover up how nervous she was.

   "You look... good." Callie said, her eyes trailing down Hadlee's frame. Hadlee smiled slightly to seem kind, almost like a silent thank you.

   "I saw something went down with Kaden again. Just like last year huh." She spoke. A look of remorse crossed her eyes but she masked it. Hadlee looked around uncomfortably before nodding.

   "I am sorry that you want to catch up with Hadlee but we are on a time limit so we have to go." Clay said before pulling Hadlee away. Once they were far enough away Hadlee let out a thankful breath.

  "Thank you Clay. That was an old best friend of mine from high school that left me after Kaden spread rumors. It's just a little awkward between us." Hadlee mumbled Clay nodded and smiled at her. 

   As they arrived at the place Hadlee wanted to show them, the whole mood shifted to a happy one. The boys looked around amazed at the graffiti filled streets. People stood in front of the walls taking pictures in front of them while others were just looking around at the amazing art work.

   "Why didn't you bring this into my life sooner!" Nick exclaimed running over to a blue flame and pulling out his phone, asking a stranger to take a picture of him. Clay stood next to Hadlee as he looked around more.

   "This place is honestly so sick. So much talent." He mumbled running one of his hands along the curves of the art work. Hadlee giggled before grabbing Nick's arm with her only open hand, since Clay was holding the other. She dragged them towards the end of the alley only to stop in front of a large portrait.

  "Holy shit." Nick said looking over the painting. (Picture of the painting at the end of the chapter)

   "This one is by far the best." Clay said going up closer to look at it better. Hadlee smiled at the boys before squatting down and running her hands over the creators. Feeling the gaze of the boys she looked up at them. They both looked down at her with a confused expression. She just gave them a smile.

   "My mother, sister, and I painted this two years ago." Hadlee said standing back up. The boys eyes widened at the statement she told. She let out a giggle and looked at the work again. 

   Hadlee didn't talk about her sister and mom much. A little after the Kaden situation Hadlee, her mom, sister, and Hadlee's father all got in a horrible car accident that caused the life of her mother and sister. She was lucky enough to say her final goodbyes in the hospital before they had passed. She left with cuts, bruises, a broken arm, and three broken ribs. While her father got away with a horrible head scratch. 

   It still pained Hadlee to think about her mother and sister due to how close the three of them had been. Hadlee often came to this painting when she was feeling lost or conflicted. She felt almost like her sister and mother could talk to her through the painting and make her feel better. It was odd but it was what helped her the most. 

   "You did this!" Nick exclaimed still surprised. Hadlee nodded with a laugh. Clay turned to her with a wide smile.

   "This is absolutely beautiful Hadlee! I didn't know you could paint!" He exclaimed. Hadlee smiled brightly.

   "I didn't know either until mother had me do this with her. Ever since then I tend to help out with some newer artist on these portraits." Hadlee explained looking around the alley. They both nodded before examining her work again. 

   When they had arrived home that night Nick was quick to say goodnight and headed to the guest room. Clay and Hadlee made their way into her room where Clay instantly tackled her onto the bed in a hug. She laughed and wrapped her arms around him.

   After they got situated into the bed Hadlee looked down at Clay. Clay had laid with his head on her chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her body. Hadlee's hands ran through Clay's hair as she pushed him to sleep. 

   "Goodnight Clay." Hadlee said as she noticed Clay's breaths were starting to slow. 

   "Goodnight Hadlee." He mumbled back before slipping off into sleep.  

The painting:

The painting:

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