"Thank you ever so much"

"Anytime Miss"he replied softly.

Next I went to the shop called Spirited Spritz is was a fragrance shop which had all sort of unusual smells.

I strolled into the small doorway which opened up into a big open plan room. Floor to ceiling cupboards full of different fragrances ranging from old spices to herbs.

"Hello dear"A old women called from behind a wooden counter.

"Hi"I smiled
"I'm looking for a specific smell, it's a strong and spiced and it has a hint of musk."

"I know which one your talking about, it's a very indulgent smell" the women replied grabbing a bottle and handing it towards me.

"Thank you, how much?"

"That will be 7 Galleons"

I handed the money and made my way out of the shop back into the cold village, the snow had started to sprinkle again. The soft flakes landed on my hair making it look somewhat sparkly. I had only two more presents to get which was for Taylah and Cora but I just headed to get them some sweets from Weasleys' wizard Wheezes.

I got everything I wanted and headed to where me and Draco first parted.

"Celia you ready to go back"Draco mumbled shoving something in the pocket of his coat.

I skipped Merrily towards him.  I tried to snatch whatever was in his coat pocket but failed.

"STOP" he yelled nearly deafening me.

"Woah sorry"I exclaimed putting my hands up.


We both stood outside Hogwarts ready to apparate to the manor with our trunks.
I gripped onto dracos arm and felt it twist away from me I redoubled my grip. Everything went black and we was pressed very hard from all directions it felt like iron bands tightening around my chest as my ear drums where being pushed deep into my skull.
Then we where suddenly outside the manor which greeted us eagerly.

We walked up to the door and Draco already headed inside while I was left Dragging my trunk up the stairs grunting as it got stuck on a stone slab. I groaned as it wouldn't move. I heard deep steps coming from behind me and I turned around to face Severus looking over me.

"Professor" I said in a teasing tone.

"Miss...Malfoy"he said flicking my name of his tongue.
"Need some help" he gestured towards my trunk.

"Please" I groaned as I left him to bring it up.

I entered the house and as always it was dull with it sumptuously decorated with the odd piece of holly hanging off the dark purple walls.

I heard loud footsteps coming from the drawing room with the sound of a cane hitting the floor making it echo throughout the hallway.

"Father" I greeted him with a soft smile.

"Celia, I trust you got here with no problems" he said coldly narrowing his eyes at me.

"Of course" I nodded.

"I see you was too lazy to bring your own trunk in" Lucius said striding towards the door.
"Leave It Severus, let the girl bring it in herself"

"Very well" Severus said leaving it at the top of the stairs. He brushed passed me and entered the drawing room with everyone else.

I really hate my father, he treated me so differently to Draco and I hated it. He never took pride in me or complemented me. Well I guess that's just Lucius isn't it. I dragged my trunk along the floor making a screeching noise as it dragged along. I summoned one of the house elf's to take it to my room.

"Celia dinner" Lucius shouted.

I walked into the room and saw my mother who gave me a sad smile. I sat down on the ornate table. It was illuminated by the several chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a roaring fire beneath a handsome marble mantelpiece which was surrounded by a gilded mirror.
Severus and my parents was opposite me. Delectable food was already set up on the table. It looked delicious. I started to put food onto my plate including some delightful roast beef and carrots.

"So Severus how was Celia with her detentions, I'm sure you made them dreadful" he examined digging around the food on his plate.

"Yes I made her do all sorts of work" Severus said bluntly but with a tight tug on his lips.

I nearly choked on my juice as he said that. Severus turned his gaze on me as I avoided his eyes trying not to blush. 'No one notice. No one notice.'I kept thinking 

"It was awful" I replied rolling my eyes trying my best to seem annoyed.

"You seem flustered" Draco sniggered.

"Shut up Draco" I exclaimed slapping his arm.

"Now, now Celia play nicely" Lucius said.

I just responded with a nod and began putting food in my mouth as elegantly as I could. I glanced over to Severus who still had a smirk lingering as he ate. I felt a leg brush against me making me stiffen up. I tried to ignore it for the rest of dinner but Severus made it clear he missed my touch. I wanted him. I wanted all of him.


I hurried up to my room and shut the door behind me. I started pacing across my room thinking to myself.
'We would surly get caught trying to do stuff here. My father would know. It's too risky. But gosh I want Severus.' I kept saying to myself. Until I heard a knock at the door.

I ran over and flung it open to see Severus peering in.

"What are you doing"I snapped quietly.
"My father could see"

"He is downstairs don't worry Celia"
"Come to my room"

"What. When?" I questioned.

"Tonight" he said leaning against the doorway.

"It's to risky Severus" I answered honestly.

"Don't you like danger"he hummed placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I do. But-" I said leaning into his touch. Wanting him.

"No buts. Come tonight otherwise I will make you" he smirked turning on his heel down the hallway.

'Oh how I longed for his touch. But this is risky.' Is it too risky?

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