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Bakugou's POV-
I ran into the hospital, holding Todoroki's shoulder as he ran in. "CAN WE GET A DOCTOR!!?" I yelled out into the hallway, then nurses and a guy in a white coat walked up to us. "Get me a stretcher, and get a room ready, stat!" The doctor yelled to whoever was listening. All Might and Aizawa were right behind us.

"What happened?" The doctor said looking between us all. "We were training, and she showed no injury until her quirk stopped working." "Well there's a few broken bones and lots of blood lost. Now I'm going to need you all to stay here." He said as he walked into the room. But before he could close the door he said, "She's not gone yet, I'll try my best to bring her back."

That alone sent shivers down my spine. I started to pace back and forth in the waiting room. Todoroki sat down looking at his hands, which were stained with her blood. "Go wash your hands or something!!" I said to him. He looked at me, well more like glared at me.

Then I looked away, "Just leave it." I said as I sat down putting my hands on my face. "Bakugou." Todoroki said as he moved to sit next to me. "She's gonna be alright, you have no need to freak out." I sighed, "But I could've stopped it, only if I didn't listen to Aizawa-" Then it hit me, the room, the robots, they were all made to suit her. A whole building designed just to her, robots with minds and feelings. They weren't made to train her, they were made to stop her, but from what?

There's no doubt she's powerful but I don't think- No, there's no way. Aizawa was taking notes on her, on her form, he didn't stop or let us in until she killed the robots. I got up and stood in front of Aizawa,"Why didn't you let me stop them? You know she didn't have it, but yet you stopped me. Why?" I said staring in his eyes. "You're overthinking and overreacting to this whole thing Bakugou. Now go sit down and go back to worrying about your friend." He said as he turned back to the nurse and All Might.

I slammed my hand into the wall, sweat starting to form on my body. "Calm down Bakugou. Y/n wouldn't want this, now stop before you get to carried away." Todoroki said as he held my shoulder back. I sighed, "Bakugou I think you need to go home and work this out, on your own, in private. Same thing goes for you Todoroki, you guys have done enough today." Aizawa said as he gestured to the door.

"I'm not leaving." I said. "Neither am I." Todoroki said as he stood beside me. "Leave or risk expulsion from UA." Aizawa said as he looked us dead in our eyes. I sighed, "Fine but I won't be in class tomorrow, I'll be here with my fellow classmate." Todoroki said as he started to walk out. "Bakugou?" Aizawa said looking at me. "Tch I'm leaving, but call me if she wakes up, or when they're done with her." I said following Todoroki out of the door.

Todoroki looked at the ground, "Who do you think is her emergency contact?" He said as he walked. "I don't know, but let's hope for her sake it's not her parents." He nodded and walked in a different direction. I walked back to the school and grabbed y/n's bag and mine. Then I digged in her bag looking for her keys, once I found them I went to her car. I drove back to her house and walked in, making sure I took off my shoes.

I did everything she usually did, when she gets home. Restocked the snacks, cleaned up the living room, and the kitchen. Then I looked in her fridge, and saw everything was exactly the same, nothing was missing, or out of place. She hasn't been eating like she said she was. I sighed and walked to her room, and cleaned it up for her. Fixing her stuff and her laundry, then I finally I finished, and sat on her bed. I pulled out my phone to check for messages or missed calls. Nothing, so I decided to just plug in my phone and wait.

I laid back and sniffed the air, it smelled like her. I turned around and laid on my stomach and sniffed it again, wishing I was actually smelling her. Then my phone rang, I whipped off my stray tears and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" "Bakugou, you hear anything?" Todoroki said on the other line. "No, I haven't heard anything from anyone. Have you?" "Same here, have you been called as an emergency contact?" I shook my head as if he could see me, "No, why did you?" "Nope I'm still thinking about what I said before we left." "Yeah it's probably her uncle or an aunt or something" I said with a shrug. "You're probably right, but anyways I'll call you tomorrow when I get to the hospital." "Alright, I'm just at y/n's house. You know taking care of things for her." I said as I stood up. "Well I'm sure she'll appreciate it, and Bakugou get some sleep." He said as I hung up.

Now his thoughts became mine, as I worried about her emergency contacts. Maybe it was just All Might, a family friend, or a distance family member. I knew whoever it was, was going to take care of her and if not they'd have a lot to deal with. I walked to the room at the other end of the hall and walked in, changing my clothes. Then I laid down looking up at the ceiling.

I started to dose off as I wondered who it could be, but little did I know that it wasn't a family friend but her old friend, and his family.

1008 words-

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