Let's get it on, Not

Começar do início

My mouth falls open slightly; Zhane walks by and raises his eyebrow but doesn't stop. I shut my mouth and give a nervous smile before heading to my room and shutting the door.

'That's just great. So when I have the kids am I going to get all lovey dovey with Wesker again?'

'It is probable. The only reason I told you this though was because I didn't want you to blow his actions way out of proportion.'

'Thanks but now I have to worry about setting off Wesker, he can hardly stand five minutes alone with me before he has to leave.'

'At least he isn't trying to screw you all the time. But I'd be careful just the same; the whole straw that broke the camels back might not be to far from falling if you know what I mean.'

'Yeah I know what you mean. But I don't get it, what would happen if Wesker did do that? You make it sound like something bad could happen.'

'All I am saying is that when you guys start to get physical, you get rough physical. That isn't your fault it's the virus that does it.'


A few days after that discussion Wesker had snapped. I was just sitting in the living room reading when I had to get up to go to the bathroom. I had started to walk past him when his arm shot out and he pulled me back and then up against the wall. At first I was shocked but then his mouth was on top of mine and he was basically attacking my mouth. I could feel my pulse quicken and the blood rushing, I wanted to push him away but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. He would have continued ravishing my mouth had my stomach not bumped his.

I look down and it's bigger then it was before. I look up at him and he is just as surprised-though he doesn't show it I can still tell. I get up off the wall and head straight to Zhane for some answers.

"It looks like you are three months pregnant."

I stare at him, "How can that be? I know you said that the virus was speeding up the growth but it was only at two months and two weeks a couple days ago. I just kissed him and my stomach grew, that isn't normal."

'I told you something bad could happen.'

I ignore I.S. to listen to Zhane.

"Right, and this still has something to do with the virus. My guess would have to be that you get excited when he kissed you; it causes the blood to flow faster which is also carrying the virus. And on its way through your body it passes the stomach which means more blood and more of the virus to speed up things even more."

I sit there and stare at him for a few minutes, letting it all sink in. Great Wesker wants to jump me any time he sees me and in letting him my kids grow faster causing the due date to come even closer. Why can't I have just a semi-normal pregnancy? Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"That's only my guess I have no way of proving that unless you want to try kissing him again."

I shake my head, he nods his in understanding.

"So basically what you're saying is that my kids are already growing faster then they should, but bring Wesker into the equation and things get even faster, right?"

"That's basically it yeah. But look on the bright side, if you wanted to know the babies sex you could fast forward and know right now." He has a smile on his face but I can't tell if he is joking or not.

"That's ok. I think I'm going to try and keep this as normal as I can. I don't want to speed things up just for my benefit."

When I attempt to find Wesker and tell him of this he isn't around.

Starting A FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora