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Y/n's POV-
I started to leave the numbness and darkness, being pulled and rejected by it. Hoping to find peace somewhere else, but nothing. It felt like slamming into countless walls, and each wall trying to force me back into the darkness. Some how I made it through whatever was holding me back. I felt my sense slowly come back, I felt the cold air that surrounded me. My body was aching so bad. My throat was clenched in dryness, I opened my eyes, and I felt the sting of the lights being too bright. I looked around hoping to be in Recovery Girl's building, but no, I was lying in a hospital bed, with my arms handcuffed to the bed. I looked around taking in my surroundings, and saw a someone slouched over in the corner. I stiffened up in the bed wondering who was in the chair. Then the figure moved, and lifted his head up, and smiled looking at me.

"Y/n, you're awake! Lemme go get my mom and the nurse." It was Ace. I tried to loosen the cuffs, and tried to use my quirk. There was nothing, the machine next to me started to beep. Then the nurse walked in, and smiled. "How are you feeling, Ms.Arai?" I looked at her for awhile, "Good, but um, why am I in cuffs? And who contacted them?" I said looking from the nurse to Ace and his mom. "Oh sweetie! They called us and told us what happened to you! Are you okay?" Ace's mom said as she looked at me "You're in here because you overused your quirk, you should have known better than to do this yourself especially in that type of controlled situation. You're teacher and classmates would have had it all under control." The nurse said as she wrote some stuff on her clipboard. I pulled on the cuffs as the nurse shined a light in my eyes. "Ah yes, the cuffs. You were going in and out with your quirk, you started to disappear and reappear. Then your instructors came in and gave us these, but then you started to open portals and they had to come in and put them on you themselves. They also told us to not take them off of you, unless they were here."

"We have been able to do blood tests but nothing to rash. Let's hope they let you out of these soon." I nodded then thanked her. She started to walk out, "Can I get some water?" I said, before she walked out, she turned around and nodded. I looked at Ace's mom and said, "What time is it?" "It's about 11:34. Why?" She said looking at me. "I should be in school right now. That's another day of training gone out the window." I said as I sighed. "Oh, sweetie, you should stay here and rest for a couple of days, and I'm sure school is almost out for the day anyways. So don't even worry." She said grabbing my hand and holding it. "Here you go." The nurse said handing me a cup of water, and she put the pitcher on the counter.

"Anything else I can do for you?" She asked, "Could you get All Might or Eraserhead in here?" I said before she left. "They've already been contacted and told that you're awake." I nodded and thanked her. "Miss, I need you to sign some consent forms and some paperwork." She said to Mrs.Takeda. "Alright, Y/n you should get some more rest, but I'll back as soon as I'm done with those forms and stuff." She said as she waved. Ace walked up to me and pulled the chair beside me. "How've you been?" He said sitting down. "I've been better, but I'm doing good though. What about you?" He laughed, "Well I got a call from my mom saying that my childhood friend is in the hospital, and she's there because of her school? Which she desperately wants to go back to? Instead of spending time with her old friend, who she hasn't seen for years?" He said smiling. "Other then that I'm doing just peachy."

I scoffed and playfully hit his shoulder, I looked around and there was nothing brought by anyone so it was going to be easier going home. He stood and said, "Why did you leave so soon?" "I don't know. I had an opportunity and I took it. What would you have done in my situation?" He rolled his eyes and said, "I know but I thought you were happy with us. With me." He said looking at the ground. "I had to go, I have a good place here, surrounded by people who grow with me not suppress me or belittle me. I don't know what you expect me to say." I said shrugging. "So is it everything you thought it would be?" I looked at him confused for awhile. "The school?" I realized what he meant. I smiled really wide, then I nodded. "It's amazing, I've met all these amazing people. Who are like me, they don't treat me like I'm a freak. I'm one of them,  and they treat me as such." I said as I heard shuffling by the door.

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