- Hi guys. - smiled Soyeon and waved at the class. - I'm glad to be back. I hope we'll get along well.

The talking was getting noisy again until a big, harsh sound hadn't stopped the students. It was a chair that fell to the ground while its owner was standing, staring at the 'new' classmate. Everyone was looking at him, not understanding what's his problem. But after all, they were just curious, not surprised because it was Han Seojun, they would be surprised if he wouldn't do something random that gets everybody's attention.

- You... - started the boy, but got interrupted immediately.

- Ya, Han Seojun! - said another voice virtuously.

Now everybody turned to Lee Suho, as he also stood up from his place and was glancing at the mentioned boy. The students turned their heads back and forth between the two, afraid that they will fight again. You could've felt the tension between them. The two of them didn't get on well but usually, they avoided each other. If they didn't, Suho just tried to ignore the other one and let him do whatever he wanted. But now, he was the one who started this all. From the outside, both of them just seemed angry, but inside they didn't even know what they should feel. Now that the girl is back...

Seojun was opening his mouth to respond to Suho, but another person was quicker.

- What's up with you two? - asked Yoon Soyeon confusedly.

When she last saw the two of them, they were on good terms. She knew a lot of things happened and it was hard to accept things, but she thought the two of them were still friends. She thought they were there for each other. After she was gone she believed that at least Suho and Seojun were in contact with each other if they didn't look for her.

- Khm...Okay, calm down class. - said the homeroom teacher. - Sit back down and you can talk when the class is over. Soyeon, there's an empty sea...

- Teacher! - shouted a guy jumping up from his place. - She can sit here! This was her seat before.

He pointed at the chair that he was standing in front of and then made his way to the empty desk while smiling at the girl. The spot that he left behind was right in front of Han Seojun. That was the girl's original place before she left.
She was hesitating. She had her plan, she had to talk to the boy anyway, but she was afraid it will be too early. However, she said thank you and took the seat. She felt everyone's eyes on her which really bothered her. She hated attention. She was fine with it in the past but after that accident...She didn't want people to pay attention to her.

- Let's start the lesson, shall we? - clapped Mr.Han which caused the whole class to be outraged.


- Soyeon! - jumped in front of her seat Sua as soon as the bell rang.

She wasn't the only one. Half of the class came closer to talk to her, to ask about things, and so on. And she just smiled and nodded, answering everything she was comfortable with. Soyeon eyes stopped on a girl she didn't know. She was staring at her for too long because Sua noticed it and dragged the unknown girl right beside her with a genuine smile. 

- This is Lim Jugyeong, our new classmate and a very good friend. I hope you two will get along well and we can hang out together. Ahh and Soojin too. - pointed to the mentioned girl who stayed in her place and just greeted Soyeon. - Ahh I already can see the four of us doing everything together!

Sua was so happy and hyperactive. Soyeon missed this kind of energy from her life. This girl right in front of her was a cheerful, positive, beautiful, and helpful character, and Soyeon saw she didn't change a bit. Soojin either. The smart girl stayed back because she knew she will have a chance to talk to Soyeon when not everyone was after her. Soyeon didn't know anything about this Jugyeong girl but she tried to be nice to her because if Sua and Soojin liked her, probably she was about to like her too.

- Tell us about Los Angeles! How was it? - asked a boy's voice that covered all the other questions.

- It was really good. I liked it there. - she said briefly and when she saw the audience isn't satisfied she continued with a sassy smile. - And the boys were so hot.

All the girls started to scream and talk, cutting each other's sentences and Soyeon just laughed at them. She was expecting that reaction. She heard all kinds of questions about American boys. Did she have a boyfriend there? Was she playing around with all the hot boys? Did she know a lot of them? Would she introduce one to them? Wasn't it hard to speak English with them? And so on and so on. It kept going until a frustrated voice didn't cut them off.

- Tch, sure she went to LA to collect boys... - hissed Han Seojun, and although he said it quietly a lot of students heard.

- Ahh someone's jealous! - laughed a girl and the others followed.

- Aish what are you even saying? - got up from his place the boy, putting his hands into his pocket.

Not a lot of people cared about him, they have already decided that he was jealous.
In the past, Soyeon, Seojun, and Suho were good friends because of Seyeon, and many people thought that the girl was dating one of them. But this never really was the case. The girl only knew them because they were his brother's friends, and this is why they got close. Soyeon always saw these two as two more brothers. And both Han Seojun and Lee Suho cared about her and treated her like a sister.
But of course, there is the saying 'girls and boys can't be just friends' and because of that people never accepted when they said they were just friends. Now that they didn't meet for a whole year, looks like nothing really changed in the students' minds.

- They are not a couple! - spoke up a brunette girl with a sniffy voice. - Her brother would've never let that ha...

She couldn't finish her sentence because this time Soyeon got up from her seat, staring into the speaking girl's eyes, who lost all her words.
Soyeon was slightly shaking, but nobody could decide if it was because of anger or because of sadness. She barely came back to school and the first thing she hears is the subject that everyone would have avoided in her presence. The brunette bit her lips and suddenly the floor got really interesting. The class went quiet and it seemed like they even held their breath.

- Yah! - shouted Seojun and stepped closer to the girl who had just spoken.

- Don't... - started Yoon Soyeon in a low voice.

The boy stopped and sent an angry glance to the brunette, then turned around. His face immediately got a softer expression.
But the 'new' classmate didn't pay attention to him. She slowly walked closer to the loudmouthed person not taking her eyes off of her. Everybody just watched them, and no one knew what was about to happen. Eyes widen once the brunette's head turned to the side with a shocked face.

Soyeon slapped her.

- Don't ever, dare to talk about my brother. - her voice was threatening, and even those got goosebumps who weren't even close to her. - This goes to all of you. 

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