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Mahira and Ameen made sure to catch up on everything for all those years they couldn't talk with each other. They talked about everything and anything. Their days began with a text and ended with either a voice call or at least a text. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other at all. It all felt so magical and unbelievable.

But of course, they never kissed or crossed their limits. The most they did was to hold hands or ruffle each other's hair. They knew what they were doing was unacceptable in their religion. It was wrong and was frowned upon. A huge sin. But they were too blinded in love to give a thought to that. Their happiness is what mattered at that time. 

All they cared about was spending time with their favourite person, who they fancied for more than a decade. It felt like a dream come true moment. It was pure bliss and they both were so much in love with each other. It really felt like a dream. Almost too good to be true. They spent an insane amount of time talking and texting with each other, as though that was the only important thing to do and had no idea that it could bite them back one day.  

"Why are you keeping that face?" Ameen asked one afternoon, as he sat on a bench opposite to a tree, where a swing was tied, on which his girlfriend sat. Her face looked unusually gloomy and nervous, almost as if she's debating to confess something to him. They were in a park, she was done with her schooling and was looking for potential colleges, he had to bunk his classes and come here urgently on her call. 

"Will you tell me or not?" Mahira raised her brows, with a nervous smile but was caught off guard when she saw her sister and his brother walking towards them furiously. They looked so confused and angry. Disappointed too. 

Ameen, who noticed her change of expression turned around and was stunned to see his brother, glaring at him. Mahira got up from the swing and he, from the bench. They gulped nervously whilst Ibrahim looked like he was going to punch him hard


Ameen trembled in fear, looking at his bhabhi for help, who was glaring at him and Mahira with a displeased look. How did he forget that Mahira was her sister first and they both have highly disappointed their siblings.

Mahira looked up at her sister, with fear and said, "He was my best friends brother's best friend."

"We both knew each other before you guys even got married." Ibrahim and Mawra passed each other a surprising look at this newfound information.

Mahira knew her sister overreacts sometimes, but her next words shook her from within. 

"You were a minor until a few months ago. I can send Ameen to jail for this you know." Mahira and Ameen's eyes widened at her words, Ibrahim was shocked too.

"Mawra, please. Stop overreacting." Mahira snapped at her, making Ameen facepalm himself, "we never cross our limits." she added. She was already irritated and annoyed regarding something and her sister's words were like adding fuel to fire. 

"Don't use that tone with my wife," Ibrahim told her off whilst squeezing his wife's hands. 

Mahira was left dumbfounded, "fine. But I'm an adult now, I can do whatever I want. You have no right to interfere in my life matters. Mind your own life, Mawra." Ameen didn't know what to do with this stupid girl, but he was in love with her and will fight till everyone accepts their relationship.

"Bhai." Ameen finally opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't form any words looking at his brother's angry glare.

"Let's go, Ibrahim, I'll tell abbu that his dear daughter has failed her twelfth board exams, I seriously didn't believe Ahil at first. But now I know exactly why did she fail."

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