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Third Person POV

"Tommy I should tell them." Hadlee said when she woke up. Tommy had been playing on the SMP while Hadlee had slept. He looked over at her.

"Tell who?" He asked. Hadlee looked over at him.

"Everyone. YouTube." She mumbled. Tommy gave her a small nod. Before walking over and sitting next to her on the bed.

  "If you are ready to tell your story then I 100% support you." Tommy said pulling Hadlee into a hug. Hadlee smiled slightly and hugged the British boy back.

   "Thank you for being here Tommy." She mumbled into his shoulder. He leaned his head more onto Hadlee and nodded.

   "I always have been and always will be. That's what best friends do." Tommy said.

Tw!! Mention of rape and date rape drugs!!!

  "Hello YouTube." Hadlee sat in Tommy's room in front of his computer so she would have a mic and pc to record on.

   She didn't have a face cam and she was glad because then they would see how truly vulnerable she was.

   "So as probably all of you know Kaden had shared a tweet revealing something very personal. I know some of you may not believe me even after I say this but I just need to say it." Hadlee paused and choked back a sob. Tommy's hand found hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  "Almost everything Kaden had said was true. Further into our relationship we had become very distant but it wasn't me who was, it was him. After my papa had died I had been going through a rough patch." Hadlee stopped and took a deep breath.

   "I would always ask if I could FaceTime Kaden, or even rant to him, but the answer would always be no. He stopped coming over but also became very rude to me. Calling me names and things like that. I have actual text proof of all of this as well." She started.

"Kaden had taken me to a party where he thought I would let loose and stop moping around after the loss of my papa. I decided it was worth a shot. The party itself was incredibly boring. I had only had what I thought was two drinks."

   "I kept the same one and never sat it down because I knew the possible consequences. A guy walked up to me and offered me a drink. So I wasn't rude I accepted kindly. I guess the alcohol I had messed with my brain because I didn't realize he had slipped a date rape drug into the drink." Tears leaked out of her eyes which Tommy had quickly wiped away.

   "I-I everything was so fuzzy after that. I didn't remember anything that had happened after that until Kaden had confronted me a few days after ignoring me. Little bits of pieces came back at different times." She started stuttering more as her nerves for higher.

   "T-The man who slipped the drug into my drink had brought me upstairs and he uh, he uhm r-raped me." Hadlee let out a silent sob and she started to relive the memory.

   "I-I had woken up the next morning naked and there was so much blood everywhere. I didn't know what happened. I only remember waking up then I passed out again and woke up in my bedroom. I don't even remember how I had gotten there." She mumbled out looking over at Tommy for reassurance. With a quick nod and small smile she went on.

   "Kaden knew the man who had raped me and knew what his plans were. Kaden just chose to ignore it and move on, using it as a chance to break up with me." Hadlee bit onto her lower lip.

    "I know not all of you will believe me but this is the truth. What Kaden had tweeted was not." She said before she ended recording.

   Tommy led the girl over to bed as she sobbed in his arms for the third time, although he didn't care. He knew she was hurting and that she needed him. So he was going to be there.

BigH_Davis: "My Story" is out on YouTube now. please go watch it.

Tommyinnit: I love you Hadlee

KarlJacobs: I believe you Hadlee, and I am here for you always :)

Sapnap: I love you buddy <333

User68: She really thinks people will believe her. Wow, fucking pathetic

User17: I still can't believe that Hadlee has to explain this a SECOND time.
User94: facts^^^

User57: Hadlee is so sweet, I don't know how she would ever cheat on someone
User46: Not everyone acts how they do on social media than they do irl

User30: Hadlee is Poggers!!
GeorgeNotFound: ^^^^
Quackity: ^^^^
Tubbo_: Hadlee is very poggers
Tommyinnit: ^^^^

Quackity: I'm always here for you big H

Dream: talk to me whenever lee. I'll ALWAYS be here<3

Kaden.Mark: Believe what you want but you're still a cheating bitch #CancelHadleeDavis
User20: ^^^^

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