13. A dream world

Start bij het begin

"We should tell the others." Oliver says, walking off.

I want to follow him, when Sara suddenly pulls my hand and leads me into a random room. Before I can process what's hoing on, she slams me against the door and connects our lips.

This was the final straw. Memories suddenly float over me. Me and her holding hands while we travel through time. The two of us making out. The two of us laughing and having fun...

I smile into the kiss and pull her closer. My hands tangle through her hair while her tongue explores my mouth.

The guy I now remember as John Diggle walks in. "What are you-"

His eyes widen when he sees us. But I just really don't feel like having this conversation.

"We should get the others." I say, dragging Sara with me.

When we arrive in the ballroom, she turns to me. "I'll go talk to Thea."

I nod and go after Haircut. "Ray, I need to talk to you."

He clearly doesn't remember me. "Kate, right? Hi. This is my fiancée, Felicity Smoak."

Felicity holds out a hand for me. "Hi. Nice to meet you. You're Laurel's friend, right?"

I'm not, but I don't have time for this, so I just roll with it. "Yeah. Can I steal him for a second?"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." She says.

I take Haircut with me. "Ray, doesn't this all feel weird to you?"

"A little." He mumbles.

"I need you to think."

He does so, but he doesn't seem to remember anything.

"Haircut!" I hiss at him.

That's when he remembers. "She's not my fiancée. My fiancée's name is Anna. Or was..."

"What's happening?" He asks me.

"You're remembering."


I hate leaving this place behind. I have my parents here, a better version of them actually... Why would I want to leave? Maybe I should just stay. My brother is in this world too. Here he has his own family with Ali, of course, but he's still here.

I even have a niece in this world. I always wanted a niece. If I go back to the real world, I am... I am nothing really. I was an assassin, but not anymore. I was a crook, but not anymore. I was a doctor with the Time Masters, but not anymore. And I am definetly NOT normal.

I don't know what I am. I should just stay here. There's nothing left for me in the real world.

But that thought quickly fades when Sara passes by. I do have something left for me in the real world. Sara. Who notices me and sits down besides me on the bench.

"What's on you mind?" She asks in that loving tone. That tone that always messes with my emotions.

But I keep it together. "Just figuring out what my place is in the world."

She runs her fingers though my hair. "What do you mean?"

I take a deep breath. "I know I never did much good, but at least I did something... Now, I don't know what I am or what I'm supposed to do. I don't think I belong anywhere."

She brushes her hand along my cheek. "You belong with me. You're a Legend."

I smile and kiss her softly.

"You two ready to-" Diggle stops himself in the middle of his sentence. "Why does this keep happening to me?" He mumbles.

"We're ready to go." I say, talking more about myself than Sara.

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu