
Carole:I'm joking I'm happy that your finally together

Kurt:(walks down stairs)What Fuinn!

Finn:(kisses Quinn)

Quinn:(smashes his face into hers and slips tongue)


Quinn:(pulls away from Finns lips)(crying)Sorry Hormones I just had the urge to

Finn:Shhhh (pulls her into a hug)Shhhh it's okay

Quinn:(stops crying)I hate being hormonal

Carole:I know

Quinn:I can't control any of my emotions (eats some bacon)

Later that day Finn and Quinn laying in there bed after activities:

Quinn:Baby that felt amazing like always

Finn:You make me feel amazing

Quinn:Stop every time you flirt I get all ya know

Finn:Okay well we have to get changed for Linner

Quinn:You need to take a shower by the way

Finn:Can you help me?



Quinn:I already took a shower

Finn:Fine (goes into the bathroom and takes a shower)

Quinn:(gets changed into a dress then look into the mirror)Great everything I own hits my baby bump perfectly

Before thanksgiving dinner Finn hovering over Quinn while making out)

Quinn:(unbuckles his pants)

Rachel:(walks in)Oh Oh my god ewww (runs out)

Finn:Shoot (buckle his pants)

Fuinn:(goes down stairs)

Finn:Rach I'm so sorry you walked in on us

Rachel:You two are together


Rachel:Uhhh wow I didn't expect that

Finn:(half smiles)

Quinn:That smile is so hot (kisses him)

Rachel:Stop flirting it's gross

Quinn:Sorry I just can't help it

Rachel:When did this happen

Quinn:A few days ago

Rachel:Ohhh well I'm glad you two are happy together

Quinn:(leans her head on Finns chest)

Rachel:So are you guys active


Quinn:(punches Finn's arm)Finn!

Finn:It's the truth

Quinn:(kisses him)

Carole:Kids foods ready

Everyone:(goes to the table and sits down)

Hiram:And who is this

Quinn:I'm Quinn Finn's girlfriend

LeRoy:Where do you go to school


Hiram:I thought you were a Muggle for a second

Quinn:No I'm actually full blood wizard you might know my parents Fabray

LeRoy:We heard about your family I'm sorry for what happened


Hiram:Such a tragedy

LeRoy:I agree it makes me sick

Quinn:(runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up)

Finn:(runs after her answer starts patting Quinns back)You okay Q

Quinn:I'm sorry words like sick make me sick (throws up)

Finn:Let it all out

Quinn:What are we going to tell them

Finn:The truth

Quinn:(shakes her head)Okay (gets up and cleans her mouth out)

Finn:(kisses her and rubs her stomach)

Quinn:Can we go back to eating


Fuinn:(walks back to the table and sits down)

Hiram:Are you sick

Quinn:(holds down puke)No I'm fine

LeRoy:Did you take your temperature

Quinn:I don't need to I'm pregnant that's all

LeRoy:Wasn't expecting that one

Hiram:Me either how far along are you

Quinn:Can't be more than a month I have an appointment tomorrow to confirm but I already have all the symptoms and a little bit of a bump



Quinn's phone:You keep me hanging on

Quinn:I uhm need to take this (gets up and goes to Finns room)Hey San what's up

Santana:Just checking in

Quinn:I'm good its nice here everyone is nice kinder than I expected and Finn and I are officially dating

Santana:I'm so happy for you Quinn that's amazing

Quinn:Yeah so how about you

Santana:I'm good I wanted to know if Finn and his family and obviously you wanted to come for dessert

Quinn:They actually have company

Santana:They can come to its totally fine unless they don't know that your living there in that case you can come over now

Quinn:They know everything

Santana:Okay and who Is there need to know if there a mugel

Quinn:Rachel Berry and her dads

Santana:She's more than welcome

Quinn:Okay I have actually have to get back to the table bye love you

Santana:Bye love you too Q (hangs up)

Finn:Who was that

Quinn:Santana and were going to hers for dessert everyone is invited


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