Pancakes For Two

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Evan watches the video carefully, smiling at Tyler's emphasis on everyone taking a small break from YouTube to help Evan and he can't help but feel hopeful and happy. He glances at Jonathan, "Pancakes?"

Jonathan yawns as he heads over to Evan looking at the pancakes in progress and he grins, "You know me so well. Pancakes are the best!" He heads over to the kettle, "Coffee?"

Evan smiles slightly, "Two sugars please with a splash of milk." Evan looks back to the pancakes and flips the current pancake over, he had already made two so this wasn't an issue. Evan glances at Jonathan suddenly realising how well they work together within a kitchen environment together, not unlike a couple who are in sync.

Jonathan catches Evan's eye and the younger man quickly looks away but Jonathan doesn't want to deny that he thinks the exact same thing. Jonathan slowly speaks up, "Um... Pretty much everyone will be arriving tomorrow." He hesitates, "So... We have a day for just us two. Is there anything you want to do before everyone starts arriving tomorrow?"

Evan shrugs nonchalantly, hoping Jonathan won't bring up the awkwardness that is very clearly in the air as he responds, "I suppose we could play some games... There's not a lot to do with just us two. I mean, we could go shopping, I guess? I need to pick up some card games and maybe board games. I wonder if they'll be bringing their gaming PC's so that we can all play online together..."

Jonathan chuckles, "I never realised you worried this much... You have nothing to be anxious about, Ev." Evan relishes the nickname, hoping that Jonathan could claim the nickname as his own but he remembers that he has other friends who use it. "You're the most amazing person I know, you always manage to figure it out. And if not... You're extremely calm which is great in tense situations."

Evan smiles a little as he places the pancake on the plate, "How many pancakes did you want?" Evan's smile widens when Jonathan hands him a mug and he takes a sip, breathing a deep sigh as he takes in everything that's happened, helping himself to relax more.

Jonathan shrugs as he pat's Evan's shoulder, "I'll just take one. I don't really eat in the mornings so one is good enough for me." Evan nods, separating one of the pancakes onto another plate and pulling out some whipped cream, sauces and a mixture of berries, "Wow... You go all out on pancakes, huh?"

Evan laughs lightly, "I'm not sure what you like on your pancakes so... I just grabbed everything that I know I have when I eat pancakes on pancake day." The two share a smile and Evan quickly clears his throat, "I usually just have maple syrup and maybe whipped cream but I wasn't sure what you wanted... So anything on this counter is ready for your use... Or just anything in the kitchen, you may like peanut butter on your pancakes. Which is totally fine! I--"

Jonathan grins at Evan, "Wow... I have never seen you so flustered before. I'm fine with just having what you're having, Ev. Are you feeling all right? Were you worried I would think you're weird?"

Evan laughs nervously, "What? I am weird. We're all weird because there's no such thing as normal... I was... Worried." He bites his tongue, "I just didn't want you to think... To think that I was trying to disqualify any peculiar taste you may have. We all like different things, I was just trying not to make anything sound weird because I didn't want you to feel weird about putting anything on your pancakes." He face palms internally, what an idiot.

Jonathan's smile subsides, "Hey... Ev, you don't have to worry about upsetting or offending me. I'm the weirdest person you have ever come across... But I'm also one of your best friends, you don't have to be careful around me. You've said worse things on call with the group. I can handle anything you throw my way, I guarantee it."

Evan forces a smile, somehow, he had managed to fix it. Evan squirts the maple syrup followed by whipped cream on both plates before putting everything away again and the two sit opposite each other at the table to eat their pancakes in an uncomfortable silence.

After finishing breakfast, the two head out to the shops to pick up some games like Evan had suggested earlier. Jonathan pulls out four packs of Uno, all the same original packet and Evan raises an eyebrow at him, "We need this many packs for our friends. Otherwise, we may not have enough cards."

Evan nods slowly, "That's a fair point... I hadn't really thought about it like that. It's not a problem, we'll just have to choose our games wisely so that it can be up to fifteen players at most."

Jonathan chuckles, "That was quick maths. How many people have you worked out are coming? I sent the invite to everyone. How many are coming?"

Evan rolls his eyes with a small smile, "About nine. We have Scotty (aka Fourzer0seven), Brian (aka Terroriser), David (aka Daithi De Nogla), Tyler (aka I Am Wildcat), Anthony (aka BigJigglyPanda), Brock (aka Moo), Marcel (aka BasicallyIDoWrk), Ryan (aka Ohmwrecker) and Luke (aka CaRtOoNz)."

Jonathan smiles a little, "Wow... I'm kind of impressed you remember everyone off the top of your head. What about Jaren (aka Smii7y)?"

Evan shrugs slightly, "I would never forget any of my friends... Unless we're forgetting we were friends with Craig (aka Mini Ladd)." He hesitates, "Jaren can't make it."

Jonathan scoffs, "Ev, no. We're not to mention that name ever again. Not after what he did. It's unforgivable. Soliciting minors," he shivers at the thought, "It's disgusting. We don't need to reminisce on the times that we had with him."

Evan nods once as he grabs a few boxes of simple playing cards off the shelf, "I know. Plus, Brian will go ape shit at the name. It's just weird to think about it, you know? He was a good friend but what he did was unforgivable and unforgettable." He bites the inside of his cheek as they continue down the aisle.

Jonathan turns to look at Evan, their eyes meeting and locking, even if Jonathan is looking from behind a mask. For a moment, the world seems to fade away around them and they are stuck staring at each other in an unaltered gaze which they can't seem to break free of. A woman walks over to them, "Excuse me? Could you grab that for me?" Jonathan forces himself to look away, grabbing the game and handing it to the woman, "How come you're wearing a hockey mask?"

Evan quickly speaks up, clearly seeing Jonathan hesitate, "He's very self conscious about his looks. He has extreme anxiety. It's a sort of comfort thing." The woman smiles a little but heads off anyway, "We... We should get going."

Jonathan smiles up at Evan, "T-thanks for that... I just... I didn't know what to say. What am I supposed to reply with? Hi, I'm a YouTuber who hides his face and this is one of my closest friends who doesn't even know what I look like."

Evan looks down, trying to think of a response, "You... You could always show me your face. I get it's weird and I know how awkward the situation is... But it would make it easier for you when going out and I have been waiting to see what's behind that mask for a long ass time."

Jonathan chuckles nervously, "M-maybe... If I showed you then I would have to show the rest of the group... Not that this is such a bad idea..." He frowns, "I'll think on it. Let's go." Evan nods with a smile and they head for the tills.

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