Chapter 1

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*Ethan's POV*

I felt the soft tongue of my dog on my face to wake me up. It was probably time for me to get up anyways because my dog, Spencer, usually knows when it's time for me to let him out.

"Good morning bunko funk." I said with my words slightly slurred as I yawned and stretched. He licked my face in response, letting me know that it's time for him to get his morning fresh air.

"Okay bud just gimme a minute..." I trailed off while still being really tired from staying up studying last night for my big exams in herbology and potions. My two favorite subjects.

I slid out of bed and grabbed my wand. With a flick of my wand and a sloppy spell, the door only creaked half way open. I did the spell again, this time more aggressively and the door slammed open and bounced back closed. I was tired okay?

"SORRY MOM!" I yelled towards my door as I walked to the opposite side of my room where the door to the backyard is to let Spencer out.

As soon as he was out there I walked over to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was getting pretty long (for my standards) and my dark circles were visible. I did my normal morning routine and decided that I didn't need a shower. I looked back in the mirror and put on my glasses.

I don't feel like wearing contacts today. It's too cold and I have exams.

I walked over to the door to let Spencer back in. I could've done it with magic but it's early and I need to save my energy for the exams today. I pulled out my pocket watch and checked the time.

6:49 am. Okay I have time to get dressed and meet up with Mark before I go to class.

I opened my closet and pulled out my winter uniform. It was dark gray pants with a white button up shirt and a navy blue sweater vest to go over it, along with a navy blue tie and a black jacket with the school emblem on the chest. It was December and it was freezing right now.

I grabbed my school bag from the corner where I had packed it last night and walked into the kitchen. My mom was sitting on a chair next to the kitchen table with her reading glasses on and she was reading an old beat up book.

"Hey mom. I'm heading out." I gave her a small wave and started towards the door.

"Wait! You didn't even make eye contact with me! And don't you want any sustinance?" When I looked back there was a small smile on her face and we shared a small laugh.

"Yeah mom I'm gonna stop by the coffee shop on the way to school."

"Can I have a hug at least?"

I rolled my eyes playfully at her gesture and walked back to give her a hug.

"Okay have a good day at school! Good luck on your exams. Love you!"

"Love you too, bye."

I walked out of the door into the drizzling rain and grabbed my broom that was resting by the door. As I got on, I pulled out my wand and did a quick spell, turning it into an umbrella, and fastened it to the strap of my bag.

*Mark's POV*

I waited in Greenberg's Coffee, the small coffee shop that me and my best friend, Ethan, usually met at in the mornings before school. The clock on the wall read 6:59 am so he should be here any minute now.

As soon as I finished my thought, I saw the small boy walk into the front door of the shop. He knew our usual spot and that I usually get here first and order for both of us so he immediately started towards where I was sitting. We waved at each other and I sat up a bit in my seat.

"Hey Mark."

"Hi Ethan!"

As he sat down, I noticed that his dark circles around his eyes are darker than usual, and his hair looks like he didn't even touch it this morning.

"Did you get enough sleep last night? You look like you didn't even sleep at all!"

"Heh, yeah I had to stay up studying for exams today..." he trailed off and looked a bit confused. "Is it really that noticeable?" He said in a higher pitched voice and looked back at me with a concerned smile and furrowed eyebrows. (A/N you know the look he does)

"Um, yeah." I laughed a little bit too and took a sip of my coffee.

"Well, you can't blame me. I have exams and so do you! Did you even study at all?" He looked actually concerned even though he knew full well that I forgot to study.

"No and you know that. It's fine, it's not like I would get good grades anyways." I looked down at the table and leaned back in my chair a bit.

"What classes do you have exams in?"

"What?" I looked up at him, genuinely confused.

"What classes are your exams in. I might be able to give you my notes for you to study in home room. We have the same home room so you can just give em' back to me when the bell rings and we'll be all good!"

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you do-"

"I really don't mind." He cut me off. "Now what classes?!" He ruffled through his bag and pulled out his potions notes. "I already know you have an exam in potions since we're in the same class so here." He shoved the three papers that were stapled together into my hand.

"Wow, okay, thanks I guess." I chuckled a bit. He never does this. "Oh yeah and also I have exams in magic history and..." I trailed off. "And yeah in potions."

He ruffled through his bag again and then pulled out another packet of notes labeled "magic history" and shoved that one in my hand, this time a little more aggressively than the last, giving me a small paper cut.

"Ow." I said sarcastically.

He immediately looked up from his bag.


"You gave me a paper cut." I said with a small smirk.

He just smiled and rolled his eyes, looking back down at his bag and closing it up, swinging it back over the back of his chair.

He chugged the rest of his coffee and glanced at the clock.

"We should get going. It's 7:23 and class starts in 17 minutes so we should head out."

I copied him and chugged the rest of my coffee. As soon as I finished it I wiped my mouth and pulled my shoulder length hair into a messy ponytail on the back of my head.

"Okay, lets go."

We walked outside and grabbed our brooms and we both turned our wands into umbrellas and flew towards the school.

(A/N) hey bros!!! I'm so exited for this story. I'm really liking the idea so far and if you find anything that you think could use improvement, please comment and be honest man. I need constructive criticism so please be brutal XD anyways go drink some water :))))

fine by me. // crankiplierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora