Chapter 17 - Aurora

Start from the beginning

"Get creative... you're a dancer." He grins, ah... that's where he's going.

I nod and stand up, I bend then and spread my legs slowly before moving into the spilts, "o don't know if that counts as sexy, but there you go... I'm flexible."

"That's sexy." He nods.

He picks dare too, I dare him to try and do the spilts, as far down as he can, we're currently laughing so hard as he shouts that he'd stuck, his legs pointing in different directions, he's not that far down, but it's far enough, I can imagine it might hurt a bit.

"Please help me up." He laughs, reaching one of his hands towards me, his other hand holding him up, keeping him from falling any further.

I stand up and gently pull him up, still laughing, he looks at me and play I fully shoves my shoulder before rearranging his crotch, "fuck..." he grumbles, "that seriously hurts."

"You need to work on your stretches." I joke.

"No, no I don't. No more stretching." He laughs, "I think I've ruptured a ball."

I burst out with a giggle then, "oh my god! Is that even possible?"

"I don't know, but I'm pretty stuff I've done it, Wanna check it out for me?" He winks.

"No... I'm all good thanks love." I grin cheekily, "I'll leave that to you, and choose a truth for myself."

"Truth... hmm okay. Did you fancy me before last night?" He asks me.

I look at him, "I mean... yeah. I thought you were attractive, you are attractive... I wasn't expecting it at all though, I never would have acted on my attraction... I didn't think you'd want to do that with me..."


I think about that for a second, "em, I don't know to be quite honest, you're you...and I'm me? And by that I mean I'm not famous or anything, or like a super gorgeous model..."

"Do you think I'd only be interested in famous people or models?" He hums.

"Well... no I don't mean it like that. Not badly or anything. Just that those are probably a lot of the people that you know..."

He nods, "I get it, but I'm not, just interested in those type of people, I think you're pretty, you could definitely be a model..." he says, smiling and shrugging, almost shyly.

"Thank you, I don't think that, but only because I can't walk in heels!" I joke lightly. He laughs along with me and then he moves on picking a dare for himself, I don't know what to dare him to do, this is such a juvenile game but I don't know how far to go with it.

"Do a sexy dance." I grin at him.

"Oh you're in for a treat." He boasts and stands to his feet, he moves slightly closer to me, wiggling his hips and moving them in circles, he removes his top and swings it around his head.

"Oh very nice, I like your use of props." I grin up at him as he continues. "Go on, get sexier." I say with a little giggle.

"I can't get sexier, this is as sexy as it gets." He grins at me, stopping just in front of me.

"That is such a lie, Styles."

"No it is not... wait, what's your last name?"

I burst out laughing, it hadn't even occurred to me that he didn't know, I mean how would he? I look at him and realise how little we actually know about one another, but yet I feel like I know him so well.

"My last name is Wilson, Aurora Marie Wilson." I say with a smile.

"That's a good name, it's like a stage name, you're already set up for a celebrity lifestyle." He says with a cheesy grin.

"Ha...yeah right." I reply with an eye roll. "It's my go now, yeah? I pick truth." I tell him.

He playfully thinks with his hand pressed against his chin, making humming noises, "is there anything physically that you would change about yourself if you could?" He asks, and for some reason that seems like the most personal question he's asked yet, I don't look at him right away, there's so many things, I'm already going through the list in my head.

"One thing... or?" I ask him, I wish I could answer with nothing, and that be the honest truth, but it's not.

"If there's more...tell me them." He says.

I nod, "I'd have smaller boobs... a smaller nose... thinner thighs and different feet, my feet are so ugly. Those are the first things I'd change if I could."

He studies me, I feel a little uncomfortable under the scrutiny, he makes no attempt to hide the way he's looking me up and down, from my head to my toes and then he shakes his head and looks right into my eyes.

"I think your boobs are pretty great, honestly, and I've seen them, a few times now. Your nose is really cute, there's nothing wrong with it, your thighs are hot and don't need to be any skinnier, and I can't really comment on your feet, I haven't looked at them a lot, but feet are weird anyway, no one likes their feet, unless it's a fetish, yours look fine to me..." he says and makes me laugh, I look at him for a long minute, replaying everything he's just said over and over, I want to argue, it's a natural instinct to deject compliments we are given, to assure the person complimenting us that we are in fact ugly and they are wrong, but I just smile at home and thank him, that makes him smile, I think he was gearing up for a discussion on this.

"Would you change anything about you?" I ask him.

"I used to always want to change the extra nipples I have four, I hated it in school, people used to laugh and point it out and I'd joke but really I hated it, but now... I find it kind of funny and I've just gotten used to them..." he says, "other than that... I don't think so? Maybe carry a little more muscle, but I could probably do that if I worked out even more." He shrugs.

"I think your muscles are just fine." I grin cheekily and we both laugh.

"Why thank you, I think all of you is fine, really fine." He grins.

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