Chapter 12

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"Of course, what do you need to talk about?" Luka comforted.
"Marinette sat down on a bench and luka sat with her.
"I need to tell you something..."
She looked up at luka and gazed into his eyes.
"Your a very good friend to comfort me, look out for me and write the most amazing songs!"
Marinette looked away.
Luka slowly blinked at marinette.
"I-i just don't-"
"I know marinette." luka interrupted.
Marinette looked back up at luka, surprised.
"Wha- you do?!"
"You love adrien.."
"How do you-"
"I see the way you look at him." Luka said looking off.
"You two are meant for eachother and i get that. I would never want to interfere with the relationship you guys have..." Luka said as his gaze saddened.
He looked back at marinette and smiled.
"It's ok marinette..."
He lightly kissed her cheek and got up. He nodded his head towards her and walked away.
Marinette got up and opened her mouth to say something but she was too stunned to say anything.
"What have i done..." she whispered to herself.
She watched as luka walked away and slowly disappeared.
"Tikki i have to do something!" She said as she started to walk forward.
Tikki flew out and stopped marinette from walking any further.
"Marinette you did the right thing!"
"I know but-"
"You have to understand that luka is okay! He already knew and accepted it!"
Marinette looked down with tears welling in her eyes.
Tikki hugged her.
"It's gonna be okay marinette."
She headed out of the park. Adrien was in his car and spotted marinette. She doesn't look too good... i should help her.
"Hey can you stop for a second? I'll be quick!"
His bodyguard slowly stopped the car and adrien got out.
Marinette looked up and saw adrien walking towards her.
"Adrien?! What are you doing here?!"
"You looked sad so i wanted to check up on you. Are you alright?"
"Yep! I'm...great..."
Adrien saw her sad expression.
Marinette looked up and saw how sad adrien looked.
"A-are you okay? You seem sad too."
Adrien look away.
"Yea i um..lost my fencing competition.."
"Oh i'm sorry.."
"It's ok" adrien said slowly looking back up at marinette.
"MARINETTE DUPEN-CHANG!" And angry voice howled.
Adrien and marinette looked around startled. They spotted a figure ahead of them. She had red horns, red skin and a broken heart pattern on her chest. She leapt at marinette. Adrien crashes into marinette and they both rolled out of the way. Adrien got up and held his hand out to marinette. She took his hand blushing, and he helped her up.
"Who are you?!" They said.
"I am heart turner! And i am here to destroy you marinette!"
"Wha- but why?!"
"You turned adrien against me! So i'm here to turn him and everyone else against you!"
"What are you talking about?!" Marinette said confused.
Adrien realized who it was.
She turned to adrien and started walking towards him with her hand out.
Marinette ran in front of adrien.
"No! I'm the one you want right? Take me!" Marinette shouted.
"Marinette no!"
Marinette turned around and whispered to adrien.
"Don't worry i'm just buying us time. Go run and hide!"
"What about you?!"
"I'm sure cat noir or ladybug will show up!"
Adrien nodded. He ran and hid.
"Time to transform! Plagg Claws Out!"
He transformed and ran back outside. He saw how close heart turner was to marinette.
He ran up to her and whacked her with his stick. Heart turner lost balance and fell over. Chat grabbed marinette and ran. He extended his stick and went on the rooftop.
"Chat! We have to go back incase she finds adrien!"
Chat tried to come up with an excuse.
"I um already got him to safety!"
Marinette sighed in relief.
Chat ran to marinettes house. He placed her on her balcony.
"Go hide!" He said
"What about you?!" Marinette said worriedly.
"I'll be fine! After all i'm ladybugs partner!" He said springing off the roof.
She waited until she was sure he was gone.
"Tikki time to transform! Tikki Spots On!"
She transformed and ran to find chat.
She spotted him trying not to get hit by heart turner. She jumped down.
"Need a hand?" She said landing.
"Purrfect timing m'lady!"
"Alright let's find the akuma!"
They looked around her while battling, but saw nothing.
"Where is it?" Ladybug said.
"What about her gloves!" Chat shouted.
Ladybug looked at her gloves and noticed they were black instead of red.
"Why would it be in her gloves?!" Ladybug questioned.
"Because they are fencing gloves!" Chat said
"Your right!" Ladybug said trying to grab the one without power.
Heart turner pulled away from them.
"Where did you put marinette!" She snapped.
"I'll never tell you! Marinette is far and safe from you!" Chat responded.
"Fine! I'll just turn everyone against you. Paris loves you? Well now they won't!" Heart turner said grabbing anyone in her path.  Everyone she touched had a little black broken heart on their cheek. They all stared at ladybug and cat noir with hatred.
"Stop!" Ladybug yelled.
"Not until you give me marinette!" Heart turner laughed while grabbing more people.
Hawkmoth started talking to heart turner.
"Don't forget to grab their miraculouses!" He said.
"Don't worry hawkmoth, i have a plan!"
Heart turner started running away.
Ladybug used her yo-yo to grab heart turners other hand and pull her back. What she didn't know was heart turner knew this was coming. Heart turner allowed ladybug to pull her back and she twisted around. She stretched out her hand towards ladybug.
Chat saw this.
"M'lady watch out!!" He shouted.
Ladybug didn't have anywhere to run and she panicked.
Cat noir lunged in between then and grabbed ladybug. Heart turner touched chat instead of ladybug.  Ladybug saw a broken heart appear on cat noirs cheek and she gasped.


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