Characters intro

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Author here, I'm too lazy to write ALL the characters introductions, they took me like 2-3 months to even finish a few, so I'm just doing this-

Kaede Akamatsu

Ultimate : Detective

Personality : hasn't changed much from the game.
Likes : True Crime movies
Dislikes : models

Shuichi Saihara

Ultimate : Assassin

Personality : like Maki, he's cold, but he can be a bit dense. However, Shuichi in this au will probably with a weird mix of Maki and Himiko.
Likes : Flower arrangement
Dislikes : Sour things

Tenko Chabashira

Ultimate : entomologist

Personality : bubbly! She's uses a lot of cute words, like "adorable", "cheeky". She likes to be a mom friend but is bad at it. She likes flirting with the girls and boys in the school. People's first impression of her is probably "wow she's like a princess".
(She might be good friends with Sonia!)
Likes : Butterfly accessories
Dislikes : Horror movies

Himiko Yumeno

Ultimate : pianist

Personality : shy, REALLY shy, scared of telling her opinions, piano is her favorite, she uses as comfort.
Likes : Video Games
Dislikes : Bug insects

Kokichi Ouma

Ultimate : ???

Personality : detective fanboy. Doesn't have much confidence since he doesn't remember his talent. Is somehow an older brother. He likes hero's too.
Likes : Arts and Crafts
Dislikes : Packed trains

Gonta Gokuhara

Ultimate : Neo Aikido master

Personality : really supportive! VERY sympathetic, and emphatic. Loves being helpful. Tries to convince the group to always eat healthy. Closest way to describe him, is kinda like a grandpa.
Likes : Udon
Dislikes : N/A

Kiibo Idabashi

Ultimate : Tennis pro

Personality : think of his personality as a fusion with Kiibo and Kiyotaka. Probably a person who would yell "No!! That's exactly 1.6 centimeters off the target!!"
Likes : Cool-patterned wrist bands
Dislikes : Vacuum cleaners

Rantaro Amami

Ultimate : Cosplayer

Personality : I'm going to ruin all those fangirls DREAMS with Rantaro- he's kinda like Kaoru. Kaoru Seta and Max (one of the defendants in the second game of Ace Attorney). Quite confident. For some reason has rose petals wherever he goes.
Likes : Anime
Dislikes : Smoke

Kirumi Tojo

Ultimate : artist

Personality : is shy, but can open up easily to those who pry. Definitely bad at keeping secrets. Has a bad habit of smiling like a demon in awkward moments. Blushes at compliments a lot. She's very nice, hardworking, and she loves giving out her support.
Likes : Copic markers
Dislikes : Small paintbrushes

Maki Harukawa

Ultimate : maid

Personality : honestly is fed up with people's shit. Her personality hasn't changed too much, as a maid, she can't really express her true self.
Likes : Children lullabies
Dislikes : Dust

Tsumugi Shirogane

Ultimate : astronaut

Personality : cynical, she hasn't changed too much, she interested in anything related to space, and stars. Unlike Kaito, she was scouted by NASA.
Likes : Stars
Dislikes : Intense cold

Kaito Momota

Ultimate : inventor

Personality : he makes inventions that seem almost impossible, so he uses his quite often "The impossible is possible! All you have to do is make it so!". Hasn't changed much.
Likes : Antiques
Dislikes : Heavy emotions

Miu Iruma

Ultimate : anthologist

Personality : loves to scare people, she hasn't changed too much, but now she has a creepy laugh ! "Keehehehe.." actually that might be the same as Kiyo- welp-
Likes : Black cats
Dislikes : Clowns

Angie Yonaga

Ultimate : magician

Personality : goofy, however she's manipulative (with no good reason), annoyingly smart, arrogant.
Likes : Confetti
Dislikes : Onions

Korekiyo Shinguji

Ultimate : robot

Personality : he wants to try to learn emotions, since he lacks them. His grandfather made him, he says he remembers having a sister but he said she died.
Likes : Emotions
Dislikes : Insults toward someone he respects.

Ryoma Hoshi

Ultimate : leader

Personality : like the others, he hasn't changed much. His organization is secret, and a mafia one.
Likes : Card games
Dislikes : Pineapple

And that should be all! :) i might remake some of these chapters.. but I still hope you all love this fanfic talentswap! I've been working on this for a while but I decided to publish it early! This fanfic will also include some art I *tried* to make! Hopefully you enjoy that too. I'll include a sprinkle of some ships, and some drama~ and some plot twists for trials and stuff.

Danganronpa V3 talent swap!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ