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"Don't you dare touching her!" Mina shout when she sees a girl crying because of the bullies

"Run its Myoui Mina!" The leader of the bullies shout. Mina is about to chase them and teach those bullies some lesson but the girl who bullied stop her by holding Mina's hand

"It's fine let them, Thank you" The girl said sobbing

"Your welcome! I'm Myoui Mina" ten years old Mina said extending her hand

"Hirai Momo! Nice meeting you mina-sii" eleven years old Momo said and accept Mina's hand

"Friends? Yahhh don't cry! We will get them I will teach you how to fight" Mina said

"Yahhh Mina-yaa! what are you doing here? Ohh Hello! I'm Minatozaki Sana! I'm Mina's friend/cousin! did you make her cry Mina-sii!?" eleven years old Sana said

"No, I don't! I help her yahhh" Mina fired back

"It's true, I'm Momo! Friends?"


Third-person POV

"Let's drinkkkk!" Momo shout

"That's a good idea! Soju!? Wine!?" Sana said

"Aigoooo! we have school tomorrow" Jihyo utter

"Let's drink Jeongyeon-nieee" Nayeon said

"We have school tomorrow you badass!" Jeongyeon said

"But~" The three girl said, Mina cut them off

"We can drink.." Mina didn't finish what she's about to say when Chaeyoung cut her off

"Friday! We will drink all night this Friday!" Chaeyoung shout

"Can We join?" Dahyun and Tzuyu said

Chaeyoung's POV

After enjoying each other company we all left Nayeon unnie House. I went to my family house, I don't have my own house because eomma don't want me to be separated from them

"Noona! Your home!" Jeong-hoon said while hugging me

"Aigoooo Jeong-hoon You really miss me huh!? Is eomma home?" I said hugging him

"Yuppp, She's in the kitchen, cooking dinner" I nod as a response, I go to the kitchen to see my mom cooking so elegantly, She welcomed me with a hug

"My princess is home! aigoo~ I miss you ttalgi gongju! I'm sorry my schedule this past few days are busy you're father and I didn't give so much attention to you and your brother" My mom said in an apologetic tone

"It's Fine eomma! By the way, where's appa?" I said leaving her embrace

"His at work, He will join us for dinner, Go change!" Eomma said I do as told while I'm changing my clothes I suddenly remember what mina said earlier

"Hey chae!"

"Yes, You pervert cub!"

It keeps repeating in my head! Shit! Chae!? Did I like her? My overthink stops when my brother called me from outside

"Noona, let's eat! Appa want to see you" Jeong-hoon said

"Yes! I will follow you in a minute!" I said. After I finish fixing my self I went downstairs and went to the kitchen

"Appa! I miss you!" I said hugging my father

"Aigoo Chaeyoungie you're heavy! I miss you too princess!" He put me down while laughing 

"Come on lets eattt"

"How's your first day of school kids?" Appa ask

"Just like always" Jeong-hoon and I said, After we eat I bid my good night and goodbye... and went to my room... I try to sleep but Mina is keep flashing in my mind... her smile... those lips...

'Shit! I just meet her but I'm this crazy!?'


Chaeyoung's POV

It's already Friday we all became close to each other even we just know each other for a week, just like what we talked about we're going to Nayeon's unnie house, We discussed that we should sleep there because we will drink alcohols... When I arrived at nayeon's unnie house they're all there... I'm late!

"Chaeyoung-sii! come in!" Nayeon unnie said opening the door

"I'm sorry, I'm late I ask my parents permission before I came here" I said putting my things on the floor

"It's Fine! your not late were still not starting" Jihyo unnie said

"And please put your things in your room for tonight" Nayeon unnie said

"Room? I'm alone?" I ask

"Nope! You and Mina will share a room, Sana and tzuyu will share, Dahyun and Momo will share a room and our Straight Jihyo! Straight like a pasta will have a solo room, we talk about this earlier you can't change it because they all agree" Nayeon unnie said smiling proudly I glance to Mina who's already looking at me while smiling

"No, I don't agree!" Tzuyu shout

"Yahhh Shut up tzuyu-yahh!" Nayeon unnie said

"Shit!" I mumble to my self

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