Morning Sunshine

114 9 2

London, England
Saturday, November 19th, 2021
7:05 am

Niall started rustling in bed the second he heard loud honking outside the windows.

"Harry." He grumbled, his Irish accent thick in his morning voice. "Shut the curtains."

"Right Niall." Harry mumbled back as he shoved a pillow over his head. "Shutting the curtains will block out the honking. I forgot we bought noise canceling curtains."

Niall shoves Harry onto the floor with annoyance. "Twat."

Niall got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day, Harry still on the floor snuggling the blanket.

"You want to go look at some venues for the wedding?" Niall asked, fixing his hair.

Not much to Niall's surprise he didn't get an answer.

The Irish man walked over to his sleeping fiancé and grabbed his arm. "Wake up H!" He whined, slightly tugging at his tattooed limb.

Still getting no response from his British lover he dragged Harry into the bathroom. With every tug the smaller man made, his mate soon started to slowly wake up.

"Fine, fine." Harry shooed as he stood up. "I'm up."

The pair fixed themselves up in their bathroom together. One putting on the collection of rings they usually wear and the other tightening his belt on the slacks that hugged his lower body nicely.

Niall smiled at Harry as the taller man finished fixing his hair messily.

"What?" Harry asked with a crooked smile, looking at Niall through the mirror.

"You're just so handsome." The smaller lad responded.

"I'm actually so lucky." Harry blushed, his dimples deepening as he gave a sheepish smile. "I'm going to be having a beautifully routine life with the man I love most." The tattooed chap whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

Niall smiled as he kissed back. Thinking of the beautiful life they were going to live together sent a calming feeling over the man. They would be sleeping together as a married couple. Going places as a married couple. Starting a family as a married couple. The former blonde couldn't be more excited.

Just as the pair pulled away from each other a loud crashing noise came from outside.

"What do you suppose that would be?" Harry asked worried.

"There's only one way to find out." Niall said back calmly, knowing only one of them was allowed to be worried. If they both panicked then they'd never solve any problems.

Niall went straight to the balcony they had in their bedroom and looked below them at the city of London.

Niall studied the truck that hit the side of the building across the street from them. Niall saw a man stumble out and land on his knees.

"Mate!" Niall shouted from the balcony. "Are you okay?"

The man just sat on his knees for a few seconds, not noticing Niall. Then he collapsed onto his side, his body starting to have spasms.

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