chapter 1

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Finally. A summer of waiting and the day had arrived. The Quidditch World Cup.

Katherine grabbed the crème envelope as she walked out the door. Inside, the tickets Viktor had secured for her, the Weasleys, and a few friends. He was really trying to step up his game after their late night talks where Katherine expressed her concerns over his lack of investment in their relationship.

"Katherine!" her little brother called as she stepped over the door frame, "Don't forget your hat!"

How could she? The oversized Bulgarian scarlet and black top hat was very hard to miss. She was so excited to cheer on her boyfriend, international quidditch star Viktor Krum. They met last Christmas break when she was invited on holiday with her best friend Ivy's family. At the ski lodge in the Alps, it felt like Katherine and Viktor were the only people in the world. The transition to normal life was hard, deciding to try long distance and battling very different schedules and time zones.

"Dreaming about Vicky are ya?" George teased when he saw Katherine's worried face. The Weasley twins were some of Katherine's closest friends, they had been linked at the hip since birth. Mr. Weasley and Katherine's dad were good friends at Hogwarts and worked at the ministry together, and sometimes Katherine forgot she wasn't related to them. Fred and George knew that Katherine had been struggling with Viktor, and in turn had some Puking Pastilles they wanted to accidentally try on him.

Katherine laughed off George's greeting and gave the twins a bone crushing hug.

"For fooks sake Katherine, we just saw you yesterday," Fred was taken aback, Katherine acted like they hadn't seen each other since Kings Cross, when they really had spent most of the summer playing quidditch together.

"Well my bad," Katherine said sarcastically, "I'm just so excited, I have a good feeling about this year."

"You literally say that every year, you're such a fucking Hufflepuff." Ivy smiled at Katherine. Ivy had met the twins at the Gryffindor table after being sorted their first year. She was immediately intrigued when she caught them scooping their brussel sprouts onto Percy's plate when he was deep in conversation with Quidditch Captain Oliver Wood. Ivy became fast friends with Fred and George, and the trio became the resident pranksters at Hogwarts. It was through the twins that Katherine and Ivy met. Katherine and Ivy were lowkey a more iconic duo than Fred and George, they were like yin and yang. Katherine and Ivy told each other everything, so Katherine knew the secret crush Ivy had on Fred since last semester. 


The long trek to the portkey, weighed down by their rucksacks, was made bearable by the presence of her friends, Fred, George, and her bestie, Ivy.

Trudging behind the rest of the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione, the four found themselves arguing about whether Big Mouth was a good show. Katherine and George claimed it was kinda weird, the humor was just too crude for them. Ivy and Fred, on the other hand, loved the show. Ivy made a valid point, Katherine hadn't even seen a full episode. Katherine dismissed this, saying she'd rather spend time watching Gossip Girl or Arrested Development. Quality Television. Fred shrugged, and turned towards Ivy.

The pair quickly got side tracked from the argument and began making jokes even more childish than the ones on Big Mouth. Katherine rolled her eyes and smiled to herself. The two had seemed especially close this summer. She turned to George, who gave her a knowing grin and the friends kept walking.

"Ok miss Pinterest!" Ivy teased as Katherine took out a small shoulder bag from her backpack. As they neared the portkey, Katherine wanted to have all the essentials easily accessible. Her wet brush, dream journal, two parchment wrapped sandwiched Mrs. Weasley gave her, all in her purse. She liked to be prepared.

The friends turned as a loud thud landed behind them.

Cedric Diggory.

He ran his hand through his fluffy brown hair and dusted a few leaves off his shoulders. As he looked up at the group, Katherine noticed his kind eyes met hers first. A spark. She couldn't help but smile and look away.

But it had to just have been her imagination. There was nothing between them. Cedric and Katherine were the only two fifth year Hufflepuffs who took Advanced Divinations last year. In class they were the best of friends, both had a secret love for the art of prophecy, but imitating Professor Trelawney when she wasn't looking really brought them together. Joking side by side made the class fly by, but when the two entered the corridor of Hogwarts, they were merely acquaintances. Friendly smiles in the hall, and the occasional homework help was all they shared.

Quickly snapped out of her day dream by Fred's roaring laugh, Katherine realized she was starting to trail behind her friends. Cedric seemed to notice too and he paused for a second so she could catch up.

"Long time no see, Kath" he said with a wink, smiling down at her.

"Missed me Starboy?" She replied, batting her eyelashes, and feigning innocence.

"Wow, haven't heard that name since Trelawney's class" nudging her shoulder as they approached the large group surrounding the portkey.

Wriggling in next to Ivy, Katherine grabbed the old boot just in time. The world went black and she landed on a pile of what seemed to be her friends. As she opened her eyes she saw Cedric gracefully walk down from the sky. Katherine blushed and turned her face, accidentally hitting George with her cheek as she did.

"Geroff me!" he said playfully.

She turned to see Ivy and Fred helping each other up a few feet away, giggling.

"Need a hand?" a deep voice asked above her.

Looking up she saw Cedric's face, backlit by the bright sun behind him, illuminating him in a gentle glow. His hand outstretched to meet hers.

"Uuuhhhh, ya thanks" Katherine responded, taking Cedric's hand.

He pulled her to her feet as if she was weightless. Their fingers lingered intertwined as the two picked up their bags, only breaking when Harry ran between them, chased by Ron, causing Katherine to drop her rucksack.

"Looks heavy, let me carry that for you" Cedric offered, causing Katherine to blush again, profusely.

Watching his muscles strain as he picked up her bag, was too much for Katherine.

"Oh, uuhhhh... Ivy's calling me, I'll be right back!" she lied with a sweet smile, and dashed off to join her friends.

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