The man managed to punch her on her cheek as she was distracted looking at me earlier. She quickly regained her pace and clutter his face with her fists. I tried stopping them but things got out of hand already.

Roseanne's POV

I really hate it when someone underestimates what I can do. If he thought he can beat me, just because he's a 'guy'. Well, that's where he's wrong.

Unfortunately for him, when it comes to fist fight or anything that involves fighting, I hate losing. I'm going to beat his ass until this boy cries and begs me to stop.

I put my fists onto his weird nose to eliminate any vision he might have had but he's stronger than I imagined he would be. Something tells me he's used to this kind of stuff which excites me more. A challenge, I see.

He pushed me bringing me back to my senses. I kicked him on his knees making him wobble and lose his balance. Miss Kim was trying to say something but I was more focused on his client.

Things escalated fast as we were now beating the shit out each other inside the house, particularly at the veranda.

I saw him grabbing a vase on the console table and threw it at my direction but I already knew he was going to do that so I managed to get away with it.

I'm not sure how long we've been attacking one another, like some gladiator, when we heard a gunshot.

I was holding onto one of the vases displayed on the living room. Miss Kim pointed the gun to my direction.

"Relax, Miss. I was just fixing this vase on its place. It's crooked," I forced a smile while placing the item back.

"Bullshit. Just fixing...I'm not stupid!" She lowered her weapon then walked closer to stand between us. Both of us were catching our breath.

"If I didn't pull that trigger, you won't end this chaos," She said to me and proceed to go to this asshole's direction.

"Jongin, I'm so sorry this happened," She rubbed his arms which made me roll my eyes.

"I just wanted to teach that woman a lesson. Why don't you just fire that painter of yours instead? I might have called off our transaction because of her," He said which perked my attention on him.

"I'm leaving. Just don't forget about our dinner date," He said before he left, my eyes darted on him.

"Um, just call me," Miss Kim managed to reply back.

Her gaze went back to me. She stomped her way to where I'm standing.

"You! Get out of my property! I'm kicking you out!" She grumbled pointing a finger at me, which annoyed me more.

"Excuse me, Miss?" I'm holding myself together. Any minute now, I'm going to explode.

"I'm saying, you are fired! Get out of my house now!" She shouted more in my face.

"What about our contract?" I retorted. I didn't waste my time working here for free if that's what she's thinking.

"What contract? I didn't sign any contract, just so you know." I can see her eyes bulging out in their sockets. But, I'm even madder with what she's blabbering about.

"Okay! But, pay for all the work that I did in your house for the past four days," I grumbled. I can't believe this was happening.

"What do you mean work? Do you realize how expensive all that vases you ruined?!"

"I'm not the one who broke your precious vases. Your visitor did!" I raised my voice a little as I grew impatient. It's true, that man was stupid enough to throw those vases and missed his shot.

"Yah! All this won't happen if it weren't for your stupid act. This..." She pointed on the broken porcelains on the floor. "This is all your fault," She continued her speech.

"If I will sum up all the damage you've caused, you won't be able to pay them even if you work for me for ten years! But, I wouldn't charge you anymore. So, get out! Out!" Her voice was so hard, the veins on her neck were popping.

I glared at her for a moment. Nostrils flaring, as I stood in front of her, fist clenched on both my sides.

"No wonder you had a poor attitude, you're spit is white," I muttered lowly.

She wiped it off from her chin immediately. "Asshole! That's your paint!" She snapped when she realized what it was.

"You know what, you're not just irascible, but you also have a rough attitude, " I looked intently on her eyes with furrowed brows before walking past her.

I heard her protests but I didn't look back. I swung the door open and slammed it shut then left.


Hope you all are doing good and enjoying the story so far!

I appreciate if you leave a comment to know what you think of it. 🙆‍♀️

xx, rj 👻

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